93 results found for: South Africa

Search results for: South Africa

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CAUCHI, Michael (#262)

…Valour for his participation in 31 Sqn SOUTH AFRICAN AIR FORCE Liberatqrs on the dangerous supply drop support missions for the WARSAW UPRISING by 205 Group; he also flew on the Romanian PLOESTI OIL attacks and River DANUBE MINJNG operational sorties; he also represents the outstanding importance, valour and service…

SLY, Ted (#276)

…fighter operations of the ROYAL AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE in particular in North Africa and also New Guinea, who initially joined the 7th Light Horse quickly joined the RAAF. After training in Rhodesia he joined No.452 RAAF Squadron in England and was fortunate to serve with ‘Bluey’ Truscott in the UK…

CHESHIRE, Geoffrey Leonard (#31)

…DFC 1941, CO 76 Squadron 1942, RAF Station Marston Moor 1943, CO 617 Squadron (Dambusters) 1943, attached Eastern Air Command South-East Asia 1944, British Joint Staff Mission Washington 1945, official British observer of dropping of Atomic Bomb on Nagasaki 1945, Chairman World War Memorial Fund for Disaster Relief 1989-92, VC…

DAW, John (#195)

…blue, green and dark blue of the ARMY’s RQYAL CORPS of SIGNALS, by 1945 165.000 strong (9% ATS); war service from POLAND (his group was met by Gen. Carton de Wiart VC DS0, Belgian born, twice wounded in the Boer War, eye lost WW1 East Africa in 1914, then 8…

Royal Air Force and Commonwealth & Allied Airforces


CROSLEY, R Michael (#234)

…which to grab his life jacket from the aircrews’ briefing room before she rolled over and sank. He quickly joined 800 Naval Air Squadron, flying from the escort carrier Biter during Operation Torch, the Allied landings in North Africa. On November 8 he shot down two Vichy French fighters in…

WALTER, AE Mervyn (#232)

…trips via the trans Africa and South America route to the American Capital. After MULBERRY and his work with the PORT CONSTRUCTION and REPAIR GROUPS-in FRANCE, BELGIUM and GERMANY, at the war’s end, he became British Member for the Central Rhine Commission, interestingly dating right back to the 1815 Treaty…

SCARMAN, Leslie (#241)

…may have been influenced by the realisation that Denning was going to remain Master of the Rolls – a post for which it was generally accepted that Scarman had been groomed. Leslie George Scarman was born on July 29 1911 at Streatham, south London. His father was an insurance broker,…

Alan Pollock

…and S/L CB Hull DFC (South African).” Just three hours after this photograph – which we’ve had colourised – of eight Hurricane pilots from 43 Squadron ‘relaxing’ outside the Officer’s Mess at RAF Tangmere, was taken, on 7 September 1940 (seven days before the 15th, which was to become known…

CALVERT, J Michael (#152)

…bet he had made with a schoolfriend when he was 12 – and took 77th Brigade into Burma again by air on 5 March 1944. He established a stronghold and landing ground codenamed Broadway well behind the Japanese lines, and another called White City a little farther south; and held…

7 September, 1940

…now, fighting for their lives, and for our lives, and our way of life. And it’s desperate and by no means certain who’ll win. Two of them will not return – the Southern Rhodesian/South African/Swazilander Caesar Hull https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caesar_Hull, remembered here https://www.yourlocalguardian.co.uk/…/10802112.fighter-pil…/ (and yes, that is my father), who simply everyone…

PANTER, Frank H T (#216)

…SPECIAL FORCES OPERATION deliveries 4 pick ups under GLENGYLE1s South African CAPTAIN PETRIE; then diverted to assist GREECE 4 CRETE (many soldiers, pleased to be picked up, were strafed by fighters 4 killed on return) in evacuating SUDA BAY 4 SPHAKIA, Jul 1941 LITANI RIVER in SYRIA, landing Col KEYES…

JOYCE, Austin P (#190)

…such sentiments with Rudolph Hess remains unknown, but he commanded the former Nazi leader’s ‘Old Guard’ at Spandau Prison in the early 50s, a far cry from his subsequent duties in South Arabia and Northern Ireland.” “Austin Peter Joyce was born at Wakefield, Yorkshire in November 1923 and originally enlisted…

SHEEN, Desmond FB (#88)

…his neck. A fortnight later, on August 31, No 72 was ordered south to No 11 Group fighter sector station at Biggin Hill, Kent – where they landed as the airfield was being heavily bombed. The next morning, having transferred to Croydon, they were scrambled to intercept a large enemy…

DAVID, W Dennis (#18)

…In the ensuing Battle of Britain, he increased his tally to 20, including five unconfirmed kills. He later fought the Japanese in South East Asia and planned operations against Javanese insurgents. After qualifying in 1938 for a short service commission in the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, David was posted…

MAYBANK, John W (#242)

…NOWRA (near JERVIS BAY, New South Wales) flying on to HMS ILLUSTRIOUS on 9Feb45 to prepare for the intensive strikes of 26Mar-l5Apr45 at SAKISHIMA Gunto, including two days of strafing ISHIGAKI, then FORMOSA, in TASK FORCE 57. The Command chain went up through Rear-Adm Sir Philip VIAN i/c Carrier Operations…


…Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve in May 1939. At the war’s end Alabaster was offered a permanent commission with the RAF but he chose to join Don Bennett who had just established British South American Airways (BSAA) operating “Lancastrians” (converted wartime Lancasters). On January 1 1946 Bennett and Alabaster flew…

Naval & Naval Air

…VC, XE-3 MIDGET SUB attack JAP Cruiser TAKAO #218 Alexander B FRASER-HARRIS Commodore Alexander B FRASER-HARRIS DSC* CD** US LofM RN & RCN NOVA SCOTIA. 803, 759, 801 & 807 SQNs, HMS Glorious’ SKUAS Bombing of Königsberg, BERGEN, FURIOUS, N.AFRICA ,CDR OP TRG in South Africa #206 Philip D GICK…

British Army and Commonwealth & Allied Armies

…John A.L. HAMILTON MA for 81st WEST AFRICAN DIV & i/c GAMBIA & GOLD COAST Reg’ts, also NIGERIA, tonSIERRA LEONE ‘Forgotten Formations’ KALADAN 2nd CHINDlT Op. THURSDAY BURMA. Author War Bush: 81 (West African) Division in Burma 1943-1945. He feels the African contribution to the war is not sufficiently appreciated…

LEWIN, Baron (#111)

Alan Pollock’s Rough Notes: A work in progress – the fuller biographies will emerge in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. VALIANT & ASHANTI; N. AFRICA, MALTA GC+RUSSIAN…

KINCADE, Paul B (#240)

…stay in the US NAVY for 27 years, having three WW2 Campaign Battle Stars for the AMERICAN Theatre of War, EUROPE & AFRICA and the PACIFIC; in SIGNALS & also as GUNNER’s MATE. He began with the NAVAL ARMED GUARD (with 2.710 dead, they had the HIGHEST CASUALTY RATE; he…


…and 232 were posted to North Africa to provide air support to the 1st Army in Algeria and Tunisia. He was shot down again in January 1943, this time off the Tunisian coast, but was rescued by local fishermen and taken to the shore. Here he once again evaded capture,…

PEARSON, Alastair S (#113)

…you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. ‘One of the most highly regarded soldiers of the Parachute Regiment and British Army’. For: TERRITORIALS, 6Bn HIGHLAND Lt Infy, 1st ARMY, 1PARA & PARA BDE Ops in North Africa TORCH 1942-3, the SICILY & NORMANDY Invasions…

RHODES JAMES, Richard (#138)

…know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. Author (e.g. Chindit, 1980), historian & teacher. Headquarters, 111th Brigade in India, Second Chindit Expedition to Burma. Short IWM oral history CHINDITS and INDIAN ARMY’s South East ASIA CD, INTELL1GENCE, SIGNALS & Orde WINGATE’s air-supported, long range penetration….

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