93 results found for: South Africa

Search results for: South Africa

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Battle of Britain 80 Introduction

South African Caesar Hull – were killed in action: Richard Carew Reynell. Here’s a superb and moving account of Dickie on this day in a thread by Steve Hunnisett of Blitzwalkers. Peter Townsend [Signatory 12] and Caesar Hull [see his sister, Wendy Bryan, Signatory #6] (right) Of the six now…

ISON, Paul E (#291)

…division’s line went through Isa to the southeastern edge of Chiyunna.20 Having completed its wheeling movement to the right, the 96th Division was ready to drive south in conjunction with the 7th Division. Civilians and prisoners of war stated that Japanese troops had withdrawn to the south. XXIV Corps now…

BRIDGE, John (#154)

…to South Africa aboard Empress of Japan; investigation of mine damage to HMS Hecla; dealing with German mines washed ashore; teaching demonstrations on bomb disposal to South African officers at Cape Town; work destroying defective ammunition at Ganspan; reasons for learning to dive; attitude of white South African to Second…

FRASER-HARRIS, Alexander B (#218)

Commodore Alexander Beaufort ‘Fraser’ FRASER-HARRIS DSC* CD** US LofM RN & RCN NOVA SCOTIA. 803, 759, 801 & 807 SQNs, HMS Glorious’ SKUAS Bombing of Königsberg, BERGEN, FURIOUS, N.AFRICA ,CDR OP TRG in South Africa

COLE, Winefred (#288)

…additional contribution to UK forces of the BRITISH LATIN AMERICAN VOLUNTEERS Most Latin American countries had ambivalent attitudes to WW2 but a considerable proportion of Argentinian citizens opposed the nation’s official neutralist stance. Over 750 Argentine volunteers fought in the British, South African and Canadian Air Forces, with many on…


…Carey (adjutant) [Signatory 27], F/L J.I. Kilmartin [Signatory 35], S/L George Lott [Signatory 11] (who lost an eye in combat on 9 July 1940), F/L RC Reynell and S/L CB Hull DFC [See Wendy Bryan, Signatory #6] South African). Just 3 hours later Reynell and Hull were killed in action….

JOHNSON, James E (#21)

…Michalkiewicz; Stewie (Andrew Stewart Barrie), Doug (F/Lt Douglas Owen Collinge, DFC), Feathers Sq/L WA Laurie, DFC), Arnt (2nd Lt Arnt Hvinden, a Norwegian), South (P/O Southwell C Creagh, an Australian), Gerry (Dutch pilot Lt. Gerry Volkhersz) and Sammy (F/O George Samuel Malton, a Canadian). Stewie, Doug and Sammy were shot…

STEVENS, Steve (#193)

…flying INSTRUCTOR in South Africa flew BEAUFIGHTERS in 19 SQUADRON SAA under Lt Col DON TILLEY in the ANTI-SHIPPING and STRIKE roles from ITALY and over ADRIATIC, as part of the BALKAN AIR FORCE. Post-war he flew in the BERLIN AIRLIFT, here signing for the wider operations of the SOUTH

BRYAN, Wendy (#6)

…and D Gorrie; seated, from left, P/O s Frank Carey (adjutant), F/L J.I. Kilmartin, S/L George Lott, F/L RC Reynell and S/L CB Hull DFC (South African)”. Three hours later, Reynell and Hull were killed in action. Remembrance Day, 2013. Wendy Bryan and her husband, Captain Gerald BRYAN CMG CVO…

DRAKE, Billy (#168)

…advertisement in Aeroplane magazine, he joined the RAF just before his 18th birthday and was commissioned a few months later having qualified as a pilot. ROYAL AIR FORCE: WEST AFRICA COMMAND, 1941-1945. Squadron Leader Billy Drake stands in the cockpit of his Hawker Hurricane Mark IIB, BD897, at Hastings, Sierra…

CAREY, Frank R (#27)

…eye in combat on 9 July 1940), F/L RC Reynell and S/L CB Hull DFC (South African).“ Just three hours after this photograph of eight Hurricane pilots from 43 Squadron ‘relaxing’ outside the Officer’s Mess at Tangmere was taken on 7 September 1940 – a week before Battle of Britain…

QUILL, Claire (#185)

…d’Éstsenrijk (Belgium), and David Gorrie; seated, from left, P/Os Frank Carey (adjutant) [Signatory 27], F/L J.I. Kilmartin [Signatory 35], S/L George Lott [Signatory 11] [who lost an eye in combat on 9 July 1940], F/L RC Reynell and S/L CB Hull DFC (South African).” Just three hours after this photograph…

LLOYD-OWEN, David (#273)

“Danger has some kind of satanic appeal to me. I am drawn towards it in an octopus-like grip of fear.” “Wartime commander of the Long Range Desert Group who thrived on danger in North Africa and the Balkans. MAJOR-GENERAL DAVID LLOYD OWEN, who has died aged 83, commanded the Long…

ANNAND, Richard W (#44)

…the National Provincial Bank for whom he worked first at South Shields and later in Rugby and London. Statue of Dickie Annand VC on the grand staircase in South Shields Town Hall. Annand had always wanted to follow in his father’s footsteps and go into the Navy. In 1933, while…

FOSTER, Bill (#265)

…formed to protect the Roval Dockyards from invasion and then through its 2nd Hampshire Artillery and Garrison Volunteers becoming 1st Wessex Royal Field Artillery for South Africa and in 1916 RA against the Turks in the Middle East in Dec 1916. His war service though does not just incorporate here…

HOLDER, Paul (#191)

…free Holder. The two men ran for their lives; they had made some 100 yards when the Audax blew up. Paul Davie Holder was born on September 2 1911 at Port Elizabeth, South Africa, where his father was the chief electrical engineer and managing director of the tramway company. When…

ROSIER, Fred (#17)

…British Guards unit. The story, as told by Rosier, had a happy ending. While on leave in Cairo, he recounted the tale to a South African major he ran across in a bar. “Hold on,” said the South African. Fishing inside his bag he triumphantly brought out the tankard. His…

CURTIS, Lawrence (#260)

…and the south of France, and it was at the extreme range of the Lancasters. On arrival, Cheshire and Martin were to illuminate the target from low level to allow the rest of the force to drop their bombs. Situated in the hills, Antheor was a particularly difficult target; two…

TAIT, James B (#66)

…bomb aimer sighted the ship before she was fully obscured and released the Tallboy, claiming to have seen a hit. One Tallboy did indeed hit the battleship’s bow and the Germans were forced to move Tirpitz further south to Tromsø for repairs. Bomber Command staffs were not aware of the…

DUMON, Andrée Antoine (#158)

…guiding them from Brussels to Paris and on to the trains that would take them south, to the Pyrenees and, with luck, freedom. She knew her own luck would run out one day. This was the day…” Article about book about Nadine. Extract: Escape or die: The untold WWII story…

HODGES, Lewis (#34)

…air gunner, who had not heard his order to bail out, he burned the aircraft before setting off to the south-east on foot. Resistance Memorial at Vassieux Moving from farm to farm, the two men obtained civilian clothes to wear over their uniforms and eventually made their way to Marseilles…

VERITY, Hugh (#87)

south of the Loire when he encountered impenetrable fog over his landing ground, forcing him to abort the mission. This was especially frustrating because he was to land Jean Moulin, the co-ordinator of General de Gaulle’s Resistance networks in southern France. Having decided to return to his base, Tangmere in…

STORK, J Royden (#301)

…dropping our bombs at 1,800 feet over Tokyo. We flew individually. We all had specified targets – we couldn’t sit there and then fly in formation so we all had specified targets. We were the last one over Tokyo – the other six planes went south. We were actually airborne…

Battle of Britain

…83 Gp, C-in-C 2nd TAF, Bomber Cd & Cdr AFCE #6 Wendy BRYAN Mrs Wendy BRYAN+ (née HULL) Wife of COMMANDO Captain Gerald BRYAN CMG CVO OBE MC (BATTLE of LITANI RIVER). In memory of her two RHODESIA & SOUTH AFRICA brothers killed, Robin (ARMY) & Squadron Leader Caesar HULL…

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