6 results found for: Altmark (Boarding)

Search results for: Altmark (Boarding)

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HARGREAVES, Arnold (#287)

…BULLDOG, born in October 1917, represents the vital recovery, by the eight members of the boarding party under Sub-Lt D E Balme RN, of that most vital ENIGMA Machine and in particular the “Offizier” short Codes and procedures, retrieved from German Submarine U-Boat U-110 on 9th May 1941, which was…

CRAVEN, Geoffrey (#255)

…the heart-lifting night surprise attack bv Captain Philip VIAN and HMS COSSACK on ALTMARK (the Graf Spee’s supply ship, which entered Norwegian waters). The rescue, “The Navy’s here”, at 2230hr and rapid release back of British merchant marine prisoners into HM Warships took place on Friday night, 16Feb40. Geoffrey’s DSC…

CURTIS, Lettice (#77)

“the most remarkable woman pilot of the Second World War.” Miss Lettice Curtis boarding a Spitfire in a colourised photograph released to mark the 100th Anniversary of the Royal Air Force. (To mark the 50th Anniversary of the Royal Air Force, Alan Pollock took a somewhat different approach). Captain Pauline…

BIRD-WILSON, Harold A C ‘Birdie’ (#32)

…20, 1919, son of a Bengal tea-planter. He was sent to a boarding school in England at the age of four and a half while his parents remained in India. His reaction was to build a protective shield round himself and develop early self-reliance. He went on to Liverpool College,…

Naval & Naval Air

…in 16Feb40 night attack, Captain Philip VIAN HMS Cossack, on Graf Spee supply ship ALTMARK in NORWAY. “The Navy’s here” rescue of 299 British merchant mariners #234 R Michael CROSLEY Commander R Michael CROSLEY DSC* RNVR, RN Fleet Air Arm ace and later a test pilot. FAA fighters & MALTA…

The Editions

…The George “Tommy” Atkins (#3) The Harold Bird-Wilson (#32) The Harry Broadhurst (#22) The John “Cat’s Eyes” Cunningham (#50) The Lettice Curtis (#77) [SOLD] Miss Lettice Curtis boarding a Spitfire in a colourised photograph released to mark the 100th Anniversary of the Royal Air Force. Sold to buyers who live…

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