86 results found for: Amiens (Mosquito Operation)

Search results for: Amiens (Mosquito Operation)

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COX, Charles (#80)

…page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. RAF, flew and parachuted with 43 and Major General John ‘Johnny’ D FROST on BRUNEVAL RAID (Operation Biting), the PARAS’ first Battle Honour, to dismantle & retrieve this German radar. Representing GROUND RADAR…

HOWARD, John (#91)

…we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. Leader of the glider-borne Normandy Landings assault Operation Deadstick. OX & BUCKS Light Infantry, 5 months Cpl to RSM, then commissioned; D-DAY 6 JUN 1944 with Company in towed glider to 40 yds from & took PEGASUS BRIDGE at 00:16hrs….

LOTT, C George (#11)

…SERVICE ORDER. LOTT, Squadron Leader C.G., D.F.C. “Since June 1 this officer has led his squadron on operational patrols over Dunkirk, Amiens and Abbeville, and other parts of enemy occupied territory. In July, as leader of a section of Hurricanes, he pressed home an attack in adverse weather against six…

DALTON-MORGAN, Thomas F (#306)

…of fighter operations for and beyond D-Day”. A month before the end of the war in Europe, Dalton-Morgan learned that his only brother, John, who also had the DFC, had been shot down and killed flying a Mosquito. Dalton-Morgan remained in Germany with 2nd Tactical Air Force after the war…

DUNN, Patrick Hunter (#15)

…with Air Marshal Sir Hugh Trenchard, Chief of the Air Staff. Itching to fly again, Dunn started training for Mosquito “Pathfinder” Operations, but was withdrawn because of his staff commitments. After a stint at Fighter Command he was promoted group captain and placed in charge of anti-V2 operations at 12…

MACLENNAN, Ian R (#128)

…novelty of the experience of sleeping under a mosquito net in a spacious room. “I was taken into a beautiful place that resembled a nunnery, alone in a lovely bed. I felt tranquil…” Getting off the aircraft carrier was nerve-wracking, he recalls. “We had no (arrester) hooks so you could…

PIPER, AH (#5)

…London, but his training was incomplete when war broke out, so he qualified as an air gunner instead.   Blenheim bombers attack enemy vessel, just east of Le Touquet by David Rowlands Peter first saw operations in a Bristol Blenheim Mk.I squadron, No.236, based at North Coates. In March 1940,…

GIBBS, R Patrick M (#84)

…of his strike operation had a material effect upon the fortunes of our 8th Army in the desert and the outcome at Alamein; there were few operational efforts in World War II to compare with it.” The son of a Cardiff shipowner, Reginald Patrick Mahoney Gibbs was born at Penarth…

BLAKESLEE, Donald J M (#294)

…later transferred to No 133, one of the three American-manned “Eagle” squadrons of the RAF, and during the Dieppe operation in August 1942 he shot down a Dornier bomber, probably destroyed a Focke Wulf 190, and damaged two others. He was awarded a DFC after completing 120 operations. In September…

DUDGEON, AG (#187)

…in Iraq in April 1941, he immediately threatened the RAF’s main staging post and training base at Habbaniya. Dudgeon had recently arrived to command B Flight of No 4 Flying Training School. With virtually no operational aircraft available to defend the airfield, he and his colleagues set about converting their…

LLOYD-OWEN, David (#273)

…from which he mounted a successful raid on Corfu and staged operations in the Dalmatian islands and Yugoslavia. In September 1944, he was parachuted into Albania at night. Shortly after landing he fell 30 ft into a ravine and severely damaged his spine. The LRDG’s doctor was parachuted in to…

ROWLANDS, John (#83)

…Arm 4, the branch of the RAF responsible for bomb disposal policy. In April the next year an RAF BD squad reported the discovery of an unexploded bomb with some unusual features. Certain members of the Air Ministry staff were deployed operationally from time to time on some of the…

British Army and Commonwealth & Allied Armies

Operations Headquarters before joining SAS as intelligence officer. Prisoner of war severely injured trying to escape. SPECIAL OPERATIONS EXECUTIVE, & Cols Airey NEAVE & James LANGLEY, MI9 ESCAPE & EVASION & + father SEARCHLIGHT & A/A DEFENCE. #43 Macleod FORSYTH Company Sergeant Major Macleod FORSYTH MM Order of the Red…


…Airman in Channel and Ben Clifton of 4 Commando, Ex York & Lancaster Regiment. (Source: Combined Ops) Hallowes was given command of 222 Squadron at North Weald in June 1942. In August he took command of 165 Squadron and led it in the Dieppe operation on the 19th, destroying a…

DRAKE, Billy (#168)

…adaptation of armoured seat to Hawker Hurricane; discovery of his Hawker Hurricane, 2003; wounds and clothing worn. Period as flying instructor with 6 Operational Training Unit, RAF Sutton Bridge, 6/1940-10/1940: posting to unit; degree to which combat experience; amusing story of dogfighting with Polish pilot. Aspects of operations as pilot…

DAVIES, Jeff (#213)

…SERVICING PARTIES in CHINDIT Operation THURSDAY 5Mar44: Jeff joined RAF at 19 & after 39 SQN (including MARYLAND flight and crash landing!) & 3232SCU was at 13MU, 3502 SU & 170TU WELLINGTONS; there were surprisingly low battle casualties for the RAF SERVICING COMMANDOS, fewer than two dozen being killed, perhaps…

DROBINSKI, Boleslaw H (#19)

…to RAF Eastchurch for an induction course and tuition in English. He moved to the Polish Wing at 3 School of Technical Training Blackpool on 1st June 1940. Drobinski went to No. 1 School of Army Co-operation at Old Sarum on 22nd July on the 3rd Polish Pilots Course, for…

BRYAN, Wendy (#6)

…the beaches and the operation was postponed until the early hours of June 9. By this time, the French had been alerted, one of the two bridges across the river had been demolished, and heavy opposition was expected. Bryan was armed with a rifle, a pistol, a fighting knife and…

ELDER, Robert M (#299)

…Cross and two Presidential Unit Citations, he stayed in the post-war Navy, becoming. an early Navy test pilot graduate in 1950. Among the first US Navy pilots to fly jet aircraft, he helped develop the F-8F Bearcat and the F-7F Tigercat for carrier operation. In 1953 Elder returned to combat…

BURN, Michael C (#86)

…out two semicircular ledges of skin under my eyes to allow for contraction of the new lids. What was not absorbed was to be sliced off when I came in for my next operation, a new upper lip. In 1941, Hillary persuaded the British authorities to send him to America…

VERITY, Hugh (#87)

operations staff of Fighter Command’s No 11 Group and also at Fighter Command headquarters. After his exploits flying into France, he became an SOE air operations manager organising drops and agent landings in Western Europe and Scandinavia. In the autumn of 1944 Verity supervised clandestine air operations in South East…

DONNET, Michel GL (#157)

…and their officer training at Evere. After invasion, air operations in a chaotic environment, an attempted escape (his friend Lt Didier made thirteen!) and 6 months of incarceration, and a Jan41 release return to near Brussels, their plot was hatched in April and, not without many adventures, mishaps, setbacks and…

HERFORD, Martin EM (#246)

…The historian, Martin Middlebrook (“ARNHEM 1944”) gives a total of 11,920 men as taking part “in the airborne operation to ARNHEM in the lst BRITISH AIRBORNE Division, the POLISH INDEPENDENT Brigade Group and various attached elements”. Deriving one Table from two of his, the casualties were as follows, showing how…

CHRISTIE, Werner Hosewinckel (#165)

…awarded DFC in 1943. Major Christie would also command 332 Sqn from Jan-Jun 1944 initially on Ramrod missions, and then Army Co-operation, before dive-bombing ops against rail and radar targets ahead of D-Day. When patrolling the beachhead, 332 shot down quite a few FW-190 and Br-109 aircraft. After resting in…

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