25 results found for: Narvik (Battles of)

Search results for: Narvik (Battles of)

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LOATS, Norman (#300)

…four battleships, 8 cruisers and 11 destroyers…closing in at 30 knots. The largest red meatball flag flying over the largest battleship I have ever seen.” Japanese gunners found the range of the Gambier Bay a little after 0800 and shells quickly set fire to the flight deck before destroying the…

MAYBANK, John W (#242)

…briefly to meet and see PM Winston CHURCHILL, CAS Sir Charles PORTAL & Brigadier Orde WINGATE going out for the QUEBEC CONFERENCE; he returw4to ERROL for Master & YEOVILTON for Wildcat & Martlet training; he went out to Alexandria in the Battleship KING GEORGE V & saw a 6″ Bombardment…

MAX, Roy (#289)

…raid to bomb pontoon bridges at Sedan, 41 Battles from a force of 70 failed to return. On one occasion Max dived on a group of enemy tanks in a valley and found that the guns were shooting down on him. His aircraft was hit and unable to climb. Although…

CLEERE, Patrick (#236)

…TANK BATTLES in such different terrains, often when not in ideal tanks, nor understood the strains, losses and shell shock of battle so well, and advancing into ITALIAN, GERMAN, JAPANESE (here fighting retreat from, too) and other INFANTRY; just four days after ITALY’s declaration of war on Britain, the 7th…

Naval & Naval Air


CHAPMAN, Edward T (#254)

…BEM to represent MONMOUTHSHIRE and the SOUTH WALES BORDERERS Regiment and the Welsh Divisions in both WWs; his Victoria Cross was won for outstanding courage and example to his young soldiers in the hard fought opening battles into Germany, the award won for bravery near the Dortmund Ems Canal leading…

GIBSON, John AA (#197)

…‘Johnny’ A E GIBSON DSO DFC* RAF & RNZAF for NEW ZEALAND, here his wide campaign experience and FIGHTER SUCCESS (destroyed about 14 & damaged l2) in the BATTLES of FRANCE and BRITAIN (501SQN HURRICANES) No.53 OTU, then the PACIFIC in 1942 with 15 RNZAF SQN P-40 WARHAWKS to TONGA…

ZIETAN, Theodore (#237)

…the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. US NAVY’s vital 13th FLOTILLA/TF13 Amphibious Force, PACIFIC LANDING SHIP TANKS & destroyer escorts, Hawaii ISLAND battles; wife’s brothers: PATTON’s 2nd Arm’s DIV & USN. Representing MARINES wounded…

MACLENNAN, Ian R (#128)

“Ian Maclennan is one of those men who make Canada tick” Photo by Chris Sant Fournier (Times of Malta) “Flight Lieutenant Ian MacLennan…was one of the last surviving fighter “aces” who engaged in fierce air battles during the Siege of Malta to secure the island’s survival. Malta George Cross by…

ELDER, Robert M (#299)

…Navy, a highly decorated Douglas SBD DAUNTLESS (“Slow But Deadly”) combat pilot in most of the Pacific’s naval aircraft carrier engagements including the Battles of the CORAL SEA and MIDWAY, GUADALCANAL, the SOLOMON and MARSHALL ISLANDS campaigns, represents the success of US Naval air power against the Japanese Fleet. Born…

OKOLOW-ZUBKOWSKI, Konstanty (#178)

…service at sea included active service in NARVIK, NORWAY and then GUNNERY with the crew of battleship HMS “KING GEORGE V” (one of four 1936 programme battleships, inc. Duke of York, Anson & Howe, reverting to 14 inch guns (ten) and the new 5.25″ high angle/low angle AA guns in…

ROBINSON, Albert (#261)

…wartime battle scarred career of the CRUISER. HMS PENELOPE, affectionately described as “Pepperpot”. He joined on 26 Aug 1939 after Boy Seaman Training at GANGES, transferred to KIMBERLEY at the 2nd Battle of NARVIK & (brought back USS Sigourney (16 Dec 1917) as Newport Class ship (named after shared UK…

CAREY, Frank R (#27)

…Battle of Britain. Battle of Britain by Paul Nash (1941) The son of a builder, Frank Reginald Carey was born on May 7 1912 at Brixton, South London, where he led a gang in mock battles in the streets before being sent to Belvedere School, Haywards Heath. Once, after several…

STORK, J Royden (#301)

…War Hutchinson 1987). Without the Tokyo Raiders, would the Imperial Japanese Navy have embarked on what led to the Battles of Coral Sea and Midway? Col James Doolittle won a Medal of Honor for the Raid, the USS Hornet CV-8 would be sunk in the Battle of Santa Cruz, receiving…

CARTER, Reginald A (#227)

…3rd CARABINIERS would have 101 Officers, NCOs & Troopers dead and have found out how Japs would not surrender & just had to be destroyed; C SQN’s main battles and frequent intermittent skirmishes progressed via IMPHAL, TIDDIM ROAD, ADVANCE to CENTRAL BURMA, ARAKAN YOMAS and PROME, with vital air supply…

HANCOCK, Margaret (#277)

…she was posted out to Japan at Iwakuni and Miho near Hiroshima, where she would meet and marry Sqn Ldr N W Pat Hancock DFC, then OC 11 Squadron with Spitfire FR18s at Miho. Pat started on the Fairey Battles of 266 Squadron, then with No.1(F) Sqn Hurricanes in France…

GOUGH, Herbert G (#229)

…NAVAL FORTS off PORTSMOUTH, as part of defences against enemy E-Boats or Destroyers, also 45 FORTRESS Coy at Southampton; embarked on AQUITANIA, he went to PORT SAID, Kantara and first active service was in PALESTINE, then TUNISIA, the BATTLE of CRETE, NORTH AFRICA, EIGHTH ARMY’s MARETH LINE & the BATTLES

MACKINTOSH, Robert (#203)

…for Burma, switched to MIDEAST threat) in 152 BRIGADE with some 2nd Bn CAMERONs (F.M.Auchinleck “Their name had become a legend”) & 5th & 2nd SEAFORTHS; fought at EL ALAMEIN with 2 PDR in ANTI-TANK SUPPORT & then 1,500 miles westwards, via the BATTLES of MARETH LINE, WADI AKARIT etc…

TOUGH, John (#204)

…born Uncle John QSM in lst Bn wounded Mar16 & MSM, Uncle James Sgt 6th Bn KIA at FESTUBERT 4 Jun 1918 aged 21, Uncle Albert Pte shell-shocked, Uncle John WILSON served in Egypt KIA 1Decl7): front line in Aug44 for the BATTLES of HOLLAND, REICHSWALD, RHINE CROSSING & GERMANY….

Royal Air Force and Commonwealth & Allied Airforces

…Roland Prosper BEAMONT Wing Commander Roland Prosper ‘Bee’ BEAMONT CBE DSO DFC* USAAF DFC FRAES (6-9 e/a + 31 V-1s) 87, 79, 56 Flight Lieutenant & Commander TYPHOON, OC609, TEMPEST Wing Leader 3,486, 56 Sqns, Battles of France & Britain, 1942-78 leading test pilot #33 Michael BEETHAM Marshall of the…

Battle of Britain

…DFC* USAAF DFC FRAES (6-9 e/a + 31 V-1s) 87, 79, 56 Flight Lieutenant & Commander TYPHOON, OC609, TEMPEST Wing Leader 3,486, 56 Sqns, Battles of France & Britain, 1942-78 leading test pilot #32 Harold A C BIRD-WILSON Air Vice-Marshal Harold A C BIRD-WILSON CBE DSO DFC* AFC* (9 e/a)…

British Army and Commonwealth & Allied Armies

…MONMOUTHSHIRE & SOUTH WALES BORDERERS Regt WELSH DIV #236 Patrick CLEERE Major Patrick ‘Paddy’ CLEERE MBE DCM 22Jan41 TOBRUK (2nd DCM papers lost), from EIRE Co Kilkenny 1933 @16, 7th Q’s OWN HUSSARS, SGT1939; survived very many TANK BATTLES W.DESERT, ITALY (bro. lost), & BURMA #220 JM COOPER Lieutenant Colonel…

BEAMONT, Roland Prosper ‘Bee’ (#8)

Wing Commander Roland Prosper ‘Bee’ BEAMONT CBE DSO DFC* USAAF DFC FRAES (6-9 e/a + 31 V-1s) 87, 79, 56 Flight Lieutenant & Commander TYPHOON, OC609, TEMPEST Wing Leader 3,486, 56 Sqns, Battles of France & Britain, 1942-78 leading test pilot…

BIRD-WILSON, Harold A C ‘Birdie’ (#32)

Air Vice-Marshal Harold A C BIRD-WILSON CBE DSO DFC* AFC* (9 e/a) Flying ace. Second Archibald McIndoe ‘guinea pig’ after pre-war crash, No.17 Sqn Battles of France & Britain, Lieutenant Commander 234, OC 124 & 66, 121 & 122 Wgs & Mustangs…

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