62 results found for: Germany

Search results for: Germany

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COLE, Winefred (#288)

…of its oil wells, produced vast oil supplies for the Allies. There had been information that Germany had plans to invade the American continent from Venezuela to seize its oil production. As other South American countries, it remained neutral until finally declared war on Germany in the final months when…

CHESHIRE, Geoffrey Leonard (#31)

…another, whilst visiting Germany in 1936 he attended one of Hitler’s rallies and flat refused to give the Nazi salute much to the annoyance of his hosts. He joined the RAF in 1937 and was posted to 102 Squadron in April 1940, flying the Armstrong Whitworth Whitley medium bomber. He…

REID, William I (#61)

…a Victoria Cross in 1943 for his heroism on a bombing expedition to Germany. Flt Lt Bill Reid VC’s aircraft On the night of November 3 1943, Reid was serving with 61 Squadron as captain of a Lancaster bomber on the way to Dusseldorf when it was attacked by a…

BURN, Michael C (#86)

Germany he wrote home: “It is so wonderful what Hitler has brought this country back to.” He was “stunned and excited” by the cohesion of Germany after the political disarray in Britain. Then there was the theatre of Nuremberg: “great lights in the sky, moving music, the rhetoric, the presentation,…

JOHNSON, James E (#21)

…from 1941 to 1944, almost without rest. Johnson was involved in heavy aerial fighting during this period. His combat tour included participation in the Dieppe Raid, Combined Bomber Offensive, Battle of Normandy, Operation Market Garden, the Battle of the Bulge and the Western Allied invasion of Germany. Johnson progressed to…

SISMORE, Edward ‘Ted’ Barnes ‘Daisy’ (#79)

…Berlin lakes, guiding Reynolds to arrive over Wilhelmstrasse dead on 11 a.m. As the trumpets faded the Mosquitos dropped their 500lb. bombs close to the radio building. The explosions were heard across Germany and by monitors in Britain, and caused the speech to be delayed for an hour…’ (The Independent…

EVANS, David (#106)

…in the Air. In 1955 he returned to Germany to take command of No 11 Squadron, flying the Venom in the ground-attack role. Subsequently he was appointed personal staff officer to the Commander-in-Chief RAF Germany, Air Marshal Sir Humphrey Edwardes-Jones, at Rheindahlen. On promotion to wing commander in 1959 he…

ROWLAND, John N (#243)

Squadron Leader John Rowland – obituary Squadron Leader John Rowland was a pilot awarded the DFC twice in three days during bombing operations over Germany in 1943 06 January 2015 • 17:48 pm Courtesy of the Daily Telegraph Squadron Leader John Rowland, who has died aged 94, was awarded the…

BLAKESLEE, Donald J M (#294)

…Fighter Group. After he was grounded, Blakeslee returned to the United States to command an airfield in Florida. He remained in the USAAF and commanded a fighter wing. His later assignments included two tours in Germany and one in Korea, at HQ Tactical Air Command. He saw service in Vietnam…

WIREMU, Hemi (#210)

…Brigade at Ōhinemutu, and was a lay reader at St Faith’s Church. He was caputred in Greece and spent four years as a prisoner of war in Germany. In 1945 he was released, he went to London and spent a year at Bango University in North Wales doing a forestry…


…his selection for Pathfinders Force; debacle of Pathfinder Force’s first raid on Flensburg, Germany; alterations to Pathfinder Force Short Stirlings to reach an operating ceiling of 18,000 feet. REEL 3 Continues: Donald Bennett’s flying qualifications and experience; limitations on use of Gee navigational system, 8/1942; German homing in on H2S…

DALTON-MORGAN, Thomas F (#306)

…of fighter operations for and beyond D-Day”. A month before the end of the war in Europe, Dalton-Morgan learned that his only brother, John, who also had the DFC, had been shot down and killed flying a Mosquito. Dalton-Morgan remained in Germany with 2nd Tactical Air Force after the war…

OLDS, Robin (#97)

…more. Promoted to major when he was 22, he took command of the 434th nine months after being the junior pilot. On April 7 he was escorting bombers deep over Germany when he shot down another Bf 109, his last success of the war. During 107 combat sorties, Olds was…

BURBRIDGE, Bransome A (#103)

…Herget survived. Ten days later Burbridge claimed another Junkers 88, but debris from the enemy aircraft hit his radiator forcing him to return to base on one engine. By September, flying a more advanced Mosquito, the pair were to achieve an astonishing run of success over Germany. It began on…

GRANDY, John (#2)

…1177 By the end of 1958 he was Assistant Chief of Air Staff (Operations) in the Air Ministry, where he was required to oversee the draconian cuts ordered by the 1957 Sandys Defence Review. As Commander-in-Chief of RAF Germany and Commander of Nato’s 2nd Allied Tactical Air Force, Grandy had…

DUMON, Andrée Antoine (#158)

…directed back across the Pyrenees to fetch the next batch of evaders. She was told to concentrate on British airmen, now being shot down in increasing numbers as the bombing war against Germany intensified. Dedee set off on her journey, only to learn that the Gestapo had raided her home….

BABINGTON-SMITH, Constance (#180)

…raids which reduced the damage done to Britain by Germany’s new airborne weapons. She was working as a photographic interpreter in the Allied Photographic Intelligence Unit, and in April 1943 had been briefed by the Air Ministry to be on the look-out for a long-range gun, remotely controlled rocket aircraft…

BRANDON, Lewis (#270)

…Cdr ‘Pop’ Vashion James Wheeler was killed flying on 207 Squadron over Germany. Together again Ben and Lewis after moving to Bradwell Bay would desrtroy a second Dornier 217. on Mosquito before Lewis had to go to 488 NZ Squadron. Lsater back on 157 Squadron Mosquito aircraft at Swannington with…


…operational raid on August 5 1940 against a flying-boat base on the Baltic and over the next few months attacked targets in Germany and France. On the night of April 3 1941 he took off to bomb the German battle cruisers Scharnhorst and Gneisenau at Brest. On the outward route…

Alan Pollock

…in Germany, 1957; served flying Hawker Hunter Mk F VI with 4 Sqdn, 122 Wing, 2nd TAF in Germany, 1957-1958; served flying Hawker Hunter Mk F VI with 26 Sqdn, 121 Wing, 2nd TAF in Germany, 1958-1959: served as ADC at Headquarters 2nd Allied TAF, Germany, 1959-1961; served as flying…

MANDER, d’Arcy (#225)

…4th & 11th Bns the GREEN HOWARDS, her TERRITORIAL BATTALIONST 150th INFANTRY BRIGADE EIGHTH ARMY; commissioned into lst Bn Sep29 within lst GUARDS BRIGADE, he was prewar Cairo Intelligence & in Germany/Austria language training; 1940-42 was with 4th Bn and was captured 1J un 1942, when 2i/e “BOX” at GAZALA,…

MOHR, Stan (#127)

…in writing up our extraordinary signatories. 466th BOMB GROUP crew gunner for 30 daylight mission tours over Occupied Europe; USAAF day & RAF night strategic bombing (which diverted thousands of 88mm guns to the defence of Germany, and an element thought to have saved many hundreds of thousands of lives)….

WERTHEIMER, Simon S (#173)

…national in 1930, whose father and uncle had fought and been decorated by Germany in WWI, signs to commemorate, through his Aunt CAROLA (his mother’s sister), exterminated at TREBLINKA, the MILLIONS of lives lost with families obliterated and decimated in the HOLOCAUST and how vital were the contributions of such…

CHAPMAN, Edward T (#254)

…BEM to represent MONMOUTHSHIRE and the SOUTH WALES BORDERERS Regiment and the Welsh Divisions in both WWs; his Victoria Cross was won for outstanding courage and example to his young soldiers in the hard fought opening battles into Germany, the award won for bravery near the Dortmund Ems Canal leading…

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