23 results found for: Gilbert Islands

Search results for: Gilbert Islands

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VRACIU, Alexander (#303)

…the Gilbert Islands (Makin and Tarawa atolls) on November 20, 1943, Vraciu downed a Betty bomber. (During his earlier training with O’Hare, Vraciu had learned to use the high side pass maneuver when attacking a Betty to avoid the lethal 20mm cannon wielded by its tail gunner.) After USS Independence…

SWETT, James Elms (#302)

…the Solomon Islands, where he was assigned to VMF-221, part of Marine Air Group 12. His very first day of action would see the events that would make his name. “On the morning of 7 April 1943, Lieutenant Swett led a four-plane flight of Wildcats on a patrol, then returned…

KAGAN, Jack (#311)

…Partisans in Byelorussia 1941-1944 (2010) by Jack Kagan, Inna Gerasimova and Viacheslav Selemenev with a foreword by Sir Martin Gilbert Novogrudok: The History of a Shtetl (2006), compiled by Jack Kagan and with a Foreword by Sir Martin Gilbert Storm before the Silence – in Memory of Jack Kagan By…

ISON, Paul E (#291)

…Kerama Islands had been seized; Okinawa had been heavily bombarded for days; and underwater demolition teams had reconnoitered both the Hagushi beaches and the beaches above Minatoga on the southeast coast, indicating that landings were to be expected at either place or both. Moreover, Japanese air and submarine reconnaissance had…

MAYBANK, John W (#242)

…resources could be spared from the ATLANTIC & MEDITERRANEAN theatres. The EAST INDIES FLEET’s sea power in the INDIAN OCEAN had dramatically reduced Japan’s use of the sea lanes to BURMA from South East Asia. Japanese built airfields were strung out along the islands between CHINA via FORMOSA, RYUKYU ISLANDS,&…

NEIL, Thomas F (#102)

…and headed for the beleaguered islands, arriving after a five-hour flight and during a German bombing attack on the airfield at Luqa. Neil was in constant action, leading his flight as the islands came under heavy attack. On June 12 he shot down an enemy fighter, his twelfth and final…

ELDER, Robert M (#299)

…Navy, a highly decorated Douglas SBD DAUNTLESS (“Slow But Deadly”) combat pilot in most of the Pacific’s naval aircraft carrier engagements including the Battles of the CORAL SEA and MIDWAY, GUADALCANAL, the SOLOMON and MARSHALL ISLANDS campaigns, represents the success of US Naval air power against the Japanese Fleet. Born…


…COASTWATCHERS, for this most important representative, it is signed, as appropriate, ANONYMOUSLY, for the foresight of the AUSTRALIANS & their Navy, who planned the system, and ALL these HEROIC PEOPLE & their HELPERS, who knowingly stayed behind, high up in the interior on many strategic islands, watching to provide VALUED…

KANAKAKIS, EJ Joannou (#209)

…later RASC & Roval SUSSEX, for GREECE & its loyal FIGHTING SPIRIT and STEADFAST ENDURANCE in OCCUPIED CRETE & its ISLANDS, especially with the terrible reprisals; here also for the SPECIAL BOAT SERVICE OPERATIONS in the AEGEAN, several of which he carried out with and here signs commemoratively for that…

DeLONG, Phillip C (#292)

…Corps was born in Jackson, Michigan, in 1919. After graduating from university in aeronautical engineering, he would become the leading VMF-212 Squadron fighter pilot and represents the MARINE CORPS contribution to victory in the SOLOMON ISLANDS campaign and that of the inverted gull ‘bent wing’ CORSAIR F-4U-1As in WW2. After…


1928 HALTON Apprentice. Representing 70 & 7 Squadron STIRLINGS, and Air Vice Marshal Don BENNETT‘s PATHFINDER FORCE for BOMBER Operations IWM Oral History: Thomas Gilbert Mahaddie British NCO served as pilot with 77 Sqdn, No 4 Group, Bomber Command, RAF in GB, 9/1939-6/1940; officer served with 7 Sqdn, Pathfinder Force,…

BRYAN, Wendy (#6)

…the task of looking after the royal entourage for three days. He served in the British Virgin Islands and then St Lucia as Administrator. In the latter post, with an adroit mixture of political nous, firmness and charm, he succeeded in restoring discipline and morale throughout the police force, and…

BIRD-WILSON, Harold A C ‘Birdie’ (#32)

…1940 his face was restored and he quickly returned to fly a Hurricane operationally. He helped cover the Allied retreat in France in May and June 1940. At the last opportunity, he flew home from Brittany via the Channel Islands. Harold ‘Birdie’ Bird-Wilson Later, reflecting on events in 1940, he…

MAX, Roy (#289)

…aircraft and he headed towards England. He navigated using a map torn from a calendar, skirting the Channel Islands and landing at the first airfield he came to after crossing the English coast in order to determine where he was; he then pressed on to Abingdon. The son of a…

BARKER, John Lindsay (#307)

…Japanese. He was immediately promoted group captain to command Shield Force; the advance party, with which he sailed for the Pacific, consisted of a force of 3,000 men. On approaching the Admiralty Islands in the Empress of Australia, he received a signal from the Joint Chiefs of Staff in London…

LOATS, Norman (#300)

…6. We departed San Diego on 8 September for brief training in the Hawaiian Islands before proceeding to support the occupation of Japan. Puget Sound entered Tokyo Bay on 14 October 1945. Her aircraft joined in the show of strength and conducted anti-mining patrols in support of the landings of…

STORK, J Royden (#301)

…and their gunner S/Sgt Edwin W Horton Jr. Col James Doolittle recommended the mission of a carrier to show American defiance after Pearl Harbor and cause the Japanese to need to take defensive measures for their own home islands. USS Hornet, with the USS Enterprise carrier nearby for fighter protection,…

FRASER, Ian E (#67)

…OFFICERS, MEN, CRAFT, AND PARENT SHIP. (A 26940) Midget Craft Crew. Left to right: A/B J J Magennis, Bradford, Yorks, diver; Lieut I E Fraser, DSC, RNR, Farnham Common, Bucks, Commanding Officer; Lieut D H Carey, RN, Guernsey, Channel Islands; ERA R Maugham, North Kensington, London. Copyright: © IWM. Original…

LLOYD-OWEN, David (#273)

…from which he mounted a successful raid on Corfu and staged operations in the Dalmatian islands and Yugoslavia. In September 1944, he was parachuted into Albania at night. Shortly after landing he fell 30 ft into a ravine and severely damaged his spine. The LRDG’s doctor was parachuted in to…

ROWLANDS, John (#83)

…the British atomic bomb. He was in the High Explosive Research Department, also situated at Fort Halstead, and from 1947 to 1952 at the Atomic Warfare Research Establishment at Aldermaston. In 1952 Rowlands attended the first British atomic tests in the Monte Bello Islands as the senior RAF officer. He…

SHEEN, Desmond FB (#88)

…Denmark and Norway, a Luftwaffe force of more than 60 bombers with a 34-strong fighter escort was making for the RAF’s fighter bases in north-east England. With two other Spitfire squadrons, No 72 raced to intercept them. In the ensuing action, beyond the Farne Islands, Sheen accounted for two Me…

McDOWELL, L Patricia T (#167)

…became friends with one of them, Sergeant Ulf Wormdal from Hamar, who was to be the Norwegian 331 Squadron’s first loss, as a fighter pilot on the Orkney Islands in March 1942.’ (Aftenposten obituary, behind paywall]. ‘[No. 166: Svein Heglund’s wife to be]. Canadian Army Nurse, praises Lady Astor’s help,…

Naval & Naval Air

…Convoys, EAGLE sinking (160 lost), TORCH LANDINGS, IMPLACABLE, PACIFIC, JAPAN, KOREAN Representing METROPOLITAN POLICE (501 lost) #292 Phillip C DeLONG Colonel Phillip C DeLONG (11 e/a) A ‘double ace’: US MARINE CORPS VMF-212 SQN 3 combat tour fighter pilot Jun43- to May44 SOLOMON ISLANDS campaign CORSAIR F-4U-1: 7 Zekes, 1+…

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