108 results found for: Combined Bomber offensive

Search results for: Combined Bomber offensive

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JOHNSON, James E (#21)

…from 1941 to 1944, almost without rest. Johnson was involved in heavy aerial fighting during this period. His combat tour included participation in the Dieppe Raid, Combined Bomber Offensive, Battle of Normandy, Operation Market Garden, the Battle of the Bulge and the Western Allied invasion of Germany. Johnson progressed to…

CHESHIRE, Geoffrey Leonard (#31)

…Cheshire (II) British officer served with pilot with 102 Sqdn, No 4 Group, Bomber Command, RAF in GB, 6/1940-1/1941; served with 35 Sqdn, No 4 Group, Bomber Command, RAF in GB, 4/1941-2/1942; commanded 617 Sqdn, No 5 Group, Bomber Command, RAF in GB, 9/1943-7/1944 including award of Victoria Cross, 7/1944;…

TAIT, James B (#66)

Group Captain Willie ‘Tirpitz’ Tait, bomber commander – obituary Obituary courtesy of The Telegraph, originally published on September 3 2007 Group Captain Willie “Tirpitz” Tait, who died on August 31 2007 aged 90, had a brilliant wartime career as a bomber commander; he attacked some of the most demanding and…

DALTON-MORGAN, Thomas F (#306)

…the task of mounting long-range offensive sorties over northern France and providing scouts for the tactical bomber squadrons. After damaging an Me 109 in December, he shot down a Focke Wulf 190 fighter and damaged another during a sweep over Brest. He was awarded the DSO in May 1943, which…


…campaign. REEL 2 Continues: Recollections of operations as pilot with 7 Sqdn, Pathfinders Force in GB, 8/1942-2/1943: state of Bomber Command when Air Marshal Arthur Harris took over, 2/1942; frustrations amongst experienced aircrew; decision to launch first 1000 bomber raid, 5/1942; growth of Bomber Command, 1942-1945; start of Pathfinder Force;…


…Point in Cornwall, mainly for night training. Visiting Fighter Command, Braham urged the use of AI night fighters in support of the bomber offensive over occupied Europe, in which heavy losses were being incurred. Although his proposal was not accepted at this stage, he won approval for moonlight attacks on…

ERCOLANI, Lucian (#215)

Wing Commander Lucian Ercolani was a wartime bomber pilot decorated three times for gallantry in operations over Europe and in the Far East; he was later chairman of the family furniture company Ercol. On the night of November 7/8 1941, Ercolani took off in his Wellington of No 214 Squadron…

QUILL, Claire (#185)

…Ltd at Brooklands, as assistant to its chief test pilot, Joseph “Mutt” Summers. His initial task was the testing of the Wellesley bomber, and it was while flying a production Wellesley that Quill had a narrow escape. The 74 ft 7 in-wingspan bomber refused to recover from a spin and…

REID, William I (#61)

…a Victoria Cross in 1943 for his heroism on a bombing expedition to Germany. Flt Lt Bill Reid VC’s aircraft On the night of November 3 1943, Reid was serving with 61 Squadron as captain of a Lancaster bomber on the way to Dusseldorf when it was attacked by a…

MAX, Roy (#289)

…crippling losses of bombers deployed to France at the outbreak of the Second World War; already a veteran at 24, he was made a wing commander and appointed to command No 75 (NZ) Squadron, the first Commonwealth squadron in Bomber Command. Shortly after the declaration of war in September 1939…

FENNESSY, Edward (#54)

…Grid) ground stations to provide accurate offensive air navigation for Bomber Command and Coastal Command. In late 1943, on his own initiative, he prepared a master plan for navigation and pathfinding systems to support a possible Normandy landing; but the Air Ministry reacted with horror when he presented his scheme,…

BEAMONT, Roland Prosper ‘Bee’ (#8)

…as a test pilot. Awarded a DSO and Bar and DFC and Bar, mentioned in dispatches and leading a fighter wing before he was 24, Beamont went on to lead the English Electric Canberra – the first RAF jet bomber – and English Electric Lightning flight test programmes. Subsequently he…

SMITH, Irving S (#109)

…worked with 56 Sqdn at RAF Southend; inadequacy of catering arrangements for pilots; sight and size of German Air Force bomber formations; head on attacks; scattering of German bomber formation by seven Hawker Hurricane squadrons over Chelmsford, 8/1940; successes against German aircraft, 8/1940. REEL 2 Continues: employing new attack tactic…

HODGES, Lewis (#34)

…— when his aircraft developed a fault and he was overtaken. Following a series of staff appointments at the Air Ministry and Bomber Command, in March 1956 he took command of RAF Marham, where Valiant nuclear deterrent V-bombers were replacing the Canberra. As the year moved on Hodges was perplexed…

CURTIS, Lettice (#77)

…aircraft, ferrying light bombers such as the Blenheim and the Hampden. She then converted to the even more demanding Wellington, later observing: “Before flying [the Wellington] it was simply a question of reading Pilot’s Notes.” At the end of September 1942, Lettice Curtis was sent to an RAF bomber airfield…

NEIL, Thomas F (#102)

…first success on September 7 when he shot down a Messerschmitt Bf 109 over Ashford and a few days later he accounted for a Heinkel III bomber. On the 15th, during intense fighting on the day that is immortalised as Battle of Britain Day, he shot down a Dornier bomber

CROSLEY, R Michael (#234)

…few moments he was airborne, being directed by radar to an enemy aircraft; and when his flight leader turned back with engine trouble, Crosley decided to pursue the enemy alone. He closed until the wingspan of the three-engined Italian bomber filled his gunsight, then pressed the trigger. At that moment…

CURTIS, Lawrence (#260)

…instructor at a bomber training unit. During this period he flew on the first Thousand Bomber raid to Cologne when, in a repeat of his experience over Brest, his pilot was forced to dive to roof-top height to escape the searchlights and anti-aircraft fire. He was commissioned in January 1943…

Royal Air Force and Commonwealth & Allied Airforces

…leading NIGHT FIGHTER crew, SQNs 1 ~ILTON41 Defiant, BEAUFIGHTER (141) MOSQUITO (157 & 488 NZ SQNS) bomber support, and later in the war protecting Coastal Command anti-submarine patrols, intruder patrols in support of Bomber Command combatting the German night fighters, and attacking the V1 flying bombs. Author of Night Flyer….

HOLDER, Paul (#191)

…the relief of the siege, Holder was posted home where, in November 1941, he received command of No 218, a Wellington bomber squadron shortly to be re-equipped with four-engine Stirling heavy bombers at Marham in Norfolk. His first sorties were against the battlecruisers Scharnhorst and Gneisenau, sheltering in the heavily…

ROWLAND, John N (#243)

…was used for the first time and proved very effective in reducing bomber losses. Rowland flew on three of the four raids that devastated the city and the Blohm and Voss shipyard. In the middle of August, Bomber Command launched the first phase of the Battle of Berlin, a campaign…

BURBRIDGE, Bransome A (#103)

…September 11 when they shot down an enemy night fighter. A month later they were supporting a Bomber Command raid on Brunswick when two more fell to their guns, from one of which a parachute was deployed. On the night of November 4 the two men, by now dubbed by…

DUMON, Andrée Antoine (#158)

…Nadine helped shepherd and return to England, whose 50 Sqn Manchester’s gallant 20yr old skipper, Flying Officer Leslie Manser VC RAFVR was awarded a posthumous Victoria Cross on their 30May42 1,000 bomber raid, allowing his crew to escape by parachute, an inspired co-pilot then Sgt later Wg Cdr Leslie Baveystock…

BARKER, John Lindsay (#307)

…near the Kasserine Pass, Barker annoyed him by pointing out that it was too heavily defended for light fighter-bombers, and should be attacked by medium bombers flying above the heavy and accurate German flak. The fiery Patton questioned Barker’s resolve when he refused to sacrifice his squadron on a fruitless…

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