35 results found for: Greece (Resistance)

Search results for: Greece (Resistance)

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DUMON, Andrée Antoine (#158)

…smile. “But of course, monsieur,” he said. “My name is Gaston and I am a member of the Belgian Resistance.” Since then, Bolter had been passed along the line from safe house to safe house. He was constantly in danger – and so were those helping him. If he was…

ISON, Paul E (#291)

resistance ended on 21 June when the last Japanese defences were breached. By now, many of the Old Breed’s battalions had been reduced to nothing more than small rifle companies.” Chapter III: Winning The Okinawa Beachhead Dawn of Easter Sunday, 1 April 1945, disclosed an American fleet of 1,300 ships…

ELLISON, Lorna (#174)

…of commemorating the heroes of the Czech and Slovak Resistance, the Slovak National Museum in May 2007 opened an exhibition presenting one of the most important resistance actions in the whole Nazi-occupied Europe. Coinciding with the release of the 2016 film Anthropoid, campaigners called for Gabčík’s and Kubiš’s bodies to…

de CLARENS, Vicomtesse (#161)

…Königsberg (a punishment camp), and Torgau could not break her.” [Wikipedia] “Jeannie de Clarens is hereby awarded the Agency Seal Medallion for heroic and momentous contribution to Allied efforts during World War II as a member of the French Resistance. At the age of 20, she used her position as…

HODGES, Lewis (#34)

…air gunner, who had not heard his order to bail out, he burned the aircraft before setting off to the south-east on foot. Resistance Memorial at Vassieux Moving from farm to farm, the two men obtained civilian clothes to wear over their uniforms and eventually made their way to Marseilles…

CASPERS, Loek NC (#162)

…1957 and 1962, thereafter becoming an anaesthetist and later a medical adviser in The Hague. Her memoirs of a Dutch Resistance Courier, “To Save a Life”, has a foreword by General Sir John Hackett who paid deep tribute also in his own memoirs to Elsa and the Dutch Resistance networks.’…

POULSSON, Jens-Anton (#164)

Alan Pollock’s Rough Notes: A work in progress – the fuller biographies will emerge in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. Norwegian military and then resistance. OC advance…

van ERP, Johannes ‘Jan’ (#159)

“the Dutch Resistance spirit, a Helmond ‘boy with the bicycle’ who helped guard and guide exhausted Bren Gun Anti-Tank Carrier Crew”   “Born in 1927, the 15 year old “Boy with the bicycle” from Helmond, who voluntarily and persistently carried out an unsaid guard duty for an exhausted Bren Gun…

DAUNCEY, Michael DK (#110)

…said afterwards, but the Germans only had eyes for the two attractive girls, also on bicycles, who led the way. Members of the Eindhoven Resistance with troops of the United States 101st Airborne Division in Eindhoven during Operation Market Garden, September 1944 Explore our Resistance section, which including Johannes ‘Jan’…


…in a cornfield, before Archie was passed through the French Resistance escape line down through the entirety of France, over the Pyrenees and through Spain to Gibraltar before returning to Britain in early 1942, where he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC). His service record for this period simply…

SISMORE, Edward ‘Ted’ Barnes ‘Daisy’ (#79)

…Sismore was awarded his second DFC in recognition of a raid on the Gestapo headquarters at Aarhus, and a third on the Gestapo HQs in Copenhagen and Odense, Denmark. The latter raid was done at the behest of the Danish Resistance. Some of their people were being held in the…

VRACIU, Alexander (#303)

…his Hellcat was shot down by anti-aircraft fire over the Philippines in December. Picked up by a guerrilla band, he was returned to safety, after leading some resistance activity, six weeks later. At the war’s end he was the US Navy’s fourth-ranking ace. Post-war Alex Vraciu became a test pilot…

VERITY, Hugh (#87)

  Group Captain Hugh Verity 16 November 2001 • Obituary courtesy of The Daily Telegraph GROUP Captain Hugh Verity, who has died aged 83, was a member of the small group of RAF pilots who flew clandestine missions to support Special Operations Executive (SOE) agents and the French Resistance during…

WIREMU, Hemi (#210)

…Brigade at Ōhinemutu, and was a lay reader at St Faith’s Church. He was caputred in Greece and spent four years as a prisoner of war in Germany. In 1945 he was released, he went to London and spent a year at Bango University in North Wales doing a forestry…

LLOYD-OWEN, David (#273)

…of Long Range Desert Group in desert and decision that unit would continue war in Europe. Aspects of operations commanding B Sqdn, Long Range Desert Group in Middle East and Greece, 1943: training in Lebanon, summer 1943; capture of Leros, Greece by Germans, late 1943; his escape from Leros by…

JOICE, Mary (#190)

…links with this work, she commemorates indirectly the outstanding moral courage of the CHRISTIAN GERMAN RESISTANCE movement and records Bishop BELL’s stand against indiscriminate bombing, the German patriot Pastor Dietrich BONHOEFFER (who justified resistance to Hitler – cf Signatory 290), the KREISEL circle, Gen Ludwig BECK (1880-1944 and as previous…


…more than 250 years…if the Lord wills.” Renowned cellist. German wartime opposition & Nazi resistance. #162 Loek NC CASPERS Dr Loek NC ‘Elsa’ CASPERS King’s Medal for Service in cause of Freedom “Caspers used her bike to transport everything from hand grenades to transmitters for calling in allied bombing raids…

KANAKAKIS, EJ Joannou (#209)

…later RASC & Roval SUSSEX, for GREECE & its loyal FIGHTING SPIRIT and STEADFAST ENDURANCE in OCCUPIED CRETE & its ISLANDS, especially with the terrible reprisals; here also for the SPECIAL BOAT SERVICE OPERATIONS in the AEGEAN, several of which he carried out with and here signs commemoratively for that…

HUÉ, André HA (#145)

…in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. French, Welsh mother from Swansea, Mallaig trained on demolition; Dec 1940-Dec 1943 St Marcel MAQUIS Guerre NE of Vannes FRENCH RESISTANCE

LIANG, Piao-Chang (#192)

…CHINESE ARMY and AIR FORCE, and RESISTANCE of CHINA itself. China never went Vichy so the Japanese became inextricably involved, tying down massive forces on Chinese mainland to allow AMERICAN island hopping STRATEGY; a Chinese book states 1.3M ARMY dead, 4,321 AIR FORCE & that no NAVY statistics are held….

HOLLEMAN, Henk J (#71)

…will emerge in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. BOSTONS & MITCHELLS Representing Royal NETHERLANDS AIR FORCE and OUR EUROPEAN ALLIES in AIR, LAND, NAVAL and RESISTANCE OPERATIONS….

ROEFLER, Irmina (#177)

…still in her teens, was an AK COURIER and represents all POLISH WOMEN, the triumphs and tragedies of POLAND, the POLISH HOME ARMY (ARMII KRAJOWEJ) and the AK’s RESISTANCE, specifically for her 80,000 comrades-in-arms during the heroic but doomed WARSAW UPRISING & the BATTLE OF WARSAW 1 Aug – 3…

BETHGE, Dietrich (#290)

…the renowned German theologian Dietrich BONHOEFFER, was chosen to represent the opposition and GERMAN RESISTANCE MOVEMENTS against Nazism, which too often would be forgotten during and after the war. Post-war many Christians have been engaged in the process of re-examining the role of the Church in Germany during the Nazi…

HACKETT, John (#47)

…– the fuller biographies will emerge in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. Distinguished scholar and author, KRI HUSSAR for PARACHUTE REGT, DESERT, ITALY, ARNHEM & DUTCH RESISTANCE

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