
14 September 2020

WILMOT, Allan C (#224)

‘They learned that you don’t mess with West Indians’ 16,000 volunteers came from the Caribbean in the Second World War, “bringing the fight to the enemy”. (See this sequence, from 53m45s, on an Antiques Roadshow Special […]
10 September 2020

WEST, Ferdinand (#28)

Air Commodore Ferdinand ‘Freddie’ WEST VC CBE MC Recipient of the Victoria Cross. RFC & RAF, Captain Royal Munster Volunteers, 3 and 8 Sqns, last Air action, 17 Sqn, OC 4 Sqn WW1 VC Sqn, CO Farnborough, in WW2 Odiham & Air Attaché Berne
9 September 2020

CURTIS, Lawrence (#260)

Squadron Leader Lawrence ‘Larry’ CURTIS DFC. Squadron Leader Larry Curtis flew more than 70 bombing operations during the Second World War and had the very unusual distinction for a wireless operator of earning two DFCs.
6 September 2020

ROSIER, Fred (#17)

Air Chief Marshal Sir Fred ROSIER GCB CBE DSO 43 (F) Sqn on Furies & Hurricanes at Tangmere 1936 to 1939, in France, UK, Western Deser t and Europe, developing close tactical fighter support with 22. ~ Harry Broadhurst ~
4 September 2020

LEAROYD, Roderick AB (#59)

Recipient of the Victoria Cross. Courageous 12 Aug 1940 attack in five HAMPDENS (2 shot down, 2 hit ahead, on attack run) on Dortmund Ems Aqueduct, became Harris’s BOMBER COMMAND exemplar.
2 September 2020

ATKINS, George (#3)

Corporal ‘Tommy’ George ATKINS Nos 1(F) & 43(F) Sqns, in pre-war motor industry serviced BATTLE OF BRITAIN HURRICANES, SPITFIRES in ITALY & 1944/45 LANCASTERS One of many GROUND TECHNICIANS who played a vital role throughout.
2 September 2020

HACKETT, John (#47)

1 September 2020

RHODES JAMES, Richard (#138)

Author (e.g. Chindit, 1980), historian & teacher. Headquarters, 111th Brigade in India, Second Chindit Expedition to Burma. Short IWM oral history CHINDITS and INDIAN ARMY’s South East ASIA CD, INTELL1GENCE, SIGNALS & Orde WINGATE’s air-supported, long range penetration.
1 September 2020

AKHMETOV, Adil (#296)

His Excellency Dr Adil AKHMETOV and in 2001 KAZAKH Ambassador to the Court of St James, through his particular family circumstances, truly represents the massive contribution to final victory and sacrifice of military and civilian lives of those other NON-RUSSIAN SOVIET REPUBLICS but here in particular that of KAZAKHSTAN
1 September 2020

EADON, Stuart (#248)

Lieutenant Stuart EADON RNVR helped organise the 50th ANNIVERSARY celebrations of the "FORGOTTEN FLEETS" with the excellent unqualified support of Col Stephens & the CITY of PORTSMOUTH (the "Flagship of Maritime England") & wrote "SAKISHIMA" & "KAMIKAZE" to expand their written WITNESS HISTORY
1 September 2020

OLDS, Robin (#97)

Brigadier General Robin OLDS AFC DSM* Silver Star (4) Legion of Merit DFC (6) AM (40) DFC (UK) Croix de Guerre (45 e/a) ‘Triple Ace’ for US, USAAF & 8th AIR FORCE (12 e/a, 9 in P-38s, 3 in P-51 +11 strafed); and in Vietnam 1967 destroyed 4 MiG 21/17 in F-4 aged 44 (son of Major General Robert OLDS WW1)
30 August 2020

MASLEN-JONES, Edward (#285)

Edward MASLEN-JONES MC DFC for ARMY AIR OBSERVATION POST SQUADRONS with himself representing the invaluable role of Artillery Spotting in the fierce fighting in BURMA of 656th AOP Sqn RAF/RA for the whole of the 14th ARMY and the 20th INDIAN DIVISION from 1943 to 1945 and then for Malaya and Java
30 August 2020

CHESHIRE, Geoffrey Leonard (#31)

Group Captain Geoffrey Leonard, Baron CHESHIRE of Woodhall Spa VC OM DSO** DFC Recipient of the Victoria Cross. VR Oxford UAS, 102, 35, Wing Commander OC 76 Sqn, CO Marston Moor, Master Bomber 617 Sqn & UK NAGASAKI observer charity pioneer, born Chester 7 September 1917, served Bomber Command 1940-45, 102 Squadron 1940, DSO 1940 (and two Bars 1941), 35 Squadron 1941, DFC 1941, CO 76 Squadron 1942, RAF Station Marston Moor 1943, CO 617 Squadron (Dambusters) 1943, attached Eastern Air Command South-East Asia 1944, British Joint Staff Mission Washington 1945, official British observer of dropping of Atomic Bomb on Nagasaki 1945, Chairman World War Memorial Fund for Disaster Relief 1989-92, VC 1944, OM 1981
30 August 2020


Wing Commander R C ‘Cliff’ ALABASTER DSO* DFC* (Subsequently contributed to the development of POSTWAR AVIATION, then as pilot Captain, Comets & BOAC) Representing OBSERVERS, the PATHFINDER FORCE, and 1943 PEENEMUNDE RAID (Operation Hydra)
30 August 2020

WHEELER, Neil (#53)

Unusually varied operational war career across BOMBER, FIGHTER (inc. Reconnaissance) and COASTAL COMMANDS
30 August 2020

WATKINS, Tasker (#256)

“his superb gallantry and total disregard for his own safety…were responsible for saving the lives of his men and had a decisive influence on the course of the battle” “Sir Tasker Watkins, the former Deputy Chief […]
30 August 2020

VERITY, Hugh (#87)

30 August 2020

TAIT, James B (#66)

Group Captain James B TAIT DSO*** DFC* Long, distinguished service on BOMBER OPERATIONS, CO 617 Sqn and the Tallboy LANCASTERS for the SINKING of TIRPITZ in Tromso Fjord 12NOV44
30 August 2020

TWISS, L Peter (#309)

Lt Cdr L Peter TWISS OBE DSC* for NAVAL FIGHTER OPERATIONS, firstly with catapult HURRICANE CAMSHIPS, CONVOY ESCORT and on long range NIGHT INTRUSION and Night Fighting Radar development with the FIGHTER INTERCEPTION UNIT.
30 August 2020

SPOONER, AR Tony (#52)

MALTA GC Assn, COASTAL COMMAND, author books on RECCE Wing Commander ADRIAN WARBURTON DSO* DFC** + Terry BULLOCH [73] + Sir Ivor BROOM [74]
30 August 2020

SHEEN, Desmond FB (#88)

Group Captain Desmond F B SHEEN DFC* (5e/a) from Sydney, AUSTRALIA for BofB & 72 Sqn SPITFIRE operations, friend of Wing Commander JB ‘Nick’ NICOLSON VC DFC & Representing the support of DOMINION AIR FORCES.
30 August 2020

SCARMAN, Leslie (#241)

Leslie Scarman, Baron SCARMAN PC OBE RAF 1940-45, BOMBER COMMAND and Squadron Leader ‘TORCH’, IKE-MONTY Liaison, Nov42-May45 PSO AM TEDDER Desert & to Europe SURRENDERS
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