2 results found for: Matapan

Search results for: Matapan

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ELLIOTT, George M (#222)

…the 5th Battle Squadron leader at JUTLAND,, survived torpedo from U-30 28Dec39, in the BATTLE of CAPE MATAPAN 28Mar41; bombed off Crete (2 x 5001b) she had needed repairs in Durban; George had later wartime service with 601 FLOTILLA, COMBINED OPERATIONS, mainly with LANDING CRAFT provision and subsequent repair procedures….

Naval & Naval Air

…He in BATTLESHIP HMS BARHAM (JUTLAND, MATAPAN, CRETE) censored 25Nov4l explosive end (U-Boat 331) 862 dead. #67 Ian E FRASER Lieutenant Commander Ian E FRASER VC DSC RD* JP Recipient of the Victoria Cross. Diving pioneer. Served on CONWAY, ROYAL OAK, DUNKIRK & ATLANTIC DESTROYERS; 31JUL45 + L/S JIM MAGENNIS…

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