195 results found for: War Cabinet

Search results for: War Cabinet

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DALTON-MORGAN, Thomas F (#306)

…studied at the Glasgow School of Art where he was awarded a travelling scholarship, venturing to France and Italy. He was commissioned as a war artist in both the First and Second World Wars and became a member of the Royal Academy in 1935. He lived in Blackheath, London, until…

CALVERT, J Michael (#152)

…One Man’s Guerrilla War, and Chindits: Long Range Penetrations.” “Calvert had one of the most courageous, long, varied and influential WW2 careers. He signs for the regular Royal Engineers (training in 1933), Chindits, and the Special Air Service, which he commanded at the war’s end. After RMA Sandhurst, Cambridge, wartime…

ANNAND, Richard W (#44)

“Captain Dickie Annand, who died on Christmas Eve aged 90, won the Army’s first Victoria Cross of the Second World War when serving with the 2nd Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry, in Belgium in May 1940. Dickie Annand VC On May 15, 2 DLI was in a defensive position on…

BARKER, John Lindsay (#307)

…of the Japanese forces in Kowloon, served during the Palestine conflict and arrested the ringleaders of an attempted coup in Ceylon. For most of 1944 Barker was a member of the War Cabinet Plans team making preparations for the forthcoming invasion of Normandy, for which his expertise as an Army…

WIREMU, Hemi (#210)

…Air Force, Navy and Merchant Navy. Some Māori women served in the Army Nursing Service and the women’s army, air force and navy auxiliaries. Between 1939 and 1945 almost 16,000 Māori volunteered for war service, out of a total population of fewer than 100,000. (Source: https://28maoribattalion.org.nz/story-of-the-28th/about-the-28th) https://business.facebook.com/MaoriBattalion/ https://wartimememoriesproject.com/ww2/view.php?uid=219830 https://www.wartimememoriesproject.com/ww2/pow/powcamp.php?pid=3097 https://www.nzonscreen.com/title/maori-battalion-march-to-victory-1990…


War Cabinet, as Chindits, in Arctic Convoys, on Gliders, as guerrillas and resistance fighters; in jungles and as pathfinders, on the Kindertransport and in tanks; aboard Liberty ships and midget submarines, developing radar, and running VIP flights… almost all the elements of this global war are represented. From soldiers and…

DUDGEON, AG (#187)

…varied career, which spanned many aircraft types – after North West Frontier service pre-war and later in BLENHEIMS in the Desert War his book, “The War That Never Was”, records the rapid improvisation and fighting initiative which turned unarmed trainers into weapons of war, raising the SIEGE of No.4 FLYING…

SISMORE, Edward ‘Ted’ Barnes ‘Daisy’ (#79)

…Sismore’s work was outstanding and contributed mat erially to the success obtained. Again, in April, 1945, this officer flew with great distinction in an attack against a similar target at Odense. This officer, who completed much operational flying, has rendered very valuable service.” (Traces of War) ‘After the war, Sismore…

BIRD-WILSON, Harold A C ‘Birdie’ (#32)

war record was the more remarkable for his having recovered from a crash shortly after the outbreak of war. He was piloting a B A Swallow, a light civilian aeroplane being used for communications service, when he crashed in foul weather at Cranwell. He was fortunate to survive the accident,…

BRYAN, Wendy (#6)

…in June 1940. He was killed on active duty on January 1st 1942 and is buried at Halfaya Sollum Cemetary on the Egypt/Libyan border. Robin Yorke Hull’s gravestone in Halfaya-Sollum Cemetery (Commonwealth War Graves Commission, South Africa War Graves) A Tribute to the Forgotten Rhodesian Soldiers of World War II…

GILLARD, George (#274)

…veteran BBC broadcaster, war reporter and BBC executive represents the important roles of both war correspondents and the BBC in WW2. He died six weeks before his 90th birthday but still looked much younger and remained sprightly, fluent and lucid until he died. He was born in Tiverton and As…

LLOYD-OWEN, David (#273)

“Danger has some kind of satanic appeal to me. I am drawn towards it in an octopus-like grip of fear.” “Wartime commander of the Long Range Desert Group who thrived on danger in North Africa and the Balkans. MAJOR-GENERAL DAVID LLOYD OWEN, who has died aged 83, commanded the Long…

BABINGTON-SMITH, Constance (#180)

…about her own part in the war. She never married.” (Obituary originally published in and courtesy of The Telegraph) “Some photos, a stereoscope, plenty of natural light… What else could anyone need? Constance back at Medmenham for the 1977 BBC series ‘The Secret War’ – episode 3: “Terror Weapons”. (Harngroup)”…

KAGAN, Jack (#311)

War, and who carried out the largest armed rescue of Jews by their own people during the war. Trailer: Bielski brothers were heroes, says survivor By David Harrison 10 January 2009 (Daily Telegraph) Daniel Craig’s latest film Defiance tells the powerful story of three Jewish brothers who fled the Nazi…

ELLISON, Lorna (#174)

war was over Jan and Josef would take the Ellison family to Prague to show them just how beautiful it was. “Clearly, the men were planning on returning to Ightfield and the Ellison family as they left uniforms and personal items in the wardrobe – items that were eventually taken…

HEARN, Avis J (#75)

“About 30 planes dropped about 90 bombs on us.” ‘Aircraftwoman Avis Hearn was one of only six Women’s Auxiliary Air Force to be honoured with the Military Medal in World War Two. She was called “4’11” of courage.” A CH (CHAIN HOME) RADAR STATION ON THE EAST COAST’ (1946) by…

MAX, Roy (#289)

…No 103 Squadron, equipped with the Fairey Battle, deployed to France. Max flew patrols throughout the Phoney War, but when the German assault began on May 10 1940 the 10 Battle squadrons in France were immediately in action. Plane: A Fairey Battle, pre-war aircraft used during the ‘Phoney War’. (Credit:…

CUNNINGHAM, John (#50)

“His night-fighter status in the war was unrivalled and comparable to the best of the best daytime fighter pilots” ‘Group Captain John ‘Cat’s Eyes’ Cunningham, who has died aged 84, was a night fighter ace and later a consummate test pilot whose name guaranteed the reputation of British aviation. After…

ATKINS, George (#3)

…almost every British military operation since the First World War – and ‘the Fighting Cocks’, 43 (F) Squadron. Tommy had been an engineer in the pre-war motoring industry, and went on to service BATTLE OF BRITAIN HURRICANES, SPITFIRES in ITALY, & 1944/45 LANCASTERS. Among ‘The Long and the Short and…

FRASER-HARRIS, Alexander B (#218)

“They had achieved complete surprise, with one bullet hole in a wing being the only damage sustained during what was the first sinking of a major warship in wartime by aerial bombing.” Blackburn Skuas and Fairey Swordfish aircraft landing on the deck of HMS ARK ROYAL after attacking the Italian…

MACLENNAN, Ian R (#128)

…shores of Malta (bombing them on land was creating too much of a mess), which was a good thing as we felt confident that we must have been winning the war,” he recounts. Siege Bell War Memorial, Valletta, Malta. Designed by Michael Sandle and erected in 1992, it commemorates the…

POULSSON, Jens-Anton (#164)

…two towed gliders and 37 British Commandos.’ [ARP] In addition to the well-known 1966 film ‘The Heroes of Telemark’ about the raids, a more recent Norwegian documentary mini-series with dramatize episodes, ‘The Heavy Water War’ was released as The Saboteurs in the UK, several episodes of which can be found…

BROWN, William (#156)

…service and sacrifice of his own regiment, as well as Far East Prisoners of War (POWs) alongside other civilian victims of savage war, atrocities and repression, particularly in Asia beyond the Mukden Incident, Japanese Occupation of Manchuria, and First Battle of Shanghai Sep31-Mar32; also recalling all those who helped them…

LAFONT, Henri Lucien (#160)

war. Col Henry Lafont, who has died aged 91, made a dramatic escape from Vichy-held Algeria and reached England to fly Hurricanes in the Battle of Britain; he was the last of the 13 French fighter pilots to fly in the Battle. When France capitulated in June 1940, Lafont was…

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