121 results found for: Yugoslavia (Operations, Partisans)

Search results for: Yugoslavia (Operations, Partisans)

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FOOT, MRD (#140)

…Special Operations Executive. Commissioned into a Royal Engineers searchlight battalion, units transferred to Royal Artillery. Served at Combined Operations Headquarters before joining SAS as intelligence officer. Prisoner of war severely injured trying to escape. SPECIAL OPERATIONS EXECUTIVE, & Cols Airey NEAVE & James LANGLEY, MI9 ESCAPE & EVASION & +…

ROWLAND, John N (#243)

Squadron Leader John Rowland – obituary Squadron Leader John Rowland was a pilot awarded the DFC twice in three days during bombing operations over Germany in 1943 06 January 2015 • 17:48 pm Courtesy of the Daily Telegraph Squadron Leader John Rowland, who has died aged 94, was awarded the…

CURTIS, Lawrence (#260)

Squadron Leader Larry Curtis flew more than 70 bombing operations during the Second World War and had the very unusual distinction for a wireless operator of earning two DFCs. He had already completed two bomber tours when he arrived on No 617 Squadron in July 1943 as one of the…

GALBRAITH, William P (#297)

…in January 1924, here represents “I” Company in the 3rd Battalion, the 506 Parachute Infantry Regiment, the original main component of the United States Army 101st AIRBORNE DIVISION (filmed as The Band of Brothers) and took part in both Operations OVERLORD and MARKET GARDEN and, after his wounding, through his…

BRANDON, Lewis (#270)

…Mosquito aircraft at Swannington with Ben Benson again on Bomber Support operations they would destroy mostly Ju-88 nightfighters over Germany, increasing their score to about ten enemy aircraft. Lewis Brandon’s book ‘Night Flyer’ in 1961 describes the difficult techniques involved in nightfighter operations and their joint careers on wartime flying….

DUNN, Patrick Hunter (#15)

…with Air Marshal Sir Hugh Trenchard, Chief of the Air Staff. Itching to fly again, Dunn started training for Mosquito “Pathfinder” Operations, but was withdrawn because of his staff commitments. After a stint at Fighter Command he was promoted group captain and placed in charge of anti-V2 operations at 12…

CREW, Edward D (#114)

…brought up by his step-father, Sir Kenneth Murchison, a Tory MP, and educated at Felsted School and Downing College, Cambridge, where, in 1939, he joined the University Air Squadron. Blenheim bombers attack enemy vessel, just east of Le Touquet by David Rowlands Following a sustained period of night operations with…

CURTIS, Lettice (#77)

…before thinking up a reason for not taking me on,” she wrote. Eventually, she was offered a job with the Ministry of Civil Aviation as an Operations Officer before applying to be a test pilot at the Aircraft and Armament Experimental Establishment at Boscombe Down. ‘After her flight test, she…

GIBSON, John AA (#197)

…Johnny Gibson In 1943 he went with 15 Squadron to New Georgia as operations officer. Subsequently, he commanded and led the squadron, equipped with Corsair fighters. In the heavy fighting of the Bougainville Pacific landings, he destroyed a Japanese Zeke fighter on January 23 1944. After again returning to Europe,…


…– and he and Braham were posted as instructors to No 51, a night fighter Operational Training Unit at Cranfield. Keen to return to operations, in early June the two men slipped away for an unofficial weekend visit to their old squadron, No 29, in Kent. During a night sortie,…

NEIL, Thomas F (#102)

…victory. He also led fighter-bomber attacks against airfields in Sicily. Finally, after 18 months on operations he was rested and returned to England to train fighter pilots. Following a period in command of No 41 Squadron flying Spitfires on escort duty, he was seconded to the 100th Fighter Wing of…

PIPER, AH (#5)

…London, but his training was incomplete when war broke out, so he qualified as an air gunner instead.   Blenheim bombers attack enemy vessel, just east of Le Touquet by David Rowlands Peter first saw operations in a Bristol Blenheim Mk.I squadron, No.236, based at North Coates. In March 1940,…

GUERITZ, Edward Finlay (#212)

…landing 0830hrs D-DAY at OUISTREHAM on NORMANDY INVASION’s left flank at SWORD BEACH “S:’; wounded during the war, he signs for all COMBINED OPERATIONS & the Sth-& all DESTROYER FLOTILLAS; post-war he was active again (OBE Near East Operations for SUEZ 1956) and his last two naval appointments were as…


1928 HALTON Apprentice. Representing 70 & 7 Squadron STIRLINGS, and Air Vice Marshal Don BENNETT‘s PATHFINDER FORCE for BOMBER Operations IWM Oral History: Thomas Gilbert Mahaddie British NCO served as pilot with 77 Sqdn, No 4 Group, Bomber Command, RAF in GB, 9/1939-6/1940; officer served with 7 Sqdn, Pathfinder Force,…

ISON, Paul E (#291)

…used for evacuating casualties. A crane barge was capable of handling 400 tons in a 20-hour day when enough amphibian vehicles were available to make the runs ashore. 26 Control of operations on the beaches, initially in the battalion landing teams, passed step by step through the echelons of command…

QUILL, Claire (#185)

…was stationed at Tangmere during the Battle of Britain. No 11 Fighter Group’s Operations Room, Uxbridge by Charles Ernest Cundall (1943) © IWM Art.IWM ART LD 4140 Corporal Claire Legge: Behind the controller’s dais in the ops room there were four cabins which were monitoring the four radio channels. They…

BEAMONT, Roland Prosper ‘Bee’ (#8)

…was chief test pilot of the ill-fated British Aircraft Corporation (BAC) TSR2 supersonic bomber-reconnaissance programme until the aircraft’s abrupt and brutal cancellation by the government. Later Beamont directed British Aerospace and Panavia international flight operations of the multi-role combat Tornado until its introduction to RAF and other NATO operational squadrons….

MORGAN-GILES, Morgan (#269)

…GM RN whose many aspects in his colourful career in WW2 reached its highpoint perhaps with his key participation as a young Commander in charge of the Naval build up at Vis in the Adriatic and its usefulness in support of the Yugoslav partisansYugoslavia was the only occupied…

TWISS, L Peter (#309)

…for NAVAL FIGHTER OPERATIONS, firstly with catapult HURRICANE CAMSHIPS, CONVOY ESCORT and on long range NIGHT INTRUSION and Night Fighting Radar development with the FIGHTER INTERCEPTION UNIT. As well as joining the BRITISH AIR COMMISSION on US Naval testing before attending the Empire Test Pilots’ School and later his 1956…

ERCOLANI, Lucian (#215)

Wing Commander Lucian Ercolani was a wartime bomber pilot decorated three times for gallantry in operations over Europe and in the Far East; he was later chairman of the family furniture company Ercol. On the night of November 7/8 1941, Ercolani took off in his Wellington of No 214 Squadron…

HOLDER, Paul (#191)

…Libya, No 351, a Hurricane squadron composed of Yugoslav air and groundcrew loyal to Marshal Tito. Once the squadron was declared ready for operations, Holder returned to Britain to join the directing staff at the RAF Staff College. From February 1945, Holder took charge of a Transport Command Station at…

MOLINARI, Mario (#217)

…ITALIAN ARMY, here as one of the first 4 more effective units, for the largely FORGOTTEN 200.000 enrolled, PARTISAN ITALIANS, who fought on the ALLIED SIDE, in Army Divisions 4 in the air, after the Armistice, many being killed. Mario was with the PARTISANS’ 38th GARIBALDI BRIGADE (38 BRIGATA Inzani…

LISKUTIN, Miroslav A (#130)

…Ground attack operations over France continued for the remainder of the year and on November 7 he destroyed a Fw 190. ‘Dieppe – withdrawal from Beach’ by [Bob Mullen?] (Source unknown: please let us know if you do!) He commenced a second tour with No 312 Squadron in July 1943…

LAFONT, Henri Lucien (#160)

…to England. BJ Ellan book cover depicting Spitfires and contrails Throughout 1943 Lafont flew with No 341 Squadron on operations over France and the Low Countries. By war’s end he had completed 230 operational missions, and he was one of the few to be awarded the Ordre de la Libération,…

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