39 results found for: Target Marking

Search results for: Target Marking

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TAIT, James B (#66)

…Bar to his DSO. Tait assumed command of No 617 in July. The squadron specialised in low-level target marking and precision attacks. Shortly before the final raid on the Tirpitz, he led six Lancasters on a daylight attack on the Kembs Dam on the Rhine, just north of Switzerland. As…

CHESHIRE, Geoffrey Leonard (#31)

…task of marking the target alone from a low level in the face of strong defences. Wing Commander Cheshire’s cold and calculated acceptance of risks is exemplified by his conduct… Wing Commander Cheshire has now completed a total of 100 missions. In four years of fighting against the bitterest opposition…

REID, William I (#61)

…Reid sustained further injuries to his right arm, but still refused to turn from his target. Sustained by bottled oxygen from a portable supply administered by his flight engineer, Sergeant J W Norris, Reid pressed on for another 50 minutes. He memorised the course to his target and continued in…

CURTIS, Lawrence (#260)

…intact. Throughout that winter No 617 attacked precision targets, including the V-1 flying bomb sites in the Pas de Calais. On the night of February 12 1944 Curtis took off on his twelfth sortie with Martin. The target was the Antheor viaduct on the vital coastal rail link between Italy…

CALVERT, J Michael (#152)

…the rest not to land on Target 1. Eight hours before take-off he said, “I’ve got that flare so deep in my pocket that I doubt if anyone else can find it if I’m killed.” There being no Target 2, or no way of getting back from Target 1, he…

ROWLAND, John N (#243)

…that was to be waged with great intensity throughout the winter of 1943-44. Rowland flew on the first attack on the night of August 23, a sortie of almost eight hours . Throughout the autumn, he attacked other large cities including Nuremburg, Frankfurt and Munich. On October 8, the target

GIBBS, R Patrick M (#84)

…as a replacement flight commander. He led his first attack on June 4 when his was the only aircraft in the formation successfully to reach the target. Against heavy anti-aircraft fire he released his torpedo from 50ft and hit the 6,847-ton Italian merchantman Reginaldo Trieste, which sank after the destroyer…

ERCOLANI, Lucian (#215)

…to attack Berlin. The target was obscured by cloud, and Ercolani dropped his high-explosive bombs but decided not to release the incendiaries as, if dropped in the wrong place, they might cause confusion for the following aircraft. Over Munster on the return journey, his aircraft was hit by anti-aircraft fire,…

SISMORE, Edward ‘Ted’ Barnes ‘Daisy’ (#79)

target. Visibility was reduced to less than a mile for the last 150, and was not more than half a mile for the last 40. “In spite of these difficulties, Flying Officer Sismore navigated with extreme accuracy, and finally brought the formation up to the target along the pre-arranged run….

GRAYSTON, Raymond E (#133)

…The Targets: An oblique view of the scale briefing model of the Sorpe Dam. Copyright: © IWM. Original Source: http://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/205132711 The primary aim was to breach the Mohne Dam, with those aircraft not required for that target heading eastwards to attack the Eder Dam. Knight and his crew took off…

CREW, Edward D (#114)

‘Night fighter ace with an almost uncanny knack in locating the target and attacking it on the first run in’ ‘Air Vice-Marshal Edward Crew, who died on Sunday aged 84, was an ace night fighter pilot and destroyer of V-1 flying bombs; after notching up at least 13 kills, he…

FRASER, Ian E (#67)

…At 12.50 Fraser saw the shore of Singapore Island to his left, some buildings ahead, and then the target — Takao. “Although she seemed to appear with the suddenness of an apparition,” he recalled, “I had the feeling that I had been staring at her for a long time. She…

HOLDER, Paul (#191)

…astern. He turned to meet them head on. As their fire wounded his navigator the Stirling’s gunners sent one of the fighters spiralling down. Reaching the target, Holder noted a surprising lack of flak and, going in low, scored direct hits on the target area. On the way home he…

ISON, Paul E (#291)

…miles east of Okinawa, Task Force 58 was deployed to furnish air support and to intercept attacks from Kyushu. In addition, support carriers had arrived with troop convoys. At 0745 carrier planes struck the beaches and near-by trenches with napalm.5 Meanwhile LST’s and LSM’s, which had carried to the target

BABINGTON-SMITH, Constance (#180)

targeting by Bomber Command and its Pathfinder Force, and at the end of 1943 Allied air forces flattened launch sites in France. A V2 Rocket Leaving Walcheren by Stephen Bone (1945). Art.IWM ART LD 4691) But by the spring of 1944 the Germans had built less obvious emplacements in the…

HEARN, Avis J (#75)

…versions a scale running across the top of the opening allowed the range to the target to be measured. In this later version, a knob is used to move a cursor line across the screen to lie over a selected return. The cursor is driven by the same timing electronics…

LAMA, Ganju (#146)

…were ordered to counterattack and quickly came under heavy fire from both machine-guns and tanks, pinning them down. Ganju, manning the PIAT anti-tank gun, crawled forwards on his own to get into range and became the target of crossfire which hit him in the wrist and leg. Despite these injuries…


…of pre-war RAF career; receiving news of outbreak of Second World War, 3/9/1939; status of sergeant pilots; participating in first leaflet raid of Second World War; character of leaflet raids during Phoney War; ineffectiveness of target finding in first years of Second World War; pressure from other services against bombing…

KINCADE, Paul B (#240)

…start of USA’s own CONVOY SYSTEM. He undertook NAVAL BEACH GROUP TRAINING in San Francisco for BEACH MARKING with and for the US MARINES serving with AVID 37 in NAVY V-12 between July 1943 and November 1944, and the protection of and working within the US NAVY & MARINE FLOTILLAS,…

RICE, FC (#253)

…of the MEDITERRANEAN by Planet News, on board and behind their large Jolly Roger tally flag, on 22 Sep 1943, was one of the war’s famous photos. BEACH MARKING was undertaken, as spot on “Beacons”, for both the TORCH NORTH AFRICAN and HUSKY SICILY INVASION LANDINGS (briefing at Bizerta), the…

TUCK, RR Stanford (#9)

…worked as a test pilot for the RAF for several years before leaving and starting a mushroom farm in Kent. Wing Commander Tuck talking to his lifelong friend, German Ace Adolf Galland at an event in Madame Tussaud’s marking the release of the 1969 film “The Battle of Britain”. Battle…

LACEY, James (#7)

…when bullets were coming out of his chest. You were there to get rid of his aeroplane, it didn’t cross your mind that it was a man You were firing at an aeroplane of a different kind wearing the wrong markings and flying in our sky. We had been told…

LAKIN, Barklie (#233)

…the MEDITERRANEAN by Planet News, on board and behind their large Jolly Roger tally flag, on 22Sep43, was one of the war’s famous photos. BEACH MARKING was undertaken, as spot on “Beacons”, for both the TORCH NORTH AFRICAN and HUSKY SICILY INVASION LANDINGS (briefing at Bizerta), the Submarine being used…

KAGAN, Jack (#311)

…answered: “They just went for a walk.” ‘…So what’s so special about the 18th of Kislev? It is the defining date marking the end of 500 years of Jewish life in Navahredok, Dad’s town. It is the day in 1941 that the big slaughter of the Jews took place. 5100…

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