
4 October 2020

SQUANCE, Sidney J (#247)

Chief Ordnance Artificer Sidney J SQUANCE MiD RN represents ALL ARTIFICERS, the CREWS of the BATTLESHIPS, and specifically the traditional role of NAVAL GUNNERY (with RN neglecting newer Cinderella "AIRCRAFT" &, with its powerful FLEET, having hoped to negotiate the SUBMARINES away by treaty interwar), here specifically its big 16" GUNS (shell wt 2,0501b & range 39,100yds at 40 degrees).
4 October 2020

SMITH, Jack (#55)

Armament Fitter 72 Sqn Gladiators & Spitfires (inc. then Fg Off James NICOLSON), Nos 103, 223, 36ASP, 43, 49 & 150 Sqns and 107MU & Representing gun and bomb GROUND ARMOURERS
4 October 2020

SMITH, David E (#202)

Company Sgt Major David E SMITH of THE BLACK WATCH (Royal Highland Regiment) nearly succeeded in joining at 15 like his father in WW1 for the CAMERONIANS later wounded) but was made to wait two more years; an INSTRUCTOR at 17, he joined CDOs with Jimmy Pearson in 1943 into 4 Tp No 6 COMMANDO.
4 October 2020

SLY, Ted (#276)

Flt Lt  Ted SLY DFC represents the fighter operations of the  ROYAL AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE in particular in North Africa and also New Guinea, who initially joined the 7th Light Horse quickly joined the RAAF.
4 October 2020

SINGH, Arjan (#132)

No.1 Sqn IAF, including NW Frontier and fighter ops out of IMPHAL in BURMA. In memory of pre-war Cranwellians (half his Entry killed before D-Day) and representing INDIAN AIR FORCE
4 October 2020

SHOWER, Albert J (#124)

USAAF & USAF CO 467th BOMB GP Rackheath MIGHTY EIGHTH LIBERATORS, top bombing accuracy in USAAF Europe, 2nd AIR DIV, only CO to lead GP from and to US
4 October 2020

SEAMAN, Ernest (#129)

Fighting STRETCHER BEARER ROYAL NORFOLK REGIMENT (& posthumous, twice wounded, triple counter-attacking Cpl ‘Basher’ BATES VC, who brought back Aug 44)
4 October 2020

SALTARELLI, Gene (#125)

4 October 2020


Flt Lt A "Tony" RICHARDSON: added two years to his real birthdate, 27 Apr 1924, wearing silver buttons of Latymer School Air Defence Cadet Force as he turned up at RAF UXBRIDGE in Mar40 to be attested In July, then Bridgnorth & Blackpool
4 October 2020

REES, Leonard (#38)

BUFFS/EAST SURREY INFANTRY, who had 11 subaltern OCs lost, killed or wounded, fighting from DESERT, SICILY and up through to NORTHERN.ITALY – a typical ‘D Day Dodger’!
4 October 2020

ROEFLER, Irmina (#177)

Mrs Irmina ROEFLER (née RUNO), in 1944 still in her teens, was an AK COURIER and represents all POLISH WOMEN, the triumphs and tragedies of POLAND, the POLISH HOME ARMY (ARMII KRAJOWEJ) and the AK's RESISTANCE
4 October 2020

RODLEY, EE (#96)

PATHFINDER & OC 97, AUGSBURG RAID; + CREW Freeman Boston, wheels up ~Lancaster on sandbank with mines; became first Jet Captain on Comet
4 October 2020

ROBINSON, Albert (#261)

Petty Officer Albert ROBINSON represents the remarkable wartime battle scarred career of the CRUISER. HMS PENELOPE, affectionately described as "Pepperpot".
4 October 2020


ROYAL TANK REGIMENT, great DESERT TANK CDR & NW EUROPE ‘Black Bull’ 11th ARMOIJRED DIV and Flensburg Surrender.
4 October 2020

RUMBOLD, Kenneth (#188)

Cpl Kenneth RUMBOLD as an AIRCRAFT FITTER ENGINES for ROYAL AIR FORCE GROUNDCREW here emphasises all the "RATS of TOBRUK", many from Australia (where in the early 1990s nearly 5,000 were still members), who endured the 200 DAY SIEGE before striking out and joining up with NEW ZEALANDERS of EIGHTH ARMY at El Duda & El Adem between 27 Nov and 9 Dec 1941.
4 October 2020

PROCTER, Jean (#117)

Women’s land army veteran, 5-6 years often hard 15-18hr FARMWORK days, releasing many men from country to join FIGHTING SERVICES “Where I worked there was a farmer with one tooth, who chewed tobacco and spat it out in his hand. He put ‘bloody’ in front and behind every word he uttered, so there was hardly going to be any canoodling there” (Jean at 91) At its peak, the army was 83,000 strong. BRITISH WOMEN’S LAND ARMY SOCIETY + TIMBER CORPS
4 October 2020

PILE, Katharine M (#144)

ATS Women’s AUXILIARY TERRITORIAL SERVICE (later WRAC) A/A ARTILLERY. Married Major John, son of General Sir Frederick PILE GCB DSO MC RA
4 October 2020

PETRIE, Frederick J (#263)

Sergeant Frederick J PETRIE MM and MiDr signs for the splendid fighting service of 43rd WESSEX DIVISION, mainly TERRITORIAL ARMY,with its Wyvern symbol flying on Wessex battle standards going back to well before the Battle of Hastings, which under Manor General G Ivor THOMAS (a WW1 Artillery officer) and Brig EASAMEr played asignificant role within 2nd ARMY in the LIBERATION of North West EUROPE.
4 October 2020

PENN, Mildred (#221)

Sergeant Mildred PENN (later Mrs M COOPER) for her WW2 service with the ROYAL SIGNALS, ATS, & all, the many teams, mainly of WOMEN, In the WAR OFFICE "Y" GROUP on SIGNALS INTERCEPTION work.
4 October 2020

PENTIN, Yuri (#119)

Lieutenant from PERM in Urals. Fought, aged 17 to 19, with Anti-Aircraft ARTILLERY & 9th ARMY. For: SOVIET ARMY, USSR’s courage & sacrifice of 20 MILLION.
4 October 2020

PEARSON, Alastair S (#113)

‘One of the most highly regarded soldiers of the Parachute Regiment and British Army’. For: TERRITORIALS, 6Bn HIGHLAND Lt Infy, 1st ARMY, 1PARA & PARA BDE Ops in North Africa TORCH 1942-3, the SICILY & NORMANDY Invasions
4 October 2020

PAVLOV, Mikhail (#120)

From Tver in KALININ; SOVIET ARMY MEDICAL CORPS, wounded twice, SIEGE of LENINGRAD ~FIELD SURGEONS, ~[ULTRA use] & 12Jul43 Battle of Kursk
4 October 2020

PAVILLARD, Stanley S (#171)

Doctor Stanley Septimus PAVILLARD MBE MC was originally brought up in Las Palmas and in Singapore was Medical Officer to the “Vultures”, the STRAITS SETTLEMENTS VOLUNT£ER FORCE.
4 October 2020

PARKINSON, George (#199)

Corporal George PARKINSON from Merseyside for the fighting service of the ROYAL IRISH INNISKILLINGS, he was with the 6th, which saw their first Bn attack at TWO TREE HILL in TUNISIA 13 Jan 1943, within the IRISH BDE, BOU ARADA and then the INVASION of SICILY, here especially for his unit's part in the BATTLE to take the prominent position CENTURIPE ("Cherry Ripe").
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