36 results found for: Burma

Search results for: Burma

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CALVERT, J Michael (#152)

Burma in force. He got no thanks in the short run – indeed he was reprimanded for damaging the property of the Burmah Oil Company without permission. He discovered in the long run that he had indeed done a little to hold up the Japanese advance. His casualties were light…

HOGAN, Neville G (#264)

…have the distinction of being the only siblings awarded the Victoria Cross and George Cross, both posthumously. When the Japanese invaded Burma, after earlier secondment to the 20th Burma Rifles, Major Hugh Seagrim was given the task of raising irregular guerrilla forces from the Karens and other minority communities. The…

ERCOLANI, Lucian (#215)

…1943 Ercolani went to the newly-formed No 355 Squadron. He flew many sorties deep into enemy territory, some involving a round trip of 2,000 miles, to destroy the supply networks used to reinforce and support the Burma battlefield. An important and frequent target was the Siam-Burma railway built by Allied…

CLEERE, Patrick (#236)

…” General WAVELL, C-in-C, sent him a separate, personal congratulatory letter; BURMA & ITALY Losing and burying, with his Padre Metcalfe DSO’s help, his barely identifiable BROTHER “NED”, killed in action as L/Cpl with others in his “C” SQN; few others surely have taken part in and survived as many…

British Army and Commonwealth & Allied Armies

…John A.L. HAMILTON MA for 81st WEST AFRICAN DIV & i/c GAMBIA & GOLD COAST Reg’ts, also NIGERIA, tonSIERRA LEONE ‘Forgotten Formations’ KALADAN 2nd CHINDlT Op. THURSDAY BURMA. Author War Bush: 81 (West African) Division in Burma 1943-1945. He feels the African contribution to the war is not sufficiently appreciated…

SUTCLIFFE, Douglas H (#235)

…FORCE WIRELESS AIR GUNNER and AIR GUNNERY INSTRUCTOR, for INDIA & BURMA & flew 756 OPERATIONAL HOURS in three years & six months with 139 and 62 SQUADRONS, BOMBING & as one of the first LOADMASTERS ever, dispatchers on vital LANDING in or AIR DROPPING of SUPPLIES to XIVth ARMY…

CAREY, Frank R (#27)

…December 6 2004 aged 92, was one of the highest scoring fighter pilots of the 1939-45 War; he earned 25 “kills” in the Battle of Britain and in Burma, as well as several shared victories.Carey’s career was all the more remarkable for the fact that he entered the RAF in…

GRANDY, John (#2)

…Wing in Burma. This comprised four Dakota transport squadrons which penetrated mountainous areas in monsoon storms to drop supplies to the 14th Army. On May 4 1945, he flew over Rangoon, where PoWs had painted on the roof of their prison “JAP GONE, RAF HERE, EXTRACT DIGIT”. Grandy dropped some…

HODGES, Lewis (#34)

…Hodges wished to return to operational flying following the death in action in Burma of his younger brother; he was appointed to command No 357, a special duties squadron supporting SOE’s Force 136 in south-east Asia. Meanwhile, Leigh-Mallory’s transport aircraft crashed in France en route to India, and there were…

DAVID, W Dennis (#18)

…At 23, he became a wing commander. In the New Year of 1943, following a brief spell commanding No 89 Squadron in the Western Desert, flying Beaufighters, he was posted to Ceylon. He was then promoted group captain and went to the Arakan front in Burma as air adviser to…

LAMA, Ganju (#146)

…his life. After training the 7th Gurkhas were posted to Imphal in Burma in 1943 where they took part in operations against the Japanese. Soldiers at the Battle of Imphal Ganju won his first major decoration, the Military Medal, after his unit surprised a Japanese formation on the Tiddim road…

WALTER, AE Mervyn (#232)

…the Port Facility (b) To discharge ships over GOLD, JUNO and SWORD BEACHES (c) To repair and operate the PORTS of OUISTREHAM and PORT-en-BESSIN, and, if possible, the OUISTREHAM 1 CAEN CANAL” *Chief of Combined Operations Born in 1907 out in Taungoo, BURMA, where his Father was seconded to the…

CARTER, Reginald A (#227)

…STUART & GRANT TANKS came good, disproving ambivalence over tank use in jungle warfare, a much valued aspect in the ADVANCE back into BURMA. Reg joined the ROYAL ARMOURED CORPS in late 1940 at 18 with 6 weeks of CATTERICK & Gunnery in early BOVINGTON days as Guards mechanization began;…

BRITTON, Arthur W (#305)

…from the Burma Campaign included in this archive mosaic “In the end Japan would suffer one of its greatest defeats on land in her history and the chief instrument of that particular defeat was the Indian Army. Largely officered by Britons but with representatives of every race from pre-partition India,…

BROWN, William (#156)

…story of FEPOWs who “were prisoners on the Thai/Burma railway, the Sumatra railway, the Sandakan Death Marches, in copper mines in Formosa, steel factories in Japan, building roads in Burma, air strips on Ambon, Haruka, Java, Rabaul, New Guinea and the Solomons. Also, thousands died battened down in holds on…

WALL, IT Tommy (#258)

…in writing up our extraordinary signatories. Regimental Sergeant Major WO IT Tommy WALL of 2nd Battalion WEST YORKSHIRE Regiment, for its distinguished service in KEREN Eritrea against the Italians and then later in BURMA at the key Defence of the IMPHAL Box against repeated Japanese infiltration and attacks until relieved….

RHODES JAMES, Richard (#138)

…know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. Author (e.g. Chindit, 1980), historian & teacher. Headquarters, 111th Brigade in India, Second Chindit Expedition to Burma. Short IWM oral history CHINDITS and INDIAN ARMY’s South East ASIA CD, INTELL1GENCE, SIGNALS & Orde WINGATE’s air-supported, long range penetration….

NICOLSON, Muriel (#1)

…in writing up our extraordinary signatories. WAR WIDOW of Wing Commander James NICOLSON VC DFC (the only RAF Fighter VC: 72 & 249 Squadrons, TURBINLITE, OC 27 Squadron BEAUFIGHTER operations over BURMA, (killed 2May45) ditched 355 Sqn Liberator. Representing War Widows campaign leader Mrs Iris STRANGE++ & all WAR WIDOWS…

GIBSON, John AA (#197)

…X1Vth ARMY back from BURMA. Post-war, two years with BEA, he returned to the RAF and on No.24 SQN was Field Marshal Montgomery’s and later AM Sir Arthur Tedder’s VIP pilot. (ARP)’ Johnny Gibson’s Medal Group High Flight by John Gillespie Magee Jr. (9 June 1922 – 11 December 1941)…

DAUNT, Ivan Decourcey (#251)

…eight children and born 28 Jun 1918 served with 4th Bn Queen’s Own Royal West Kent Regiment in the 1940 North West Europe Campaign in FRANCE and through DUNKIRK, then in the Western Desert and BURMA. Angus’s wife, AUDREY, was a naval tailoress for Chatham and CANADIAN born, whose father,…

MASLEN-JONES, Edward (#285)

…OBSERVATION POST SQUADRONS with himself representing the invaluable role of Artillery Spotting in the fierce fighting in BURMA of 656th AOP Sqn RAF/RA for the whole of the 14th ARMY and the 20th INDIAN DIVISION from 1943 to 1945, and then for Malaya and Java. 656 had three lights of…

CHOWDRI, Abdul Bashir (#228)


SINGH, Arjan (#132)

…(bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. No.1 Sqn IAF, including NW Frontier and fighter ops out of IMPHAL in BURMA. In memory of pre-war Cranwellians (half his Entry killed before D-Day) and representing INDIAN AIR FORCE…

CHESHIRE, Geoffrey Leonard (#31)

…bars, Distinguished Flying Cross, 1939-1945 Star, Aircrew Europe Star with Atlantic clasp, Burma Star, Defence Medal, 1939-1945 War Medal, 1953 Coronation Medal, 1977 Silver Jubilee Medal. Copyright: © IWM. Original Source: http://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/205131410 (The Medal Group is on display at the IWM) Completing three tours made Leonard ineligible for further combat…

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