2 results found for: Nigeria

Search results for: Nigeria

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HAMILTON, John AL (#272)

…of NIGERIA, SIERRA. LEONE, GOLD COAST (later Ghana) and GAMBIA. The 6th, 7th and 12th Battalions NIGERIA REGIMENT, as the 3rd West African Brigade, arrived in India Nov43 and quickly took part as 66 & 39, 29 & 35, 12 & 43 Columns in the Second CHINDlT’s Operation THURSDAY, Brig…

British Army and Commonwealth & Allied Armies

…John A.L. HAMILTON MA for 81st WEST AFRICAN DIV & i/c GAMBIA & GOLD COAST Reg’ts, also NIGERIA, tonSIERRA LEONE ‘Forgotten Formations’ KALADAN 2nd CHINDlT Op. THURSDAY BURMA. Author War Bush: 81 (West African) Division in Burma 1943-1945. He feels the African contribution to the war is not sufficiently appreciated…

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