6 results found for: Algeria

Search results for: Algeria

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LAFONT, Henri Lucien (#160)

Henry in a Hurricane ‘mad with rage’ to see France occupied, Lafont dramatically escaped Vichy-held Algeria for England – the last of the 13 French pilots in the Battle of Britain. Signed in memory of his friends Commandant René MOUCHOTTE, Bernard DUPÉRIER, and some 300 French pilots killed in the…

BARKER, John Lindsay (#307)

…No 241 prepared to move to Algeria following the successful Operation Torch landings. Re-equipped with the Spitfire, he led his pilots on intensive operations against enemy tanks and convoys as the Allied army advanced towards Tunisia. When General George Patton, the US Army commander, asked Barker to attack a target…


…and 232 were posted to North Africa to provide air support to the 1st Army in Algeria and Tunisia. He was shot down again in January 1943, this time off the Tunisian coast, but was rescued by local fishermen and taken to the shore. Here he once again evaded capture,…

TWISS, L Peter (#309)

…squadron converted on Supermarine SEAFIRES. His bar to his DSC was for his work on OPERATION TORCH, the landings in Tunisia and Algeria Peter Twiss was posted to the Naval Air Station at Ford, England to fly long-range intruder operations over Germany in Mosquito aircraft and destroyed at least three…

Royal Air Force and Commonwealth & Allied Airforces

…e/a) Fg Off George ‘Screwball’ Beurling DSO DFC* DFM* of 403, 41, 249, 412 Sqns #160 Henri Lucien LAFONT Colonel Henri Lucien LAFONT Cdr Légion d’Honneur, Comp. de la Libération, G.Off de l’Ordre de Mérite, Croix de Guerre Dramatically escaped Vichy-held Algeria for England, flew HURRICANES, one of 13 French…

Battle of Britain

…e/a) Fg Off George ‘Screwball’ Beurling DSO DFC* DFM* of 403, 41, 249, 412 Sqns #160 Henri Lucien LAFONT Colonel Henri Lucien LAFONT Cdr Légion d’Honneur, Comp. de la Libération, G.Off de l’Ordre de Mérite, Croix de Guerre Dramatically escaped Vichy-held Algeria for England, flew HURRICANES, one of 13 French…

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