5 results found for: Cassino

Search results for: Cassino

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ZURAKOWSKI, Stanislaw (#169)

…Military Cross) signs not only for the POLISH ARMY’S fighting prowess at the Battle of CASSINO and in so many other theatres of war but for his father, Stanislaw Ludwik ZURAKOWSKI, Mayor of OSTROG in 1938, and all those 4,000 POLISH military officers and leaders executed in the KATYN MASSACRE…

ATKINS, George (#3)

…battle honours and decorations awarded. The 4th, 8th and 10th Indian Divisions will always be associated with fighting at Cassino, the capture of Rome, the Arno Valley, the liberation of Florence, and the breaking of the Gothic Line. In the Serchio River Valley, on the Fifth Army front, German counterattack…

WOOLNOUGH, James A (#230)

…in breaking out from the ANZIO Beachhead proved an expensive error, since this and the CASSINO assaults had been supposed to break the GUSTAV LINE quickly – winter in turn added to the intense difficulties of the ARMOUR and INFANTRY, even with Kangaroo tactics, in taking on the GOTHIC LINE….

STRONG, Albert (#231)

…Snipers) & CASSINO. He would reassure and bring back a CSM, wounded in the upper legs. the future RSM Ronald “Tibby” BRITTAIN MBE of the COLDSTREAM GUARDS, whose fighting background and parade ground presence, his at MONS Officer Cadet Training Unit, like W.O.1 (ACM) John C LORD MVO MBE GRENADIER…

War Widows & Family Losses

…War Widows campaign leader Mrs Iris STRANGE++ & all WAR WIDOWS #169 Stanislaw ZURAKOWSKI Lieutenant Colonel Stanislaw ZURAKOWSKI PR KR + 2nd Polish Corps & as a cadet in 16th Rifles Lviv fought in 17May44 BATTLE of MONTE CASSINO & Representing POLISH ARMY’S prowess there & elsewhere, & in memory…

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