42 results found for: Africa

Search results for: Africa

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SCARMAN, Leslie (#241)

…spent the first two years of the war behind a desk at Abingdon, the remainder as a staff officer in North Africa, Sicily, Italy and Northern Europe, working closely with the Mediterranean Air Commander-in-Chief, Sir Arthur (later Lord) Tedder; Scarman was in the room when General Jodl surrendered to General…

CURTIS, Lawrence (#260)

…struggled to prevent the heavy aircraft hitting the sea. With no hope of returning to England, the crew headed for north Africa. After Curtis had sent an SOS, raising an advanced fighter airfield on Corsica, Martin altered course. Curtis remained in wireless contact, but when he requested that a doctor…

ROBERTS, David (#207)

…as “Fearless, of impeccable appearance and iron-hard constitution”, inspiring the next generation of RAF officers. He then commanded 20 (Field) Wing RAF Regiment in Aden, giving him command of internal security in Aden, East Africa and Somaliland. Next, he commanded 3 Wing RAF Regiment in Cyprus, heavily involved in the…

WALTER, AE Mervyn (#232)

…trips via the trans Africa and South America route to the American Capital. After MULBERRY and his work with the PORT CONSTRUCTION and REPAIR GROUPS-in FRANCE, BELGIUM and GERMANY, at the war’s end, he became British Member for the Central Rhine Commission, interestingly dating right back to the 1815 Treaty…

BARKER, John Lindsay (#307)

…mission; but Air Marshal Tedder’s swift intervention, endorsing Barker’s decision, defused an unpleasant incident. For his services in North Africa, Barker was mentioned in dispatches. Returning from the Far East in February 1946, Barker embarked on a series of appointments that kept him overseas for most of the next 17…

LAFONT, Henri Lucien (#160)

…surviving in the late 1990s, regular pre-war French fighting fighter pilot, who fought in the Battle of France, later escaping to Gibraltar. Arrived in Liverpool on 13Jul40 before fighting with the Free French and Royal Air Force, initially on Spitfires. Operational flying until July 1943 in North Africa, UK and…

COLE, Winefred (#288)

…additional contribution to UK forces of the BRITISH LATIN AMERICAN VOLUNTEERS Most Latin American countries had ambivalent attitudes to WW2 but a considerable proportion of Argentinian citizens opposed the nation’s official neutralist stance. Over 750 Argentine volunteers fought in the British, South African and Canadian Air Forces, with many on…

FOSTER, Bill (#265)

…formed to protect the Roval Dockyards from invasion and then through its 2nd Hampshire Artillery and Garrison Volunteers becoming 1st Wessex Royal Field Artillery for South Africa and in 1916 RA against the Turks in the Middle East in Dec 1916. His war service though does not just incorporate here…

British Army and Commonwealth & Allied Armies

…John A.L. HAMILTON MA for 81st WEST AFRICAN DIV & i/c GAMBIA & GOLD COAST Reg’ts, also NIGERIA, tonSIERRA LEONE ‘Forgotten Formations’ KALADAN 2nd CHINDlT Op. THURSDAY BURMA. Author War Bush: 81 (West African) Division in Burma 1943-1945. He feels the African contribution to the war is not sufficiently appreciated…

GILLARD, George (#274)

…an overseas BBC war correspondent he would cover the campaigns in North Africa, Italy, Normandy and up to Berlin between 1941and 1945. Frank Gillard was educated at Wellington School, Somerset, and St Luke’s College, Exeter, there gaining a London University BSc and was a pre-war teacher and made some broadcast…

ROWLANDS, John (#83)

…in Kent, to attend the Advanced Armament Course. At the end of the course he became superintendent of fuse design at their Armament Design Department. In the next two years he travelled to North Africa, Italy and Germany, working just behind the Allied forces’ front line, examining and reporting on…

MANSER, Frank Stanley (#181)

…in NORTH AFRICA including SOUK el ARBA, TAMERA, Djebel Mansour and SICILY’s PRIMOSOLE / CATANIA, then later at ARNHEM by Dakota drop, with take-off from Bourn, where he was shot, part saved on capture by being unsupported well forward, fighting, as always, “with a Thompson machine gun and a Colt…

Battle of Britain

…83 Gp, C-in-C 2nd TAF, Bomber Cd & Cdr AFCE #6 Wendy BRYAN Mrs Wendy BRYAN+ (née HULL) Wife of COMMANDO Captain Gerald BRYAN CMG CVO OBE MC (BATTLE of LITANI RIVER). In memory of her two RHODESIA & SOUTH AFRICA brothers killed, Robin (ARMY) & Squadron Leader Caesar HULL…

Royal Air Force and Commonwealth & Allied Airforces

…& 604 Sqns, OC London UAS, Battle of BRITAIN OC 249 Sqn, 1st Typhoon Wing, N Africa 73 OTU, OC 341 DAKOTA Wing, 1967-71 Chief of Air Staff #133 Raymond E GRAYSTON Flight Sergeant Raymond E GRAYSTON DAMBUSTER. Later POW, Dunsfold Hawker/BAe inspector, FLIGHT ENGINEER in RAAF Fg Off Leslie…

Naval & Naval Air

…VC, XE-3 MIDGET SUB attack JAP Cruiser TAKAO #218 Alexander B FRASER-HARRIS Commodore Alexander B FRASER-HARRIS DSC* CD** US LofM RN & RCN NOVA SCOTIA. 803, 759, 801 & 807 SQNs, HMS Glorious’ SKUAS Bombing of Königsberg, BERGEN, FURIOUS, N.AFRICA ,CDR OP TRG in South Africa #206 Philip D GICK…

Alan Pollock

…and S/L CB Hull DFC (South African).” Just three hours after this photograph – which we’ve had colourised – of eight Hurricane pilots from 43 Squadron ‘relaxing’ outside the Officer’s Mess at RAF Tangmere, was taken, on 7 September 1940 (seven days before the 15th, which was to become known…

Civilians and War Production

…ARMY campaign, BATTLE for CAEN, etc. BBC BROADCASTING WAR REPORTING, DIEPPE RAID, N.AFRICA ,SICILY, ITALY to SALERNO, NORMANDY to US/SOVIET ELBE meeting & BERLIN #153 Douglas R GODFREY Mr Douglas R GODFREY (father Metro Vickers engineer & mother a WWI NURSE & WW2 WVS), for A.V.ROE WOODFORD’s 1st 30, ROY…

War Widows & Family Losses

…Mrs Wendy BRYAN+ (née HULL) Wife of COMMANDO Captain Gerald BRYAN CMG CVO OBE MC (BATTLE of LITANI RIVER). In memory of her two RHODESIA & SOUTH AFRICA brothers killed, Robin (ARMY) & Squadron Leader Caesar HULL DFC BATTLE OF BRITAIN, OC: 43(F) HURRICANE Squadron & 263 GLADIATOR Squadron NORWAY…

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