127 results found for: Night Fighting

Search results for: Night Fighting

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Battle of Britain 80 Introduction

A few of The Few: Just three hours after this photograph of eight Hurricane pilots from 43 Squadron, ‘relaxing’ outside the Officer’s Mess at RAF Tangmere, was taken, on 7 September 1940 – seven days before Battle of Britain Day – two of them, the Australian Richard Reynell and the…

BURBRIDGE, Bransome A (#103)

Wing Commander Branse Burbridge, RAF’s most successful night fighter pilot Wing Commander Branse Burbridgewas the RAF’s most successful night fighter pilot, being credited with the destruction of 21 enemy aircraft, including four during one patrol. Teamed up with Flying Officer “Bill” Skelton, he achieved the first of his successes on…

SMITH, Irving S (#109)

…over Skegness, 10/5/1941. REEL 3 Continues: problems of redeployment as night fighting squadron using Hawker Hurricanes; objections to being re-equipped with Boulton Paul Defiant; move to RAF Wittering, 12/1940; development of night fighting techniques under Basil Embry, Richard Atcherley and Jack Adams; problems of aircraft recognition at night; character of…


…went into action in support of Sir Arthur Harris’s bomber formations. One night, flying over Cologne, they were attacked by two enemy night fighters, one of which shot out their port engine, obliging them to make a perilous return back to base. Another night, supporting a raid over Mannheim, Gregory…

BRANDON, Lewis (#270)

…Mosquito aircraft at Swannington with Ben Benson again on Bomber Support operations they would destroy mostly Ju-88 nightfighters over Germany, increasing their score to about ten enemy aircraft. Lewis Brandon’s book ‘Night Flyer’ in 1961 describes the difficult techniques involved in nightfighter operations and their joint careers on wartime flying….

CUNNINGHAM, John (#50)

“His night-fighter status in the war was unrivalled and comparable to the best of the best daytime fighter pilots” ‘Group Captain John ‘Cat’s Eyes’ Cunningham, who has died aged 84, was a night fighter ace and later a consummate test pilot whose name guaranteed the reputation of British aviation. After…

CREW, Edward D (#114)

‘Night fighter ace with an almost uncanny knack in locating the target and attacking it on the first run in’ ‘Air Vice-Marshal Edward Crew, who died on Sunday aged 84, was an ace night fighter pilot and destroyer of V-1 flying bombs; after notching up at least 13 kills, he…

CALVERT, J Michael (#152)

…months hard fighting in the rearguard of the army retreating from Burma, with such wild men as he could find to undertake tasks that were at first glance hopeless. In his autobiography, Fighting Mad (1964), this is the point at which he lays down a principle. “I have always maintained…

HODGES, Lewis (#34)

…that moment, he always wore them under his uniform when flying on operations. NIGHT BEAUFIGHTERS IN READINESS : (CH 11190) Original wartime caption: For introduction see CH.11180. Picture (issued 1943) shows – A night Beaufighter ready for the take off. Copyright: © IWM. Original Source: http://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/205450675 He resumed night attacks…

LOATS, Norman (#300)

…their appearance. Thank God they never attacked the group at large. As night began to fall we started to shiver and some began to pray… “As night deepened, optimism of a quick rescue was turning into discouragement. But there was still hope and to keep our spirits up we sang…

DALTON-MORGAN, Thomas F (#306)

…with the squadrons in the south. He was also required to establish a night-fighting capability with the Hurricane; a task he achieved with great success. Few enemy night bombers fell victim to single-seat fighter pilots, but Dalton-Morgan, hunting alone, destroyed no fewer than six. Totes Meer (Dead Sea) 1940-1 Paul…

ISON, Paul E (#291)

Private First Class Paul E ISON represents the savage fighting for OKINAWA, whose photograph was taken when he was crossing Death Valley on 10th May 1945 – this in turn became the fighting symbol of the UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS in the PACIFIC WAR and was one of the most…

TWISS, L Peter (#309)

…for NAVAL FIGHTER OPERATIONS, firstly with catapult HURRICANE CAMSHIPS, CONVOY ESCORT and on long range NIGHT INTRUSION and Night Fighting Radar development with the FIGHTER INTERCEPTION UNIT. As well as joining the BRITISH AIR COMMISSION on US Naval testing before attending the Empire Test Pilots’ School and later his 1956…

BRYAN, Wendy (#6)

…and was posted to No 9 Commando, based at Lord Cawdor’s estate on the Pembrokeshire coast. At a training centre at Lochailort, near Fort William, he was taught how to shoot with a pistol and a Tommy gun, and close-quarter fighting. On a night exercise, he had felled a tree…

DONNET, Michel GL (#157)

…in a dramatic escape to Essex at night on 5th July, 1940 in a stolen Stampe (an old biplane similar to a Tiger Moth) near Germans and Waterloo. After they both joined the RAF, he went on to fly Spitfires with 64 Sqn OC 64 & 350 Belgian Squadrons. “For…

ROWLAND, John N (#243)

…region. Over the next five months he attacked most of the major cities. He went to Cologne twice before sorties to Gelsenkirchen, Duisberg and Essen. On the night of July 25, an intense campaign was directed against Hamburg. The radar countermeasure “window” (small aluminium strips dropped to confuse enemy radar)…


…operational raid on August 5 1940 against a flying-boat base on the Baltic and over the next few months attacked targets in Germany and France. On the night of April 3 1941 he took off to bomb the German battle cruisers Scharnhorst and Gneisenau at Brest. On the outward route…

GRAYSTON, Raymond E (#133)

…Assuree [Victory of the Allies is Assured] (Shows Lancasters on a night raid) © Art.IWM PST 15041 Grayston and his young Australian pilot, Les Knight, had teamed up to fly Manchester bombers with No 50 Squadron, and remained together when they joined No 617 Squadron in March 1943. The flight…

BALFOUR, Harold (#13)

…Royal Flying Corps and the Royal Air Force. His experience extends from flying as a Flight Lieutenant Commander in 43(F) Sqn, formed by the 23 year old Major Sholto Douglas MC, and fighting on the Western Front in Sopwith Strutters and Camels, to his role as Churchill’s 1938-44 Under Secretary…

STRONG, Albert (#231)

…forward, he needed to understand evolving actions on the battlefield and experienced first-hand the fierce fighting in ITALY. Here a signatory for the steady breaching of the strong GOTHIC LINE, scene of GALLANT, DIFFICULT and COSTLY FIGHTING, as well as the changing fortunes of war; he witnessed the tragic loss…

ATKINS, George (#3)

…almost every British military operation since the First World War – and ‘the Fighting Cocks’, 43 (F) Squadron. Tommy had been an engineer in the pre-war motoring industry, and went on to service BATTLE OF BRITAIN HURRICANES, SPITFIRES in ITALY, & 1944/45 LANCASTERS. Among ‘The Long and the Short and…

COX, John W (#298)

…appreciated. Though designed for high-altitude day bombing, in practice the B29 flew more low-altitude night incendiary bombing missions for the fire-bombing campaign. Their importance in mining operations of Japanese harbours, mostly at night, also had considerable strategic effect in limiting Japanese food supplies. Hiroshima and Nagasaki.were destroyed by the B-29…

VERITY, Hugh (#87)

…landing in Eire, where he was interned. MI9 – the War Office escape organisation – managed to free him in a secret operation in which Verity wore disguise. He then moved to No 29, a Bristol Beaufighter night fighter squadron, in the autumn of 1941, serving afterwards on the night

MACLENNAN, Ian R (#128)

…fathers – and they needed them”. Ian MacLennan on Wikipedia (Extract) MacLennan was enlisted into the RCAF in October 1940. Following training, he graduated from training school in June 1941, arriving in England during that Summer. Malta fighting at night Malta After service in Britain, flying sorties over France, in…

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