4 results found for: Enigma

Search results for: Enigma

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HARGREAVES, Arnold (#287)

…BULLDOG, born in October 1917, represents the vital recovery, by the eight members of the boarding party under Sub-Lt D E Balme RN, of that most vital ENIGMA Machine and in particular the “Offizier” short Codes and procedures, retrieved from German Submarine U-Boat U-110 on 9th May 1941, which was…

PENN, Mildred (#221)

…to congratulate them & saying that one of their number’s work had dramatically altered the war’s outcome; the “Y” SERVICE, followed ENIGMA as a source of high grade INTELLIGENCE, consisting of cryptographic analysis, plain language intercepts, direction finding and radio traffic analysis, supplementing what prisoners revealed and any captured documents….

BLYTH, Margaret (#64)

Margaret Blyth was a cryptographer at Bletchley Park, the legendary home of the British Government Code and Cypher School (GC&CS, now known as GCHQ and located in Cheltenham). She was a Typex operator. The Typex was a cipher machine similar to the famous Enigma machine. Typex Machine In 1937, when…

Naval & Naval Air

…BEACHMASTER #287 Arnold HARGREAVES Able Seaman Arnold HARGREAVES MiD Took part in HMS BULLDOG’s vital recovery, with Sub-Lt David E BALME RN & 6 others as part of 9 May4 boarding party, of ENIGMA MACHINE & its CODES from German submarine U-191. Representing ENIGMA #105 George JELLICOE George PJR Jellicoe,…

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