83 results found for: Anti-Tank

Search results for: Anti-Tank

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…Wing consisting of 181,182, 247 and 137 Squadrons, his DSO reflected his leadership on “tank busting” operations including the FALAISE pocket and invaluable close air support right up to the RHINE CROSSING.. Near Wesel he was shot down by flak but force-landed on an island, where he was captured but…

SHEEN, Desmond FB (#88)

…the leg. “I stopped a couple of bullets,” Sheen explained. “One went through my earphones and the other got me in the thigh. The most serious was a bullet in my fuel tank. The petrol began to stream into the cockpit. I went in again to attack but I was…

PETRIE, Frederick J (#263)

…the English Channel, most units were ashore by 21st June, 1944 and their first major battle alongside15th SCOTTISH DIVISION began at the end of June. Most of their Tank Support was provided by 8th ARMOURED BRIGADE. Casualty figures were 1,587 KILLED, 8,292 WOUNDED and 2,603 MISSING of about 40,000 men….

WOOLNOUGH, James A (#230)

…with the 24th LANCERS, once only with a solitary tank; he recalls the action of Captain Hod THWAITES of 9th QUEEN’S ROYAL LANCERS & the citation for his Bar award to his MILITARY CROSS, their Battle round the River LAMONE, PIDEURA, and what turned out a rapid escalation of his…

ROSIER, Fred (#17)

…over-loaded plane. Regretfully abandoning his few personal possessions, including a prize silver tankard he always took with him, Rosier grimly set off with his companion at the beginning of a long trek through enemy territory. They had hardly started out when there appeared a force of Italian infantry in trucks….

ROBERTS, David (#207)

…employed on the PAC unit on the Station’s northern boundary. 3 Dornier bombers headed towards his position and when they came into range he launched a line of 9 rockets. A new anti-aircraft weapon at the time, the Luftwaffe pilots struggled to combat its effectiveness. Roberts actions and leadership accounted…

TAIT, James B (#66)

…and he was awarded a DSO. Tait joined the RAF’s first Halifax bomber squadron, No 35, and on June 30 led a daring daylight raid on Kiel by three aircraft. Despite intense anti-aircraft fire, bombs were dropped on the target. He was awarded a Bar to his DSO for his…

MUNRO, John (#201)

…wartime TELEGRAPHIST AIR GUNNER of 816 & 845 SQNs to represent all the RN “TAGs”, especially those flying in the primitive but remarkably effective Swordfish “Stringbags”, the (only British pre-war operational aircraft to finish WW2 still operational & the same aircraft), here on convoy protection & anti E-boats; also for…

DUDGEON, AG (#187)

Air Vice-Marshal Tony Dudgeon played a key role in a little-known, but crucial, air campaign that prevented the Germans gaining access to the Iraqi oil fields and a possible offensive from the east against the undefended Suez Canal. When the rabidly anti-British and pro-Axis Rashid Ali el Ghailani seized power…

EVANS, David (#106)

…After flying Spitfires in the Middle East, Evans joined No 137 Squadron to fly Typhoons from an advanced airfield in Holland. In March and April 1945 he attacked railways and road transports with rockets. Anti-aircraft fire was still intense and casualties were high. Shortly after his squadron arrived at Lüneburg…

CALVERT, J Michael (#152)

…– it dislocated the Japanese assault on Imphal, that threatened India; but the fire went out of it when Wingate was killed in an air crash, and Calvert found himself under the orders of the American General Stilwell – passionately anti-British – and forced to fight a conventional war for…

KENNEALLY, John Patrick (#275)

…He was posted to an anti-aircraft battery in Dollis Hill, north London, but this he found insufficiently exciting. Early in 1941 he fell in with some Irish labourers who persuaded him to desert and accompany them to Glasgow. They gave him an identity card bearing the name of John Patrick…

WEBB, Robert Walter (#252)

…Able Seaman R W Webb DSM, dated 22Apr43, reads… “On the advice of the First Lord, the King has been graciously pleased to award you the Distinguished Service Medal for your devotion to duty as an Operator of the Anti-Submarine devices of H.M.S. QUENTIN during many successful engagements with the…

KAGAN, Jack (#311)

…thought of selling Jewish lives to the Germans for a sack of potatoes”. He rejected an accusation that the Bielski detachment was involved in a massacre of Polish anti-Nazi resistance fighters by pro-Soviet partisans at Naliboki forest in eastern Poland on May 8, 1943, claiming that the Bielskis were stationed…

HEARN, Avis J (#75)

…to have smaller crews. The metal box covering the CRT is also a later addition, a simple anti-jamming system. The Germans could jam the CH stations by broadcasting false echoes when they received a pulse from the CH station. These false signals were only partially synchronized, deliberately, so they jumped…

LOATS, Norman (#300)

…6. We departed San Diego on 8 September for brief training in the Hawaiian Islands before proceeding to support the occupation of Japan. Puget Sound entered Tokyo Bay on 14 October 1945. Her aircraft joined in the show of strength and conducted anti-mining patrols in support of the landings of…

CHESHIRE, Geoffrey Leonard (#31)

…a holed and burning Whitley. Thereafter his operational record went from strength to strength. He demonstrated unique qualities of stamina, survival, expertise and leadership. He needed not only these but also luck, as he was the first to admit, constantly surviving the most intense anti-aircraft and fighter opposition over the…

CROSLEY, R Michael (#234)

…peacetime CARRIER’S first role, with his returning on INDEFATIGABLE which was bringing the FAR EAST PRISONERS OF WAR back to UK, a mission that those on board would not forget, adding to an anti-climactic UK welcome home. 801 & 802 on OCEAN & SEA FURIES for the KOREAN WAR, then…

GIBSON, John AA (#197)

…month later. The aircraft is piloted by William “Bill” Humble, who normally did not wear a helmet. On March 29 1945, while covering the Rhine crossings, he was shot down by anti-aircraft fire and was wounded in the shoulder during a forced landing. When he had recovered, he served briefly…

CURRAN, Samuel (#182)

…greatly enhanced the effectiveness of British anti-aircraft defences. Sam Curran (right) with Bruno Touschek. (Credit: The Touschek Family) Subsequently, be worked on developing short-wave (centimentric) radar, which was crucial to night-fighter interception of bombers and to location by aircraft of German submarines during the Battle of the Atlantic. In 1944….


…vla .4 COASTAL OTU at ALNESS, he crewed up on SUNDERLAND Mk 111s for long CONVOY PROTECTION and ANTI-SUBMARINE duties over the WESTERN APPROACHES often in very poor weather with “mooring” & unmooring”, bilge crews etc on 228 SQN (lost two crews including their own loaned 2nd Pilot) then 277…

GILLAM, Denys (#25)

anti-aircraft fire from Royal Navy warships in English Channel. Recollections of operations as pilot with 616 Sqdn, No 12 Group, Fighter Command, RAF during Battle of Britain, 8/1940-9/1940: posting to RAF Kenley, 8/1940; reasons for squadron casualties; handling inexperienced pilots; performance between Supermarine Spitfire Mk II and Messerschmitt Me 109;…

WIREMU, Hemi (#210)

…officer (NCO). HQ Company was made up of six specialist platoons: signals, anti-aircraft, mortars, Bren Gun Carriers, pioneers and transport. Reinforcements The main body of the Māori Battalion left New Zealand as part of 2NZEF’s 2nd Echelon in May 1940. To maintain its strength throughout the war, especially when heavy…

FRASER-HARRIS, Alexander B (#218)

…the reconstruction of a Skua. SKUAS OF THE FLEET AIR ARM ATTACK THE OIL TANKS AND JETTY AT DOLVIK NEAR BERGEN. 1940, AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS, OVER NORWAY. The tail of one of the Blackburn Skuas seen as the squadron returns home leaving the tanks burning. © IWM A 84 For a…

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