18 results found for: Singapore

Search results for: Singapore

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FRASER, Ian E (#67)

‘The last and most audacious underwater attack of the Second World War’ “Lieutenant-Commander Ian Fraser won the Victoria Cross as captain of the midget submarine XE3 in Operation Struggle, a daring attack on the Japanese 10,000-ton heavy cruiser Takao in the Johore Straits, off Singapore Dockyard, just before the end…

BROWN, William (#156)

…January 1942 landed Bombay, India and travelled by train to Deolali for training. 21st January 1942 set sail in the ‘Felix Roussel’. 5th February 1942 arrived Singapore. 15th February 1942 captured by Japanese, Singapore. Japanese PoW. October 1942 transported to Thailand; (Lt-Col. Flowers commander). May 1944 left Thailand for Singapore….

PAVILLARD, Stanley S (#171)

…originally brought up in Las Palmas and in Singapore was Medical Officer to the “Vultures”, the STRAITS SETTLEMENTS VOLUNT£ER FORCE. His book, “The Bamboo Doctor”, describes some of the savagery of the Japanese Imperial Army and the atrocious conditions experienced at the FALL of SINGAPORE, the railroad and march northwards,…

DRAKE, Billy (#168)

…Force. Drake spent the first few years after the war in operational headquarters, first in Japan and then in Singapore, but his great love was the fighter environment. In 1949 he was posted to the Fighter Leaders’ School as a senior instructor, an appointment much to his liking and where…

HAMILTON, Patrick M (#271)

…and his knocking down of Japanese attacker in 5th April 1942 Raid on COLOMBO then in CEYLON and the eastern NAVAL BASE, when Singapore fell, for the British Eastern Fleet. The Japanese Admiral Nagumo’s fleet had been spotted by a Koggala-based Catalina but the Easter Sunday air strike on Colombo…

DAVID, W Dennis (#18)

…when engaged in conversation. After the liberation of Singapore and Malaya, he was appointed Senior Air Staff Officer, Air Headquarters, Batavia, Netherlands East Indies, during operations against Javanese insurgents. Returning home in 1946, David was granted a permanent commission and reverted to the rank of squadron leader. In 1949 he…

VERITY, Hugh (#87)

…Asia, then worked with the Recovery of Allied Prisoner-of-War and Internees organisation, arranging the dropping by parachute of medical staff into remote prison camps throughout South East Asia Command. Following a period in Singapore, Verity was posted to Quetta (then in India) as a member of the directing staff at…

ERCOLANI, Lucian (#215)

Singapore – sorties of more than 20 hours duration. On June 15 he led a force of Liberators to attack a 10,000-ton tanker, the Tohu Maru, which had been located in the South China Sea. The mission involved a round trip of 2,500 miles. Flying in appalling weather, some of…

TOWNSEND, Peter W (#12)

…to Singapore where he joined No. 36 Squadron and flew the Vickers Vildebeest torpedo bomber. Upon being promoted to flying officer in 1937, he returned to Tangmere where he joined No. 43 Squadron and shortly after the beginning of WWII he was promoted to flight lieutenant. Flying out of RAF…

HOLDER, Paul (#191)

…of Shallufa, where morale was at a low ebb. From 1953 to 1955 Holder was deputy director, Air Staff policy, at the Air Ministry. There followed a year at the Imperial Defence College, and in 1957 he was appointed AOC in Singapore where, as a relief from duties relating to…

HOGAN, Neville G (#264)

…ended the war as a Guard Commander for the JAPANESE SURRENDER CEREMONY in the big hall at SINGAPORE. Firstly he served with the BURMA AUXILIARY FORCE during the difficult Retreat, then later becoming part of the Reconnaissance element in 46 COLUMN 111 BRIGADE, Second CHINDITS in OPERATION THURSDAY and then…

JOYCE, Austin P (#190)

…as a 16yr old boy Merchant Marine seaman on the “Capetown Castle” Troopship in 1941, taking troops to Singapore and India and bringing New Zealanders and Canadians over to Liverpool – trying for the Irish Guards without vacancies in Leeds, he joined the West Yorkshire (70th = Boys Battalion) then…

CLEERE, Patrick (#236)

…after his A9 and A10 CRUISER 2 Pounders. the Regiment were soon embarked 26Jan42 for Singapore, then diverted to an almost deserted RANGOON -after a patrol to PEGU 25Feb42, he was involved in many skirmishes, including the battle of PROME Roadblock, at THADODAN. then KYAUKSE in April on the RETREAT…

WALTER, AE Mervyn (#232)

…BURMA Police from the Indian Police, Brig WALTER’s long deep, training through the pre-war RMA WOOLWICH, CHATHAM and CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY system extended uniquely to doing both the Long Transportation and the Long Electrical & Mechanical Courses, before later posting to SINGAPORE in 1936 – he remembers the new 2 x…

MAYBANK, John W (#242)

…OKINAWA and IWO JIMA to Japan, and also via FORMOSA and the PHILIPPINES to BORNEO & SINGAPORE or NEW GUINEA & the SOLOMONS, therefore it was a strategic imperative to strangle any potential reinforcement of Japanese Air strength from the coming Battles and Beachheads or OKINAWA and IWO JIMA –…

DAUNT, Ivan Decourcey (#251)

…His father, THOMAS, was a R.E. Sapper and Diver in WW1, one elder brother, FREDERICK, was a RAOC driver, another, WILLIAM, with the KENT AUXILIARY FIRE service, while a third, HARRY, had also been a Sapper in the 1930s in Palestine and Egypt, escaping up into Siam when Singapore fell….

TAIT, James B (#66)

…Asia, India, the Middle East and Singapore before taking command of the bomber base at Coningsby, in Lincolnshire. After serving at the Headquarters Air Cadets, he retired as a group captain in 1964. A very determined man and an inspiring leader and pilot, Tait was described by Leonard Cheshire’s biographer,…

British Army and Commonwealth & Allied Armies

…to AUSTRIA. ROYAL IRISH INNISKILLINGS #171 Stanley S PAVILLARD Doctor Stanley S PAVILLARD MBE MC Medical Officer and author of The Bamboo Doctor. Volunteered 1940, in civilian post in Penang, transferred to Singapore, captured 15Feb42. Accompanied 650 prisoners to Burma-Thailand Railway jungle camps. Saved many lives at KAMBURI in SIAM…

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