2 results found for: Keren

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WALL, IT Tommy (#258)

…in writing up our extraordinary signatories. Regimental Sergeant Major WO IT Tommy WALL of 2nd Battalion WEST YORKSHIRE Regiment, for its distinguished service in KEREN Eritrea against the Italians and then later in BURMA at the key Defence of the IMPHAL Box against repeated Japanese infiltration and attacks until relieved….

British Army and Commonwealth & Allied Armies

…Officer IT Tommy WALL 2nd Bn WEST YORKSHIRE Regt, distinguished service in KEREN ERITREA against Italians & BURMA for key Defence of IMPHAL BOX against repeated Japanese attacks #232 AE Mervyn WALTER Brigadier A E Mervyn WALTER CBE ROYAL ENGINEERS, long key PORTS & RAILWAYS SPECIALIST, for NORWAY; with Admiral…

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