92 results found for: Strategic Bombing offensive

Search results for: Strategic Bombing offensive

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WATKINS, Tasker (#256)

…lady” when she appeared to delay the inquest into the death in Moscow of a British banker. In the same year he declared the film Scum, a vivid portrayal of the violence and savagery of life in a British borstal, to be “gratuitously offensive and revolting” and strongly rebuked IBA…

MACLENNAN, Ian R (#128)

…tears as he lucidly recalls the war. “Even then, I recall it was merciless – destroying cities that were not a menace to Germany. Malta was just being bombed. What for? I can see they should have taken it, being an important strategic country. We all know that. But, instead,…

EVANS, David (#106)

…operational aircraft. This was followed by a tour as Assistant Chief of Air Staff (Operations) in the MoD. In 1973 he became the Air Officer Commanding No 1 (Bomber) Group, and in 1974 he led a team of four Vulcans to compete in the annual USAF Strategic Air Command Bombing

GIBBS, R Patrick M (#84)

…dedicated to the airborne torpedo as a weapon against shipping. Assigned to a headquarters staff job in Cairo, he fought an uphill battle against the powers that be to convince them of his beliefs. In due course, he not only changed tactics but also influenced strategic policy for attacks against…

CALVERT, J Michael (#152)

…men when it went into Burma six months later. This first attempt at Long Range Penetration – its official name – had little strategic impact but was a colossal propaganda success: home morale in Great Britain was much boosted by the idea that our men were attacking the Japanese in…

DEERE, Alan C (#49)

…the 30th he probably shot down a Do17. The next day he was the pilot of one of three Spitfires caught in a bombing attack as they were taking off from Hornchurch. Deere’s aircraft was thrown on to its back and he was left suspended in his harness. He was…

BABINGTON-SMITH, Constance (#180)

…Constance Babington Smith studied it through her stereoscope, she identified a ramp holding a tiny cruciform shape on rails. Her discovery, together with the subsequent examination of many thousands of photographs of other possible launch sites and storage depots, indicated that a flying bomb offensive was being prepared on the…

ELDER, Robert M (#299)

…in Saskatchewan, Canada in December 1918, Robert attended the University of Washington in Seattle as a Naval ROTC aviation cadet, studying Aero Engineering. Elder began his flying training at Pensacola, before being commissioned as an USNR Ensign in May, 1941. In June, Elder was assigned to Bombing Squadron 3, the…

RASMUSSEN, Philip M (#293)

bombing mission over Japan that earned him an oak leaf cluster. He stayed in the military after the war and eventually retired from the United States Air Force as a colonel in 1965. He died in 2005 and is buried in Arlington National Cemetery. Lt. Rasmussen had awakened in his…

BLAKESLEE, Donald J M (#294)

…“learn how to fly them on the way to the target”. The P-51 Mustang was originally produced for the Royal Airforce by an American company, but was quickly adopted the USAAF. In March 1944 Blakeslee led the first Mustangs over Berlin, escorting a daylight-bombing raid. In just four months his…

JOICE, Mary (#190)

…links with this work, she commemorates indirectly the outstanding moral courage of the CHRISTIAN GERMAN RESISTANCE movement and records Bishop BELL’s stand against indiscriminate bombing, the German patriot Pastor Dietrich BONHOEFFER (who justified resistance to Hitler – cf Signatory 290), the KREISEL circle, Gen Ludwig BECK (1880-1944 and as previous…

HOLDER, Paul (#191)

…1943) View A.2. © IWM CH 8725 On May 2, Habbaniya’s motley force of Vincents, Gordons, Gladiators, Audaxes and Oxford twin-engine trainers began to attack Iraqi elements ranged by Raschid Ali on a commanding plateau, and carried out continuous dive-bombing attacks throughout that day. Holder’s Audax was hit, wounding his…


…COASTWATCHERS, for this most important representative, it is signed, as appropriate, ANONYMOUSLY, for the foresight of the AUSTRALIANS & their Navy, who planned the system, and ALL these HEROIC PEOPLE & their HELPERS, who knowingly stayed behind, high up in the interior on many strategic islands, watching to provide VALUED…

BRIDGE, Len A (#186)

…those whose service was in the ROYAL NAVY’s COASTAL FORCES and specifically the role of their MOTOR GUN and TORPEDO BOATS, in both their DEFENSIVE and OFFENSIVE ROLES, protecting British Home Waters. Their small interdependent crews were involved in a heady mixture of, at times, most dramatic and dangerous work….

CHOWDRI, Abdul Bashir (#228)


KUBAREV, Vassili (#281)

…page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. Vassili KUBAREV for the SOVIET AIR FORCE and as a pilot for the critical ground support of Soviet troops and their Yak & llyushin fighter bombing on the wide and important Eastern Fronts….

CASPERS, Loek NC (#162)

Caspers used her bike to transport everything from hand grenades to transmitters for calling in allied bombing raids and microfilm revealing details of German troop positions… “It’s very important not forget…You fight for the same principles, don’t you? Freedom of opinion and freedom of speech, freedom of religion, against dictatorship…”…

de CLARENS, Vicomtesse (#161)

…that one was able to escape.” (CIA speech honouring Amniarix and R.V. Jones, Signatory 63) Aged 23, as ‘Amniarix’ in the Druides network, showed great courage evading Gestapo to capture crucial German rockets programme information, vital intelligence leading to Bombing of Peenemünde (German V-1 Doodlebug and V-2 Rockets). Captured twice…

MEEKUMS, April (#68)

…justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. In memory of her brother, one of 168 CIVILIANS killed (& 121 seriously injured) in the worst V-2 attack of WW2, on 25NOV44 on Woolworths store, New Cross, Deptford (see also: ANTWERP’s V-2 BOMBING), one of the many millions of WAR CIVILIANS killed….

SHOWER, Albert J (#124)

…Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. USAAF & USAF CO 467th BOMB GP Rackheath MIGHTY EIGHTH LIBERATORS, top bombing accuracy in USAAF Europe, 2nd AIR DIV, only CO to lead GP from and to US…

WILLIS, Robert (#239)

…course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. USAAC 92nd BOMBARDMENT GROUP, v. GERMAN Wurzburg-Riese, RADAR & JAMMING SPECIALIST; US ‘Mickey’ copy British H2S bombing radar. Representing SECRET ELECTRONIC COUNTERMEASURES WARFARE…

POULSSON, Jens-Anton (#164)

…irrelevant to the strategic course of the war. In October 1942, in Operation Grouse, Poulsson and his SOE team of three Norwegian NCOs were dropped by parachute at night on the Hardangervidda plateau, within reach of the plant on skis. Their mission was to prepare for a landing by two…

STEVENS, Steve (#193)

…BERLIN AIRLIFT, here signing for the wider operations of the SOUTH AFRICAN AIR FORCE, its armed forces and strategic base facilities: post-war he became an early air missionary in Africa, the beginning of the Mission Air Fellowship, now with over 200 aircraft being flown in more than 25 countries worldwide….

GICK, Philip D (#206)

…North Atlantic and the Caribbean before transferring to the Far East Fleet in May 1958. Later that summer, in response to events in Lebanon and Cyprus, the ship transported troops of the Army’s Strategic Reserve from Mombasa to Aden. Soon after, Bulwark intercepted a distress signal saying that two tankers…

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