134 results found for: Aircraft Servicing Under Fire

Search results for: Aircraft Servicing Under Fire

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…truanting again from the operations room – had just taken part in the destruction of a Fw 190 fighter off the Danish coast when an Me 109 fighter struck. Short of fuel, and further damaged by anti-aircraft fire, Braham coaxed the stricken aircraft towards home until he had to ditch…

MAX, Roy (#289)

…French administration, however, the paperwork was lost and he never received the medal. By the middle of June No 103 had lost 18 aircraft and nine crews, and Max was lucky to survive when a German fighter strafed the airfield as he was standing on the wing refuelling his aircraft….

CURRAN, Samuel (#182)

…greatly enhanced the effectiveness of British anti-aircraft defences. Sam Curran (right) with Bruno Touschek. (Credit: The Touschek Family) Subsequently, be worked on developing short-wave (centimentric) radar, which was crucial to night-fighter interception of bombers and to location by aircraft of German submarines during the Battle of the Atlantic. In 1944….

LAFONT, Henri Lucien (#160)

…was that the propellers had been sabotaged in an attempt to prevent the aircraft taking off. They stole aboard during the night and, at first light, started the engines. In the event, Mouchotte managed to drag the aircraft into the air at minimum speed and made a laborious climb. Using…

DUDGEON, AG (#187)

…in which he had had only 45 minutes experience. Dudgeon took off in atrocious weather, and almost immediately the aircraft’s electrics and all the instruments failed. The trainee navigator could not cope in the thick cloud, and, with no radio to assist with navigation bearings, Dudgeon flew the aircraft through…

REID, William I (#61)

“Wounded in two attacks, without oxygen, suffering severely from cold, his navigator dead, his wireless operator fatally wounded, his aircraft crippled and helpless, Flight Lieutenant Reid showed superb courage and leadership in penetrating a further 200 miles into enemy territory…” “FLIGHT LIEUTENANT WILLIAM REID, who has died aged 79, won…

ELDER, Robert M (#299)

…F/A- 18 Hornet. A founder of the Tailhook Association, he received its Lifetime Achievement Award in 1964 and, during his lengthy and varied flying career, Bob Elder flew over 8,000 flying hours in 142 aircraft types and had been carrier qualified in 34 aircraft types on 28 different aircraft carriers….

STORK, J Royden (#301)

…prosecution case for those captured by the Japanese, three being sentenced to death. No aircraft were shot down and all were destroyed mostly landing on small unsuitable airfields for these bombers, with the prisoners, when shown, allowing false propaganda that all the aircraft had been shot down. There can be…

ROSIER, Fred (#17)

…him as an “outstanding pilot and leader,” made special reference to one incident in late 1941 after Rosier had scrambled his air crews on a mission to support another unit under attack from a force of Me-109s. On breaking off the engagement, Rosier saw that one of his aircraft, an…

ATKINS, George (#3)

…Mark I (V7780 Alma Baker Malaya) at LG 1Gerawala, Libya, during the defence of Tobruk. (1941) (IWM) Alan Pollock recalls that: “George was a very typical example of the very modest ground crew who got on with things on the ground to put the aircraft in the air. I think…

NEIL, Thomas F (#102)

…The citation concluded: “His magnificent fighting spirit has enabled him to destroy at least 11 enemy aircraft.” Tom Neil, 5th from left, with No 249 Squadron In May 1941 No 249 was sent to Malta. On the 21st they took off from the deck of the aircraft carrier Ark Royal…

LACEY, James (#7)

…sounded like. In a 1978 BBC interview, he recalled waking up in a hut by the runway as the pilots waited for the phone to ring. “You would have a cup of tea, some breakfast, you would go out to your aircraft, a couple of hundred yards, check the aircraft,…

GRANDY, John (#2)

…period for the RAF. These included withdrawal from bases east of Suez; the cancellation of major aircraft projects; and the dismantling of the strategic nuclear bomber force which he had done so much to nurture. (The cut had been made so that the Navy’s Polaris submarines could take over Britain’s…

GIBSON, John AA (#197)

…month later. The aircraft is piloted by William “Bill” Humble, who normally did not wear a helmet. On March 29 1945, while covering the Rhine crossings, he was shot down by anti-aircraft fire and was wounded in the shoulder during a forced landing. When he had recovered, he served briefly…

DAVIES, Jeff (#213)

SERVICING PARTIES in CHINDIT Operation THURSDAY 5Mar44: Jeff joined RAF at 19 & after 39 SQN (including MARYLAND flight and crash landing!) & 3232SCU was at 13MU, 3502 SU & 170TU WELLINGTONS; there were surprisingly low battle casualties for the RAF SERVICING COMMANDOS, fewer than two dozen being killed, perhaps…

BLAKESLEE, Donald J M (#294)

…artwork on the noses of their aircraft as well as the tally of their scores. But for all his aggression and flamboyance in the air, this was not Blakeslee’s style. His aircraft bore no artwork and no “victory” crosses beneath the cockpit. In later years, many aviation artists chose to…

BABINGTON-SMITH, Constance (#180)

…Smith had been pursuing another vital brief – watching out for new types of aircraft, especially jets. “Keeping an eye on Peenemünde,” she said, “was a minor task compared to the everlasting watch for new German aircraft.” When Group Captain Frank Whittle, inventor of the jet engine, paid her a…

DALTON-MORGAN, Thomas F (#306)

…painting, numerous barrage balloons are shown floating above the trees. Operated by RAF Balloon Command, barrage balloons were used to protect cities from air attack. They forced German aircraft to operate at higher altitudes, reducing the accuracy of their bombing and bringing them within range of anti-aircraft guns.” He quickly…

BROADHURST, Harry (#22)

aircraft while commanding the Desert Air Force in Italy. Copyright: © IWM CL 3862 ROYAL AIR FORCE CHIEFS IN AIRFIELD CONFERENCE IN FRANCE, 31 JULY 1944 The Deputy Supreme Allied Commander, Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur Tedder (left) standing beside his Dakota aircraft in France discussing the latest Air Force…

COX, John W (#298)

aircraft When Okinawa was being taken in April 1945, several targets had been attacked by their B-29 force. Their bomb-load was normally twenty 500lb and only rarely using 1,000lb bombs and this mostly against aircraft plants. Their pressurized cabin, electronic fire control system and remotely controlled gun turrets were much…

DONNET, Michel GL (#157)

…three months, the…men cycled 20 miles at night to the hangar, replacing missing parts and manufacturing others before refitting them to the aircraft under the noses of the Germans. They also managed to acquire enough fuel for the aircraft by purchasing it on the black market from a Luftwaffe mechanic….

HOLDER, Paul (#191)

…air-gunner, Aircraftman Taylor, and stopping the engine, but he managed to glide over the airfield perimeter fence. As he and Taylor scampered for the nearest trench, a shell blew up the aircraft. Habbaniya, 2nd May 1941 by Stuart Brown. (Commissioned by the Royal Air Force Regiment). “Under effective fire from…

BURBRIDGE, Bransome A (#103)

Wing Commander Branse Burbridge, RAF’s most successful night fighter pilot Wing Commander Branse Burbridgewas the RAF’s most successful night fighter pilot, being credited with the destruction of 21 enemy aircraft, including four during one patrol. Teamed up with Flying Officer “Bill” Skelton, he achieved the first of his successes on…

SQUANCE, Sidney J (#247)

…bombarding ORAN, she came under fire &, thanks to AURORA, dodged another torpedo; survived SICILY, ITALY and NORMANDY INVASIONS & the CAEN BOMBARDMENTS. A BISMARCK Historical Note. 19 Battleships and Cruisers, 2 Aircraft Carriers, 21 Destroyers and more than 50 Coastal Command Aircraft were involved to find and sink BISMARCK…

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