62 results found for: U-Boats (Campaign)

Search results for: U-Boats (Campaign)

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ISON, Paul E (#291)

…felt as to whether, despite the rising tide, the Navy landing boats would be able to cross the coral reef, and the first waves were to inspect the reef and send back information. The reef did not hinder the first waves, in amphibian vehicles, but those who followed in boats

ROWLAND, John N (#243)

…DFC twice in three days in 1943; later, on completion of 50 bombing operations, he received the DSO. Rowland joined No 12 Squadron in June 1943 at the height of what became known as the Battle of the Ruhr – a sustained campaign against the huge industrial complexes in the…

KINCADE, Paul B (#240)

…505 ESCORTS, plus 211 SUBMARINES and additionally 2,751 Liberty ships were constructed between 1941 and 1945 in 16 US Shipyards, 1,921 small US Navy Patrol craft (submarine chasers, torpedo boats and crash boats), 882 Minesweepers, 44,912 Landing Craft, 617 Small Auxiliaries, and there were 329 US Coast Guard Vessels and…

BRITTON, Arthur W (#305)

…The story of the Burma campaign had many facets. The fighting took place not only in jungle but in mountains and across the arid Burmese plain, baked as dry as a desert in the summer sun. Men often fought face-to-face and hand-to-hand but the campaign became a modern war, seeing…

GICK, Philip D (#206)

‘He helped sink 5 U-boats but was almost court-martialled for telling a gunnery officer to “bugger their Lordships’ orders and do as we have always done”’ Officers and ratings who were decorated for the part they played in the sinking of the BISMARCK, in front of a Fairey Swordfish aircraft….

COLE, Winefred (#288)

…the six months up to August, inflicting 1,079 casualties. Brazilian naval forces helped to patrol the South and Central Atlantic oceans, against German U-boats and commerce raiders. In NE Brazil Natal was the largest American air base outside the USA, and Recife was used by the U.S. Fourth Fleet. This…

STRONG, Albert (#231)

…GOTHIC CAMPAIGN favoured the DEFENDERS, swallowing up masses of INFANTRY, with ALLIED ARMOUR’S reduced potential to help their hard pressed INFANTRY. Less than 5ft 2in, BERT, quickly christened “Titch” STRONG by his Army friends, lived up to his name in stamina and spirit, always prepared to go forward, often with…


campaign. REEL 2 Continues: Recollections of operations as pilot with 7 Sqdn, Pathfinders Force in GB, 8/1942-2/1943: state of Bomber Command when Air Marshal Arthur Harris took over, 2/1942; frustrations amongst experienced aircrew; decision to launch first 1000 bomber raid, 5/1942; growth of Bomber Command, 1942-1945; start of Pathfinder Force;…

OKOLOW-ZUBKOWSKI, Konstanty (#178)

…NAVY: for POLAND’s gallant fighting servicemen and their 37 MAJOR POLISH NAVY WARSHIPS and 10 Motor Torpedo & Gun Boats at SEA, as in the AIR & on LAND, also recalling POLISH service men and women in all three of their fighting services. Captain ZUBKOWSKI’s unbroken WW2 PN & RN…

BRIDGE, Len A (#186)

…those whose service was in the ROYAL NAVY’s COASTAL FORCES and specifically the role of their MOTOR GUN and TORPEDO BOATS, in both their DEFENSIVE and OFFENSIVE ROLES, protecting British Home Waters. Their small interdependent crews were involved in a heady mixture of, at times, most dramatic and dangerous work….

BRISTOW, Conrad Phillip (#250)

…the Battle of Jutland (Flt Lt RUTLAND & Asst Paymaster TREWIN Observer praised highly by BEATTY, May16) and in the Dardanelles Campaign had been. the first aircraft ever to sink an enemy ship bv using a torpedo; Philip during WW2 was in FACTORY PRODUCTION & SENIOR AIR RAID & CIVIL…

LLOYD-OWEN, David (#273)

…– of his new comrades, but he quickly began to blend in. In September 1942, he was severely wounded in an air raid on Kufra, the LRDG’s base, but recovered in time for the final stages of the North African campaign. In May 1943 the LRDG was sent to Lebanon,…

JOHNSON, James E (#21)

…1943; opinion of American daylight bombing campaign. Recollections of operations commanding 127 (RCAF), 144 and 125 Wings, No 83 Group, 2nd Tactical Air Force, RAF in GB and North West Europe, 1943-1944: escort and fighter sweep duties; aerial combat successes, 1943; opinion of German pilots in 1943 as compared with…

ELLISON, Lorna (#174)

…of commemorating the heroes of the Czech and Slovak Resistance, the Slovak National Museum in May 2007 opened an exhibition presenting one of the most important resistance actions in the whole Nazi-occupied Europe. Coinciding with the release of the 2016 film Anthropoid, campaigners called for Gabčík’s and Kubiš’s bodies to…

BULLOCH, Terence (#73)

…the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. Born in Ulster. Terry’s crew had the top U BOAT kills of 4 U-Boats + 4 damaged; tracked 26, attacked 18. In memory of NZ Nick ENSOR (2+) and representing COASTAL COMMAND…

BURN, Alan (#85)

…Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. GUNNERY. Author of The Fighting Captain. Representing 15,000 RN (1/3 in ATLANTIC) CONVOYS and in memory of Captain Frederick J WALKER CB DSO*** & HMS STARLING (15 U-Boats sunk)….

OULTON, Wilfrid E (#70)

Alan Pollock’s Rough Notes: A work in progress – the fuller biographies will emerge in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. (2 U Boats destroyed) Obituary in The…

NICOLSON, Muriel (#1)

…in writing up our extraordinary signatories. WAR WIDOW of Wing Commander James NICOLSON VC DFC (the only RAF Fighter VC: 72 & 249 Squadrons, TURBINLITE, OC 27 Squadron BEAUFIGHTER operations over BURMA, (killed 2May45) ditched 355 Sqn Liberator. Representing War Widows campaign leader Mrs Iris STRANGE++ & all WAR WIDOWS…


…due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. NORTH WEALD Wg Ldr + NORWEGIAN SPITFIRES, Wing Commander No.244 Wing in the DESERT AIR FORCE & ITALIAN CAMPAIGN + 324 Wing…

WALTER, AE Mervyn (#232)

…the CORPS of ROYAL ENGINEERS, here mainly as a TRANSPORTATION SPECIALIST, firstly for his (& two others, Captain Andrew CROFT and Lt Malcolm MUNTHE, nephew of Axel) Pre-NORWEGIAN CAMPAIGN clandestine INTELLIGENCE gathering on the PORTS and RAILWAYS SYSTEMS in Jan 1940 NORWAY and SWEDEN, crossing over to FINLAND and only…

HAMILTON, John AL (#272)

…of the 81st WEST AFRICAN DIVISION, served with and commanded soldiers of both the GAMBIA and GOLD COAST REGIMENTS, the “Forgotten Formations” in the “Forgotten Campaign” in the KALADAN of the “Forgotten Army” and recalls the achievements of the expansion of peacetime’s ROYAL WEST AFRICAN, FRONTIER FORCE and the soldiers…

DeLONG, Phillip C (#292)

…Corps was born in Jackson, Michigan, in 1919. After graduating from university in aeronautical engineering, he would become the leading VMF-212 Squadron fighter pilot and represents the MARINE CORPS contribution to victory in the SOLOMON ISLANDS campaign and that of the inverted gull ‘bent wing’ CORSAIR F-4U-1As in WW2. After…

McCAIG, Dennis (#76)

…of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. Was Hon Sec Nos 1, 56 & 249 Sqn Assns, from FIJI, 249 SPITFIRES & 118 Sqn MUSTANGS in ITALIAN CAMPAIGN shot down & POW 1945; later 33 & 5 Sqns….

DAUNT, Ivan Decourcey (#251)

…eight children and born 28 Jun 1918 served with 4th Bn Queen’s Own Royal West Kent Regiment in the 1940 North West Europe Campaign in FRANCE and through DUNKIRK, then in the Western Desert and BURMA. Angus’s wife, AUDREY, was a naval tailoress for Chatham and CANADIAN born, whose father,…

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