158 results found for: Coral Sea (Battle of)

Search results for: Coral Sea (Battle of)

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LAFONT, Henri Lucien (#160)

…war. Col Henry Lafont, who has died aged 91, made a dramatic escape from Vichy-held Algeria and reached England to fly Hurricanes in the Battle of Britain; he was the last of the 13 French fighter pilots to fly in the Battle. When France capitulated in June 1940, Lafont was…

DRAKE, Billy (#168)

…melee, Drake claimed one, the first of many successes. When the Blitzkreig was launched on May 10, No 1 Squadron was thrown straight into battle, its Hurricanes trying to provide support for RAF bombers that were suffering terrible losses. In three days, Drake, always a highly aggressive pilot, shot down…

ATKINS, George (#3)

…almost every British military operation since the First World War – and ‘the Fighting Cocks’, 43 (F) Squadron. Tommy had been an engineer in the pre-war motoring industry, and went on to service BATTLE OF BRITAIN HURRICANES, SPITFIRES in ITALY, & 1944/45 LANCASTERS. Among ‘The Long and the Short and…

DROBINSKI, Boleslaw H (#19)

…people. CU Squadron Leader Drobinski. SV Wing Commander Clare Legge, woman controller at time Battle of Britain, talking to Group Captain Tom Glebe. CU German General Adolph Galland talking to Wing Commander Stanford Tuck. SV pan to map of battle area. Pan back to Wing Commander Tuck talking to Adolf…

Royal Air Force and Commonwealth & Allied Airforces

…air defence in the Battle of Britain”, bringing down one and damaging two. ~ As LAC [Leading Aircraftsman] MM 18Aug40 PARACHUTE & CABLE [RAF KENLEY] BATTLE OF BRITAIN Dornier kill; in SUEZ, v. mining e/a, DESERT, Aleppo, CYPRUS, OC BATTLE SCHOOL. Representing RAF REGIMENT. #96 EE RODLEY Wing Commander EE…

TOWNSEND, Peter W (#12)

…regard for his own safety.” Townsend serving throughout the Battle of Britain as commanding officer of No. 85 Squadron of Hawker Hurricanes. In July he ditched his aircraft in the sea after forcing down a Dornier at Arras. His exploits continued until he was shot down over Tonbridge and although…

ROBINSON, Albert (#261)

…wartime battle scarred career of the CRUISER. HMS PENELOPE, affectionately described as “Pepperpot”. He joined on 26 Aug 1939 after Boy Seaman Training at GANGES, transferred to KIMBERLEY at the 2nd Battle of NARVIK & (brought back USS Sigourney (16 Dec 1917) as Newport Class ship (named after shared UK…

DAVID, W Dennis (#18)

Obituary courtesy of and published by the Telegraph. David (left) as best man to his 152 Squadron colleague P/O DH Fox-Male. Battle of Britain fighter pilot who won a DFC and Bar in the space of five days GROUP CAPTAIN DENNIS “HURRICANE” DAVID, who has died aged 82, was awarded…

CAREY, Frank R (#27)

Battle of Britain. Battle of Britain by Paul Nash (1941) The son of a builder, Frank Reginald Carey was born on May 7 1912 at Brixton, South London, where he led a gang in mock battles in the streets before being sent to Belvedere School, Haywards Heath. Once, after several…

STORK, J Royden (#301)

…War Hutchinson 1987). Without the Tokyo Raiders, would the Imperial Japanese Navy have embarked on what led to the Battles of Coral Sea and Midway? Col James Doolittle won a Medal of Honor for the Raid, the USS Hornet CV-8 would be sunk in the Battle of Santa Cruz, receiving…

FRASER, Ian E (#67)

…he joined the Blue Funnel Line and went to sea as a cadet in Tuscan Star and Sydney Star. After joining the battleship Royal Oak as a midshipman, RNR, for what he thought was to be four months’ training, he was aboard for the Fleet Review in Weymouth Bay, Dorset,…


…Gregory positioned Braham to attack a Do 217 bomber. Braham soon set it alight, and it dived into the sea off Sandwich. NIGHT BEAUFIGHTERS IN READINESS : (CH 11190) Original wartime caption: For introduction see CH.11180. Picture (issued 1943) shows – A night Beaufighter ready for the take off. Copyright:…

BROADHURST, Harry (#22)

…2nd January 1940) for taking off alone on 29th November 1939 in very bad weather conditions to intercept an approaching enemy aircraft. He found it and attacked, causing it to dive into cloud very close to sea level, so close that Broadhurst almost went into the sea himself. Broadhurst left…

Battle of Britain

…83 Gp, C-in-C 2nd TAF, Bomber Cd & Cdr AFCE #6 Wendy BRYAN Mrs Wendy BRYAN+ (née HULL) Wife of COMMANDO Captain Gerald BRYAN CMG CVO OBE MC (BATTLE of LITANI RIVER). In memory of her two RHODESIA & SOUTH AFRICA brothers killed, Robin (ARMY) & Squadron Leader Caesar HULL…

PETRIE, Frederick J (#263)

…signs for the splendid fighting service of 43rd WESSEX DIVISION, mainly TERRITORIAL ARMY,with its Wyvern symbol flying on Wessex battle standards going back to well before the Battle of Hastings, which under Manor General G Ivor THOMAS (a WW1 Artillery officer) and Brig EASAMEr played asignificant role within 2nd ARMY…

HEARN, Avis J (#75)

…and then the noise of the explosions was terrific,’ said Avis Edward Fennessy in a screenshot from ‘WW2 Radar Technology – Documentary Battle Stations’. For more on the role of radar in the Battle of Britain, see Group Captain Sir Edward ‘Ned’ FENNESSY CBE BSc FIEE FRIN, Signatory #55  …

FENNESSY, Edward (#54)

…– and the planning of a network of early-warning coastal “Chain Home” stations which were to play a crucial role in the Battle of Britain. On September 29 1938, when war was thought to be imminent, Fennessy had driven through the night from Bawdsey to HQ Fighter Command at Bentley…

LOTT, C George (#11)

…of the Battle of Britain was designated as the 11th July 1940 Lott unjustly was denied the BOB campaign clasp. Many of the ‘Few’ themselves believed the Battle actually commenced on July 1st, 1940. Under Lott’s command several pilots became aces: Peter Townsend [Signatory #12], Frank Carey [Signatory #27], Jim…

GICK, Philip D (#206)

…in the hunt for the German battleship Bismarck in May 1941. During an initial attack at night, he was the only pilot out of nine to score a torpedo hit, though no significant damage was inflicted. Bismarck was sunk two days later following a more successful air strike from Ark…

FRASER-HARRIS, Alexander B (#218)

…squadron shot down four Italian aircraft, and he was awarded a bar to his DSC. In June 1942 he retrained his pilots to fly Seafires, the naval adaptation of the Spitfire. The Seafire’s view for’d when touching down was limited; its landing gear frequently collapsed, and the tailhook would swing…

ERCOLANI, Lucian (#215)

…then floated into the North Sea and eventually along the English Channel. The searching ships and aircraft failed to locate it, and the crew’s attempts to paddle ashore were ineffective. Finally, after three days drifting in the bad November weather, Ercolani and his men were washed up on the southernmost…

MAX, Roy (#289)

…No 103 Squadron, equipped with the Fairey Battle, deployed to France. Max flew patrols throughout the Phoney War, but when the German assault began on May 10 1940 the 10 Battle squadrons in France were immediately in action. Plane: A Fairey Battle, pre-war aircraft used during the ‘Phoney War’. (Credit:…

BIRD-WILSON, Harold A C ‘Birdie’ (#32)

“Flames came into the cockpit, the hood perspex was all gone. I pulled the hood back and leaped out.” Harold ‘Birdie’ Bird-Wilson ‘AIR VICE-MARSHAL “BIRDIE” BIRD-WILSON overcame terrible burns from an air crash to take part with great distinction in the Battle of Britain; after shooting down six enemy aircraft…

DAUNCEY, Michael DK (#110)

“That summer, he returned to Fairford to inquire after the six subaltern friends with whom he had shared a Nissen hut for a year before he became a prisoner. He was the only one still alive.” “Brigadier Mike Dauncey, who has died aged 97, won a DSO at the Battle

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