2 results found for: Ukraine

Search results for: Ukraine

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BLAKESLEE, Donald J M (#294)

…pilots landed in Ukraine after seven hours in their single-engine fighters. By his own admission Blakeslee was not a very good shot, and he flew very close to his adversary before opening fire. He was credited with 15 and a half victories, but when there was a multiple claim he…

Naval & Naval Air

…proportion and similar to Ukraine’s in WW2 % losses. February 1945 YALTA Agreement meant ‘Communist/Polish Forces’ excluded from June 1946 Victory Parade). #304 Peter PALLOT Lieutenant Peter PALLOT RNVR German, Italian, Allied & RAF-laid mines in war & ‘peace’, he served on 11 minesweepers c.1 in 5 lost, SICILY, ITALY,…

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