51 results found for: Elbe (River Crossing)

Search results for: Elbe (River Crossing)

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ALDRIDGE, James (#200)

…on SWORD BEACH, his platoon taking ST HONORÉ. He saw RAF TYPHOONS wiping out German tanks at FALAISE, with SEAFORTHs going forward on KANGAROO TANKS here; James won his MM at the RHINE CROSSING at REES with the 2nd Bn SEAFORTH HIGHLANDERS, finally at VE-DAY reaching BREMERVORDE; his grandfather was…

MITCHELL, Thomas (#172)

…Germans as a main front beachhead, accentuated the necessity of airfield building, initially disguised as “Road Construction Companies RE. Major Mitchell was OC 693 Artisan Works Company RE when placed under CRE 24 Airfield Construction Group and crossing from Felixstowe with his plant on LANDING SHIP TANK LST 3507 anchored…

SUTTON, Thomas A (#308)

…of the D-Day crossing from Beaulieu, constant use of the bilge pumps hardly kept up with seawater ingress and only half of his flotilla of a dozen craft made it across. Tom’s sight at dawn of so many hundreds of craft was unforgettable. Arriving ten minutes ahead of H-Hour, the…

BEAMONT, Roland Prosper ‘Bee’ (#8)

…records in the aircraft, including, in 1952, the first two-way Atlantic crossing in one day – in fact in 10 hours and three minutes. The journal Flight said that Beamont demonstrated the Canberra – which he was the first to fly – “like no aircraft has been demonstrated before or…

TOUGH, John (#204)

…born Uncle John QSM in lst Bn wounded Mar16 & MSM, Uncle James Sgt 6th Bn KIA at FESTUBERT 4 Jun 1918 aged 21, Uncle Albert Pte shell-shocked, Uncle John WILSON served in Egypt KIA 1Decl7): front line in Aug44 for the BATTLES of HOLLAND, REICHSWALD, RHINE CROSSING & GERMANY….

MAX, Roy (#289)

…aircraft and he headed towards England. He navigated using a map torn from a calendar, skirting the Channel Islands and landing at the first airfield he came to after crossing the English coast in order to determine where he was; he then pressed on to Abingdon. The son of a…

MASLEN-JONES, Edward (#285)

…five AUSTERS – A and C Flights were in the ARAKAN and the ADMIN BOX battle in February 1943, B Flight were at KOHIMA in March 1943 later joined by Sqn HQ and C Flt. The advance down the TIDDIM road, the advance to and crossing of the IRRAWADDY and…

HODGES, Lewis (#34)

…escaped from the fort with a pass he had forged, using a potato to create the official-looking stamps. He took a train to Perpignan, then a taxi to the Spanish border before crossing the Pyrenees. In Spain, however, he was arrested by customs officials and sent to the notorious concentration…

MAYBANK, John W (#242)

…Uncle JOHN, commissioned in the field, had been killed on 26Sepl6 by a ricochet, with his Father staying in the NZ TERRITORIAL ARMY as an Instructor; crossing the Atlantic in the QUEEN MARY for his basic training up in Kingston, Ontario, John MAYBANK was on the same ship & was…

GALBRAITH, William P (#297)

…an integral part of the 101st Division under their CO, Colonel Sink. They arrived at Liverpool on 15th September, after crossing on the USS Samaria in ten days., with the various 101st units on the ship being sent to different areas of England to be billeted and continue additional training….

NEILSON, Ian G (#211)

…GSO2 AOP in HQRA 21 Army Group, though he retained his own Auster allowing him to follow the advance across Europe, including observing the Rhine Crossing, “at 4,500 feet, without interference from German fighters” Neilson flew 55 operational sorties over north-west Europe in his Auster and was awarded the DFC,…

BURN, Michael C (#86)

…as the Germans, regarded him as pro-communist. Meanwhile he was given the job of transcribing news gleaned from a secret wireless set, which included reports of the D-Day landings, the crossing of the Rhine, and approach of the Americans. He also wrote a novel, Yes, Farewell, and studied for (and…

BALFOUR, Harold (#13)

…at 10,000 Feet by Richard Carline (1896–1980) Imperial War Museum London The River Scarpe (at 1 o’clock, above) is recalled fondly in the Canadian Canon Frederick George Scott’s The Great War As I Saw It: 100th Anniversary Edition (Illustrated) Kindle Edition, who also gives a droll account of his first…

BRITTON, Arthur W (#305)

…the airlifting of entire divisions, aerial re-supply, landings by glider, casualty evacuation from small jungle airstrips and the deployment of landing craft in support of sea borne invasions and river patrols. The country and its climate were the enemy of both sides. Disease and infection could and did decimate armies…

BOWMAN, J Edwin (#198)

…of 11th HUSSARS, on to Blida & Algiers. On 24Feb44 they relieved 71st FIELD at the River GARIGLIANO seeing plenty of action, before his last near lethal stonk on 9Apr44 meant returning by HOSPITAL SHIP to arrive in Liverpool on D-Day, beginning a slow recovery & being fitted with an…

WOOLLETT, John C (#245)

…tanks & factories, plus important, explosives ingredients. With ROYAL ENGINEER experience in the MIDDLE and FAR EAST, his signature recalls here the vital BRIDGE BUILDING and ASSAULT ENGINEERS, in providing BAILEY & PONTOON BRIDGES & surmounting the big RIVER CROSSINGS, SEINE & RHINE, often working under fire to tight deadlines,…

ERCOLANI, Lucian (#215)

…1941 to join No 214 Squadron. In October the next year Ercolani left for India, joining No 99 Squadron near Calcutta. The squadron was one of two Wellington long-range bomber units used to attack enemy airfields and river, road and rail supply routes. Ercolani led many of these missions over…

ATKINS, George (#3)

…battle honours and decorations awarded. The 4th, 8th and 10th Indian Divisions will always be associated with fighting at Cassino, the capture of Rome, the Arno Valley, the liberation of Florence, and the breaking of the Gothic Line. In the Serchio River Valley, on the Fifth Army front, German counterattack…

ELDER, Robert M (#299)

…duty with VF-191 flying off the USS Oriskany and later commanded Carrier Air Group 12, the USS Waccamaw, and the USS Coral Sea. After the Korean War, Elder continued flying and in 1957 became Director of the Flight Test Division at the Navy’s Air Test Center at Patuxent River, Maryland,…

VRACIU, Alexander (#303)

…test pilot at the Naval Test Center in Patuxent River, Maryland. After the war, Vraciu remained in the navy, working in the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. During the 1950s he reached the “ultimate desire of all fighter pilots” when he took command of his own squadron, becoming the leader of…

WATKINS, Tasker (#256)

…Chester Circuit. He was appointed a Judge of the High Court in the Family Division in 1971 – and that year released a fraudster from prison after hearing of the man’s gallantry in diving into a fast-flowing river to save a four-year-old girl. He transferrred to the Queen’s Bench Division…

British Army and Commonwealth & Allied Armies

…SICILY, SALERNO, D+1 SWORD BEACH, MM for RHINE CROSSING #44 Richard W ANNAND Captain Richard W ‘Dickie’ ANNAND VC ERD DL Recipient of the Victoria Cross. ‘Wheelbarrow VC’ won before DUNKIRK (13-16 May 1940) for DURHAM LIGHT INFANTRY, his FATHER was killed with ROYAL NAVAL DIVISION, GALLIPOLI #148 Robert H…

Royal Air Force and Commonwealth & Allied Airforces

…drops WARSAW UPRISING, flew Romanian PLOESTI OIL attacks and River DANUBE MINJNG #31 Geoffrey Leonard CHESHIRE Group Captain Geoffrey Leonard, Baron CHESHIRE of Woodhall Spa VC OM DSO** DFC Recipient of the Victoria Cross. VR Oxford UAS, 102, 35, Wing Commander OC 76 Sqn, CO Marston Moor, Master Bomber 617…

Battle of Britain

…83 Gp, C-in-C 2nd TAF, Bomber Cd & Cdr AFCE #6 Wendy BRYAN Mrs Wendy BRYAN+ (née HULL) Wife of COMMANDO Captain Gerald BRYAN CMG CVO OBE MC (BATTLE of LITANI RIVER). In memory of her two RHODESIA & SOUTH AFRICA brothers killed, Robin (ARMY) & Squadron Leader Caesar HULL…

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