134 results found for: Aircraft Servicing Under Fire

Search results for: Aircraft Servicing Under Fire

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BIRD-WILSON, Harold A C ‘Birdie’ (#32)

“Flames came into the cockpit, the hood perspex was all gone. I pulled the hood back and leaped out.” Harold ‘Birdie’ Bird-Wilson ‘AIR VICE-MARSHAL “BIRDIE” BIRD-WILSON overcame terrible burns from an air crash to take part with great distinction in the Battle of Britain; after shooting down six enemy aircraft

RASMUSSEN, Philip M (#293)

…Sterling Jr. also shot down a Japanese aircraft but was shot down over water and drowned after getting out of his aircraft. Phil Ramussen remained in the new USAF, retired in 1965 and died just before his 87th birthday at Fort Myers, being buried in Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia….

HODGES, Lewis (#34)

…Flying moonlit operations for the Special Operations Executive (SOE) Hodges landed his single-engine Lysander or the larger Hudson aircraft in remote French fields to deliver and pick up agents. He picked up two future Presidents of the Republic (Auriol and Mitterrand), bringing them to England for meetings with General de…

CREW, Edward D (#114)

…to two-engine Bristol Beaufighters, that the pair acquired a more suitable aircraft and sufficient expertise to dispatch five enemy bombers within a period of 10 weeks. (Bristol Beaufighter Mk.IC, 1943, now on display at the National Museum of the United States Air Force) This early run of success was speedily…

TAIT, James B (#66)

…and he was awarded a DSO. Tait joined the RAF’s first Halifax bomber squadron, No 35, and on June 30 led a daring daylight raid on Kiel by three aircraft. Despite intense anti-aircraft fire, bombs were dropped on the target. He was awarded a Bar to his DSO for his…

LOTT, C George (#11)

…Messerschmidt 110’s. During the combat Squadron Leader Lott’s aircraft was badly hit but despite an injury which eventually necessitated the removal of an eye, he brought his aircraft to within three miles of the base before he was compelled to abandon it. He has personally destroyed two enemy aircraft and…

TOWNSEND, Peter W (#12)

…July 1940 By early 1941 Townsend had shot down at least 11 enemy aircraft, became an acting Wing Commander and was awarded the DSO for his “outstanding powers of leadership and organisation… and skill in air combat”. “Fighter Affiliation : Halifax and Hurricane aircraft co-operating in action” by Walter Thomas…

TWISS, L Peter (#309)

…enemy aircraft on Fulmar and Mosquito aircraft. By the time the war ended, he was a lieutenant-commander. After the war, Peter joined Fairey Aviation as a test pilot, where he would fly many new Fairey aircraft including the Primer, Gannet, Firefly and the Rotodyne compound-helicopter. In 1954, he started his…

CHESHIRE, Geoffrey Leonard (#31)

…learned rapidly, and by June was in command of his own aircraft and crew. In November of that year, Cheshire received the Distinguished Service Order (DSO) for a mission over Cologne during which he was temporarily blinded by flak but still managed to prevent his damaged and burning aircraft crashing,…

PIPER, AH (#5)

…November 1943 he was involved in the operation that earned him his DFC. He was the rear gunner in an aircraft on a mine-laying mission. When nearing the target area, the aircraft was attacked by a fighter: “At the, outset, Flight Lieutenant Piper’s turret was hit by the enemy’s bullets…

BROWN, Richard (#295)

Alan Pollock’s Rough Notes: A work in progress – the fuller biographies will emerge in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. Leading Aircraftman Richard BROWN, Aircraft Fitter 2…

QUILL, Claire (#185)

…Hove was in turn lost on the Battle of Britain day itself, and David Gorrie the following April. Aircraftwoman Claire Legge was at Tangmere during the Battle of Britain Jeffrey Quill, Claire’s husband ‘a day would come when the aeroplane decided that it was in charge instead of the pilot,…

ISON, Paul E (#291)

…31,807 wounded and 239 missing in action. At sea and in the air, the Navy reported 36 US ships sunk, 368 damaged, 763 aircraft lost to all causes, 4,907 seamen killed or missing in action and 4,824 wounded. Despite the magnitude of these losses by the Americans, the Japanese sustained…

BALFOUR, Harold (#13)

…prepared instructions, or ‘patter’, through a specially designed device called the ‘Gosport Tube‘. Even after students had gone solo, half their training was given on dual-control aircraft. Smith-Barry taught his students to explore the aircraft’s capabilities and to learn the cause and effect of any movement in the air. Instead…

LEWIS, Gwilym (#30)

…Gwilym Lewis was the oldest survivor of the Royal Flying Corps and, having shot down 12 enemy aircraft, their last ace. He numbered among his friends Mick Mannock VC, who was credited with 72 enemy aircraft. There now remains only one surviving RFC pilot, Cecil Lewis, the author of Sagittarius…

KELLETT, Ronald G (#29)

…at Mildenhall, Cambridgeshire. He earned a Distinguished Service Order for his leadership at this time. The citation reads: Squadron Leader Kellett as commander of his squadron has built up and trained his personnel to such a fine fighting pitch that no fewer than 113 enemy aircraft have been destroyed in…


…for a navigator, he was appointed captain of his aircraft. He attacked targets deep in Germany and on the night of August 17/18 his was one of the lead Pathfinder crews on the raid against the secret German V1 and V2 Research Station at Peenemünde. During an attack on Cologne…

BURN, Michael C (#86)

…hands to my eyes. Then I passed out. Unable to bail out of the flaming aircraft immediately, Hillary sustained extensive burns to his face and hands. Before it crashed he fell out of the stricken Spitfire unconscious. Regaining his senses whilst falling through space, he deployed a parachute and landed…

MAYBANK, John W (#242)

…Admiral Chester NIMITZ, whose VJ-DAY COMMAND totally neqrly.two million men, 6,000 SHIPS and 15,000 AIRCRAFT. AIRCRAFT STRATEGIC CONTEXT: The British Chiefs of Staff even more and earlier than Prime Minister Winston CHURCHILL were insistent that UK forces should play a major part in the fall of JAPAN, as soon as…

SHEEN, Desmond FB (#88)

Group Captain Desmond Sheen 03 July 2001 Obituary courtesy of the Daily Telegraph GROUP CAPTAIN DESMOND SHEEN, who has died aged 83, was shot down twice during the Battle of Britain, in the course of which he accounted for three enemy aircraft destroyed, one shared, two probably destroyed and two…

EVANS, David (#106)

…After flying Spitfires in the Middle East, Evans joined No 137 Squadron to fly Typhoons from an advanced airfield in Holland. In March and April 1945 he attacked railways and road transports with rockets. Anti-aircraft fire was still intense and casualties were high. Shortly after his squadron arrived at Lüneburg…

TUCK, RR Stanford (#9)

…Allen, Flight-Lieutenant R R Stanford Tuck, Flight-Lieutenant A C Deere, Flight-Lieutenant A G Malan, Squadron-Leader J A Leathart and an airman bugler. Allen, Deere, and Leathart, all serving with No. 54 Squadron RAF, had, between them, shot down 25 enemy aircraft. © IWM. Original Source: http://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/205126762 Bob’s first combat patrol…

HEARN, Avis J (#75)

“About 30 planes dropped about 90 bombs on us.” ‘Aircraftwoman Avis Hearn was one of only six Women’s Auxiliary Air Force to be honoured with the Military Medal in World War Two. She was called “4’11” of courage.” A CH (CHAIN HOME) RADAR STATION ON THE EAST COAST’ (1946) by…

GILLAM, Denys (#25)

…air victory of the war, and probably of all time. Robert Taylor’s painting shows Gillam’s Hurricane, guns blazing while undercarriage is still retracting. Group Captain Denys GILLAM DSO** DFC* AFC (8 e/a). Obituary Courtesy of the Daily Telegraph. Typhoon Aircraft undergoing Minor Repairs by Elsie Dalton Hewland (1943) Copyright: Art.IWM…

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