46 results found for: Salerno (Landings)

Search results for: Salerno (Landings)

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BURBRIDGE, Bransome A (#103)

…including the destruction of three V1 flying bombs. Having flown in support of the D-Day landings, Burbridge and Skelton began operating over occupied France. On the night of June 14/15 they intercepted a Junkers 88, flown by the Luftwaffe Experten (ace) Major Wilhelm Herget, and shot the aircraft down –…

GILLAM, Denys (#25)

…and North West Europe, 12/1943-2/1945: encounter with Focke Wulf 190s over Paris, France, 12/1943. REEL 4 Continues: attacks on German radar stations in preparations for D- Day landings; move to Normandy, France, 9/6/1944; ground attack role in North West Europe; distinguishing targets on ground; physical condition at end of Second…

de CLARENS, Vicomtesse (#161)

…details and deployment plans of the German V-1 Doodlebug and V-2 Rocket Vergeltunqswaffen, the reduction and delay of which were vital prerequisites for Allied landings and later victory. “Also, through her signature, we remember all those many others from Occupied Europe who did not survive their incarceration in the Concentration…

LACEY, James (#7)

…of the war. Due to both skill and luck, in his own words, he survived nine crash landings and famously shot down a German plane that had just bombed Buckingham Palace. Lacey died in 1989 and his achievements have been honoured with a blue plaque on the land where his…

LAKIN, Barklie (#233)

…the MEDITERRANEAN by Planet News, on board and behind their large Jolly Roger tally flag, on 22Sep43, was one of the war’s famous photos. BEACH MARKING was undertaken, as spot on “Beacons”, for both the TORCH NORTH AFRICAN and HUSKY SICILY INVASION LANDINGS (briefing at Bizerta), the Submarine being used…

WATKINS, Tasker (#256)

…Ross, arriving there in late June 1944, a few weeks after the initial D-Day landings. The division participated in a number of engagements, such as the Second Battle of the Odon, and, in August, the Battle of the Falaise Pocket. By mid-August Watkins, commanding “B” Company in his battalion, which…

TAIT, James B (#66)

…in No 5 Group. On the night before D-Day he circled Cherbourg and controlled a force of 200 Lancasters attacking the coastal gun battery at St Pierre du Mont, which posed a serious threat to the American landings on Utah Beach. The emplacement was eliminated. He was awarded a second…

CURTIS, Lawrence (#260)

…which simulated an amphibious landing in the Pas de Calais, and was timed to coincide with the actual D-Day landings in Normandy. Over the next few weeks Curtis attacked many of the large V-1 storage sites in northern France using the 12,000lb “Tallboy” bomb. On September 15 No 617 flew…

BRITTON, Arthur W (#305)

…the airlifting of entire divisions, aerial re-supply, landings by glider, casualty evacuation from small jungle airstrips and the deployment of landing craft in support of sea borne invasions and river patrols. The country and its climate were the enemy of both sides. Disease and infection could and did decimate armies…

PALLOT, Peter (#304)

…before Christmas, 1945 after that period of two and a half years mostly afloat. Once much earlier his vessel had to be towed into Malta and there saw the tail end of the siege, before seeing Rodney and Nelson on their way to support landings. He would be involved in…

RICE, FC (#253)

…of the MEDITERRANEAN by Planet News, on board and behind their large Jolly Roger tally flag, on 22 Sep 1943, was one of the war’s famous photos. BEACH MARKING was undertaken, as spot on “Beacons”, for both the TORCH NORTH AFRICAN and HUSKY SICILY INVASION LANDINGS (briefing at Bizerta), the…

SUTTON, Thomas A (#308)

…(Tank) often going round the Clyde and coast to Jura, one of the places where they had beaches suitable for practising their landings on. The all important drill was to learn to drop the anchor on the beach in different conditions and then tow yourself off by hauling on the…

TWISS, L Peter (#309)

…squadron converted on Supermarine SEAFIRES. His bar to his DSC was for his work on OPERATION TORCH, the landings in Tunisia and Algeria Peter Twiss was posted to the Naval Air Station at Ford, England to fly long-range intruder operations over Germany in Mosquito aircraft and destroyed at least three…

ZURAKOWSKI, Stanislaw (#169)

…surviving key message-carrying runners of six, when the Poles finally outflanked German positions after so many months of savage fighting on 17th May 1944, at the 1,693 feet Benedictine Monastery Hill strongpoint. Cassino was the western hinge-point of the defensive GUSTAV LINE. The Anzio landings in January were not relieved…

BRIDGE, John (#154)

…waterline. His longest dive during the action lasted twenty hours. He served as a naval bomb safety officer during the Normandy landings of June 1944, defusing many bombs, mines, and shells. He cleared mines in the river Scheldt and various harbour basins in September of that year. He was then…

British Army and Commonwealth & Allied Armies

…SICILY, SALERNO, D+1 SWORD BEACH, MM for RHINE CROSSING #44 Richard W ANNAND Captain Richard W ‘Dickie’ ANNAND VC ERD DL Recipient of the Victoria Cross. ‘Wheelbarrow VC’ won before DUNKIRK (13-16 May 1940) for DURHAM LIGHT INFANTRY, his FATHER was killed with ROYAL NAVAL DIVISION, GALLIPOLI #148 Robert H…

Naval & Naval Air

…Convoys, EAGLE sinking (160 lost), TORCH LANDINGS, IMPLACABLE, PACIFIC, JAPAN, KOREAN Representing METROPOLITAN POLICE (501 lost) #292 Phillip C DeLONG Colonel Phillip C DeLONG (11 e/a) A ‘double ace’: US MARINE CORPS VMF-212 SQN 3 combat tour fighter pilot Jun43- to May44 SOLOMON ISLANDS campaign CORSAIR F-4U-1: 7 Zekes, 1+…

Alan Pollock

…advanced flying; sketching industrial installations from air; navigation and effects of wind drift; take off and landings; nature of Percival Provost Trainer; aerobatics including barrel roll, loop, slow role, roll out of loop, aileron turn, ‘upward Charlie’ manoeuvre, stall and spin recovery and turns at maximum rate; instrument flying in…

Royal Air Force and Commonwealth & Allied Airforces

…RAF Aircraft Fitter, 39 SQN BLENHEIMS and MARYLANDS, Representing 2,400 people in 15 RAF SERVICING COMMANDO UNITS (his: No. 3232, formed in MID-EAST and served MALTA, ITALY: SICILY, REGGIO & SALERNO) #49 Alan C DEERE Air Commodore Alan C DEERE DSO OBE DFC* DFC (US) Croix de Guerre (17+ e/a)…

Civilians and War Production

…ARMY campaign, BATTLE for CAEN, etc. BBC BROADCASTING WAR REPORTING, DIEPPE RAID, N.AFRICA ,SICILY, ITALY to SALERNO, NORMANDY to US/SOVIET ELBE meeting & BERLIN #153 Douglas R GODFREY Mr Douglas R GODFREY (father Metro Vickers engineer & mother a WWI NURSE & WW2 WVS), for A.V.ROE WOODFORD’s 1st 30, ROY…

Battle of Britain

…included many He-111s. #234 R Michael CROSLEY Commander R Michael CROSLEY DSC* RNVR, RN Fleet Air Arm ace and later a test pilot. FAA fighters & MALTA Convoys, EAGLE sinking (160 lost), TORCH LANDINGS, IMPLACABLE, PACIFIC, JAPAN, KOREAN Representing METROPOLITAN POLICE (501 lost) #50 John CUNNINGHAM Group Captain John “Cat’s…


…Lacey #7; American ‘triple ace’ Robin Olds #97; the leader of the glider-borne Normandy Landings assault on Pegasus Bridge, The Longest Day’s John Howard #91; the ‘widely speculated’ James Bond inspiration Fitzroy MacLean #116; and intelligence officer, SOE, and SAS historian, MRD Foot #140. Liberation and Battle of France: Artillery…

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