49 results found for: Bougainville (Campaign)

Search results for: Bougainville (Campaign)

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ALDRIDGE, James (#200)

…DIVISION and its fine record in TWO WORLD WARS, here the NORTH AFRICAN DESERT CAMPAIGN after El Alamein, into SICILY (at times with 5th HAMPSHIRE REGT) and SALERNO (35 went into the CATANIA battle with him and only 5 came back) then to UK for NORTH WEST EUROPE, landing D+1…

ATKINSON, Robert (#214)

…at BS with the company losing £100 million a year . He embarked on an aggressive campaign to turn it around and for a time succeeded. Fiercely patriotic in the face of Far Eastern competition, he even banned visitors’ Japanese cars from his yards. Ironically, when shipbuilding ended on the…

DUDGEON, AG (#187)

Air Vice-Marshal Tony Dudgeon played a key role in a little-known, but crucial, air campaign that prevented the Germans gaining access to the Iraqi oil fields and a possible offensive from the east against the undefended Suez Canal. When the rabidly anti-British and pro-Axis Rashid Ali el Ghailani seized power…

LLOYD-OWEN, David (#273)

…– of his new comrades, but he quickly began to blend in. In September 1942, he was severely wounded in an air raid on Kufra, the LRDG’s base, but recovered in time for the final stages of the North African campaign. In May 1943 the LRDG was sent to Lebanon,…

COX, John W (#298)

…appreciated. Though designed for high-altitude day bombing, in practice the B29 flew more low-altitude night incendiary bombing missions for the fire-bombing campaign. Their importance in mining operations of Japanese harbours, mostly at night, also had considerable strategic effect in limiting Japanese food supplies. Hiroshima and Nagasaki.were destroyed by the B-29…

PETRIE, Frederick J (#263)

…and the Battle of GEILENKIRCHEN (first , where SAPPERS were also used as Infantry, himself at HOVEN; also recalled is the first British ASSAULT CROSSING of the SEINE at VERNQN/VERNQNNEJ1 and the earlier work in Normandy, particularly the bitter fighting for HILL112 (5 DCLI and costliest Battalion action of Campaign)…

HOGAN, Neville G (#264)

…British had been driven from Burma by May, 1942. His small forces were isolated for a long time, but Force 136 dropped agents and wireless operators who made contact with his guerrillas in October, 1943. Seagrim led Karens in a campaign of sabotage against the occupation, enjoying much support from…

FRASER, Ian E (#67)

…was somewhat tardy in recognising its son formally, but after a lengthy campaign a bronze and stone memorial statue was unveiled, and, later, a wall mural. His colleague and Captain Ian Fraser VC was reported as saying “Jim gave me bother from time to time. He liked his tot of…

WATKINS, Tasker (#256)

…Watkins, the former Deputy Chief Justice of England and Lord Justice of Appea… was awarded a Victoria Cross for his conduct during the North-West Europe Campaign of 1944-45. On August 16 1944, when commanding a company of 1/5th Company of the Welch Regiment, Watkins attacked a German machine-gun post single-handed…

SLY, Ted (#276)

…and rejoined Bobby Gibbes when posted to Darwin as a Flight Commander on 457 RAAF Spitfire Squadron. This was attached to 80 Wing under the command of Clive Caldwell with Bobby Gibbes as Wing Commander flying for the campaign in the Celebes (Moratai) and the invasion of Borneo. Ted Sly…

NEILSON, Ian G (#211)

…at each other to worry about me in my Auster IV”. Later in the campaign, his tasks included aerial photography and flying agents to meet up with their contacts in the Netherlands. Neilson handed over command of his flight early in November 1944 having been selected to become the first…

ROBERTS, David (#207)

…Eoka campaign, playing a key role in the division of the island. He was Mentioned in Dispatches for his efforts. In 1966 as a Group Captain he was aide-de-camp to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II before taking command of the RAF Regiment depot in Catterick and retiring from service in…

ROSIER, Fred (#17)

…own men had found it in a captured German tank which had apparently procured it from the Italians in a “swap.” Fred Rosier hardly let it out of his sight for the rest of his life. In one sense, he was lucky to be alive for the desert campaign. The…

HERFORD, Martin EM (#246)

…organised DESERT MOTOR AMBULANCE CONVOYS, helping part treated CASUALTIES back to the FORWARD FIELD HOSPITALS and extended for TWO YEARS right across the DESERT CAMPAIGNS (including. GREEK CAMPAIGN with 189 LIGHT FIELD & 24 CASUALTY CLEARING STATION at THEBES, where he was bombed off his motorbike and organised, against high…

ISON, Paul E (#291)

…from the southern Japanese home island of Kyushu. In this massive amphibious assault of Marine and Army units, they landed on the Hagushi beaches on 1 April 1945. For most of April, the First was employed in a hard-driving campaign to secure the northern sections of Okinawa. On 30 April…

Alan Pollock

…Battle of Britain VC, with a mind to fund-raising for the Tangmere museum, he realized that, signed by former pilots from The Battle of Britain, they could also raise funds for the War Widows Pension campaign – which he swiftly joined. By 1989, the Ministry of Defence and Whitehall were,…

Royal Air Force and Commonwealth & Allied Airforces

…Commander No.244 Wing in the DESERT AIR FORCE & ITALIAN CAMPAIGN + 324 Wing #15 Patrick Hunter DUNN Air Marshal Sir Patrick Hunter DUNN KBE CBE DFC 500 Sqn, Long Range Development Unit, CFS & OC Nos 80 & 274 & In memory of Squadron Leader M T StJ ‘Pat’…

British Army and Commonwealth & Allied Armies

…BOU TUNISIAN CAMPAIGN as L/Cpl “influenced whole course of battle” with BREN GUN & great courage. #146 Ganju LAMA Captain Ganju LAMA VC MM Recipient of the Victoria Cross. lst/7th GURKHAS, ADC to INDIA’s President, Rifleman at Milestone 33 destroyed 2 Jap tanks by PIAT 16May44 & 2 brilliant PIAT…

Battle of Britain VC

…one… “Delighted to see your ugly mug on all the front pages for such a good reason.” Alan Pollock, driving Muriel to the Inauguration of the Tangmere Military Aviation Museum, which he had been instrumental in helping to found, learned of this, and the War Widows Pension Campaign led by…

Naval & Naval Air

…Convoys, EAGLE sinking (160 lost), TORCH LANDINGS, IMPLACABLE, PACIFIC, JAPAN, KOREAN Representing METROPOLITAN POLICE (501 lost) #292 Phillip C DeLONG Colonel Phillip C DeLONG (11 e/a) A ‘double ace’: US MARINE CORPS VMF-212 SQN 3 combat tour fighter pilot Jun43- to May44 SOLOMON ISLANDS campaign CORSAIR F-4U-1: 7 Zekes, 1+…


…Sir John Hackett (q.v.) ARNHEM escape. DUTCH RESISTANCE with their high losses, some by betrayal & sent to CONCENTRATION CAMPS. #249 COASTWATCHER “COASTWATCHER” A Coastwatcher signs anonymously in memory of gallant left behind COASTWATCHERS, HELPERS radio INTELLIGENCE to US PACIFIC FORCES & (posthumous VC) Sefanala SUKANAIVALU VC & BOUGAINVILLE. #161…

Civilians and War Production

…ARMY campaign, BATTLE for CAEN, etc. BBC BROADCASTING WAR REPORTING, DIEPPE RAID, N.AFRICA ,SICILY, ITALY to SALERNO, NORMANDY to US/SOVIET ELBE meeting & BERLIN #153 Douglas R GODFREY Mr Douglas R GODFREY (father Metro Vickers engineer & mother a WWI NURSE & WW2 WVS), for A.V.ROE WOODFORD’s 1st 30, ROY…


…his instrumental role in the founding of Tangmere Military Aviation Museum. After that success, he turned his energies to concentrate on supporting the (successful) War Widows Pension Campaign: After success on both those fronts, he concentrated, charitably, on an approach that would donate all profits – at least half of…

War Widows & Family Losses

…War Widows campaign leader Mrs Iris STRANGE++ & all WAR WIDOWS #169 Stanislaw ZURAKOWSKI Lieutenant Colonel Stanislaw ZURAKOWSKI PR KR + 2nd Polish Corps & as a cadet in 16th Rifles Lviv fought in 17May44 BATTLE of MONTE CASSINO & Representing POLISH ARMY’S prowess there & elsewhere, & in memory…

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