156 results found for: Britain (Battle of)

Search results for: Britain (Battle of)

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Battle of Britain 80 Introduction

…left, the Belgian pilot Albert Emmanuel Allx Dieudonne Jean Ghislain van den Hove d’Ertsenrijck would die a week later on Battle of Britain Day itself. Van den Hove at Beauvechain on 10th May (British troops have arrived to strengthen the airfield defences) Battle of Britain Memorial of London The Scotsman…

QUILL, Claire (#185)

…and here, in particular, those many WAAF ground control PLOTTERS and FIGHTER CONTROLLERS in and beyond the BATTLE of BRITAIN, often hearing through their headphones the savage cut and thrust of battle and too many final silences. “During the Battle of Britain the W.A.A.F.’s had undoubtedly proved themselves to be…


‘During the Battle of Britain, his mother watched him being shot down’ ‘Wing Commander Tim Elkington, who has died aged 98, was one of the last surviving pilots who fought in the Battle of Britain, and was one of only two survivors of the RAF Hurricane Wing that operated with…

LACEY, James (#7)

…that invasion was impending and a lot depended on their efforts.” As the Luftwaffe started to bomb airfields and factories, Lacey was ordered back to Britain and was stationed at Gravesend Airport for the majority of the Battle of Britain. Ginger Lacey’s thoughts on the Luftwaffe, from a 1978 BBC…

NEIL, Thomas F (#102)

…the Battle of Britain Memorial Trust. He regularly attended the annual Battle of Britain service held at Westminster Abbey. To mark the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain in 2015, he once again flew in a Spitfire, an aircraft he described as “like flying a Bugatti”. The memory of…

JOHNSON, James E (#21)

…I don’t know what is…” Squadron Leader Basil Gerald ‘Stapme’ Stapleton DFC recalls The Battle of Britain… “His score of 6 enemy aircraft destroyed, 2 shared destroyed, 8 probably destroyed and 2 damaged,[1] all achieved on Spitfires during the Battle of Britain made him one of the outstanding pilots of…

DEERE, Alan C (#49)

…box formation. Here we find an early example of the rise of health and safety. Planners had mooted the idea of having a Spitfire or Hurricane in the fly-past, but the government decided it wasn’t safe.” Daily Telegraph Battle of Britain pilots at Winston Churchill’s funeral – Alan Deere led…

TUCK, RR Stanford (#9)

…worked as a test pilot for the RAF for several years before leaving and starting a mushroom farm in Kent. Wing Commander Tuck talking to his lifelong friend, German Ace Adolf Galland at an event in Madame Tussaud’s marking the release of the 1969 film “The Battle of Britain”. Battle

LOATS, Norman (#300)

…Leyte in the Philippines, itself the key to neutralising Japanese naval power. Leyte Gulf, at times referred to as ‘the world’s greatest sea battle’, was really four major Battle actions fought over both a massive area and in both its numbers of ships and men. These battles were firstly Sibuyan…

KELLETT, Ronald G (#29)

…World War. In the Battle of Britain who had the privilege to command the legendary Polish 303 Squadron which shot down more German planes than any other RAF squadron – despite not joining the battle until August, two months after it had begun. The Battle Colours were sewn in secret…

DALTON-MORGAN, Thomas F (#306)

…Luftwaffe. Dodd’s scene conveys the simultaneous proximity and distance of the Battle of Britain; aerial combat is evident in the sky but life goes on below. History The RAF pilots who fought during the Battle of Britain were supported by thousands of servicemen and women on the ground. In this…

CAREY, Frank R (#27)

Battle of Britain. Battle of Britain by Paul Nash (1941) The son of a builder, Frank Reginald Carey was born on May 7 1912 at Brixton, South London, where he led a gang in mock battles in the streets before being sent to Belvedere School, Haywards Heath. Once, after several…

DROBINSKI, Boleslaw H (#19)

…his farm. In 1960 he was finally granted British citizenship.” The Battle of Britain London Monument Polish Fly Boys in The Battle of Britain (Polscy lotnicy w Bitwie o Anglie) Old Sarum Airfield, where Drobonski was trained and assessed, now houses the Boscombe Down Aviation Collection. Boscombe Down Aviation Collection…

ATKINS, George (#3)

…almost every British military operation since the First World War – and ‘the Fighting Cocks’, 43 (F) Squadron. Tommy had been an engineer in the pre-war motoring industry, and went on to service BATTLE OF BRITAIN HURRICANES, SPITFIRES in ITALY, & 1944/45 LANCASTERS. Among ‘The Long and the Short and…

CUNNINGHAM, John (#50)

…we thought ‘We are not going to last long against the Me 109.’ ” During the early stages of the Battle of Britain in 1940, Cunningham was relieved to be asked to experiment with a photo-electric bomb, devised to be dropped from above on heavy enemy bomber formations. When this…


…1998. His portrait was drawn by Cuthbert Orde in January 1941 (below).” Portrait of JI Kilmartin by Cuthbert Orde (January, 1941) Courtesy of wonderful The Battle of Britain London Monument’s ‘The Airmen’s Stories’ _________ RCAF No. 403 Squadron (via the ‘RCAF No. 403 Squadron’ site) Three ‘They Were There’ signatories…

Royal Air Force and Commonwealth & Allied Airforces

…air defence in the Battle of Britain”, bringing down one and damaging two. ~ As LAC [Leading Aircraftsman] MM 18Aug40 PARACHUTE & CABLE [RAF KENLEY] BATTLE OF BRITAIN Dornier kill; in SUEZ, v. mining e/a, DESERT, Aleppo, CYPRUS, OC BATTLE SCHOOL. Representing RAF REGIMENT. #96 EE RODLEY Wing Commander EE…

LAFONT, Henri Lucien (#160)

…war. Col Henry Lafont, who has died aged 91, made a dramatic escape from Vichy-held Algeria and reached England to fly Hurricanes in the Battle of Britain; he was the last of the 13 French fighter pilots to fly in the Battle. When France capitulated in June 1940, Lafont was…

Battle of Britain

…he engaged 3 Dorniers from the ground in “one of the most unusual exploits of air defence in the Battle of Britain”, bringing down one and damaging two. ~ As LAC [Leading Aircraftsman] MM 18Aug40 PARACHUTE & CABLE [RAF KENLEY] BATTLE OF BRITAIN Dornier kill; in SUEZ, v. mining e/a,…

SHEEN, Desmond FB (#88)

Group Captain Desmond Sheen 03 July 2001 Obituary courtesy of the Daily Telegraph GROUP CAPTAIN DESMOND SHEEN, who has died aged 83, was shot down twice during the Battle of Britain, in the course of which he accounted for three enemy aircraft destroyed, one shared, two probably destroyed and two…

ROSIER, Fred (#17)

…to a hospital, where he was informed by doctors that he would never fly again. After spending most of the summer under treatment he proved them wrong and was back in the air in time for the tail-end of the Battle of Britain. He also escaped serious disfigurement, although he…

SMITH, Irving S (#109)

…the UN Protection Force in Bosnia.” (Credit: The Battle of Britain London Monument) Imperial War Museums’ Oral History: Irving Smith “New Zealand officer served as pilot with and commanded 151 Sqdn, No 12 Group, Fighter Command, RAF in GB, 7/1940-3/1943 including Battle of Britain, 7/1940-10/1940; served as staff officer with…


…and German Luftwaffe. Dodd’s scene conveys the simultaneous proximity and distance of the Battle of Britain; aerial combat is evident in the sky but life goes on below. History The RAF pilots who fought during the Battle of Britain were supported by thousands of servicemen and women on the ground….

DRAKE, Billy (#168)

…French hospital he returned to England to be reunited with the survivors of his squadron. He admitted that the situation on the French front was “total chaos”. Drake spent much of the Battle of Britain training fighter pilots but, after badgering old friends, he was allowed to join No 213…

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