99 results found for: New Guinea

Search results for: New Guinea

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COX, John W (#298)

Alan Pollock’s Rough Notes: A work in progress – the fuller biographies will emerge in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done appropriate justice to the American heroes among our signatories. Captain John W COX USAAF Airplane…

BALFOUR, Harold (#13)

Royal Flying Corps ‘Selfie’, taken (without official approval) with a newly available Kodak Box Camera. Courtesy of The Retronaut “A leader of exceptional dash and ability.” An Impression of Lens, France, Seen from an Aeroplane: The Anglo-German Front Line, 1918 by Richard C Carline © Art.IWM ART 2661 Harold Balfour…

CAREY, Frank R (#27)

‘The fur was flying everywhere… Suddenly I was “bullet stitched” right across the cockpit.’ “From left, standing: P/Os HC Upton, AEA van den Hove d’Éstsenrijk (Belgium), and David Gorrie; seated, from left, P/Os Frank Carey (adjutant) [Signatory 27], F/L J.I. Kilmartin [Signatory 35], S/L George Lott [Signatory 11](who lost an…

CREW, Edward D (#114)

…Sgt Gus Guthrie, to adapt to his new calling as a radar operator. Bristol Blenheim Mk I (1940) by Keith Henderson (from Cecil Lewis’s “Sagittarius Rising”) Bristol Blenheim Mk I (1940) by Keith Henderson (from Cecil Lewis’s “Sagittarius Rising”) It was not until the following spring, when the squadron converted…

JOYCE, Austin P (#190)

Alan Pollock’s Rough Notes: A work in progress – the fuller biographies will emerge in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. Welsh Guards Regimental Quartermaster, Sergeant Major Korean…

DONNET, Michel GL (#157)

Alan Pollock’s Rough Notes: A work in progress – the fuller biographies will emerge in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. Belgian aviator who, with Leon Divoy, flew…

HOLDER, Paul (#191)

…converting and enlarging the family’s new home at Churt in Surrey. He took lessons in carpentry, plumbing and electricity and drew the plans himself. He also created a garden, developing its natural pond for trout, and later carp. Holder was elected to the Farnham ward of the district council. More…

LEIGHTON-PORTER, Chrystabel (#150)

…Mary as the model. But by the late 1930s the Mirror wanted to use it in panel form and with more risque content, and when Mary Pett’s attention suddenly turned to golf, her husband began to look for a new model. In late 1939, on a visit to his old…

DeLONG, Phillip C (#292)

Alan Pollock’s Rough Notes: A work in progress – the fuller biographies will emerge in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done appropriate justice to the American heroes among our signatories. Colonel Phillip C DeLONG, US Marine…

RASMUSSEN, Philip M (#293)

Alan Pollock’s Rough Notes: A work in progress – the fuller biographies will emerge in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done appropriate justice to the American heroes among our signatories. Lt Colonel Philip M RASMUSSEN USAAF…

HEGLUND, Svein (#166)

Alan Pollock’s Rough Notes: A work in progress – the fuller biographies will emerge in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. The top scoring NORWEGIAN fighter pilot of…

STORK, J Royden (#301)

Alan Pollock’s Rough Notes: A work in progress – the fuller biographies will emerge in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done appropriate justice to the American heroes among our signatories. Captain J Royden STORK for Operation…

COLE, Winefred (#288)

Alan Pollock’s Rough Notes: A work in progress – the fuller biographies will emerge in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. Winefred (née CASSELLE) Cole WAAF for the…

ERCOLANI, Lucian (#215)

…1943 Ercolani went to the newly-formed No 355 Squadron. He flew many sorties deep into enemy territory, some involving a round trip of 2,000 miles, to destroy the supply networks used to reinforce and support the Burma battlefield. An important and frequent target was the Siam-Burma railway built by Allied…

DUMON, Andrée Antoine (#158)

…them over to Dedee. And so it was that airmen like Sergeant Jack Newton, gunner on a Wellington bomber, found themselves living through scenes that could have come from a farfetched thriller or adventure film. The unreality began from the moment they fell to earth. Newton’s plane was downed on…

ROBERTS, David (#207)

…employed on the PAC unit on the Station’s northern boundary. 3 Dornier bombers headed towards his position and when they came into range he launched a line of 9 rockets. A new anti-aircraft weapon at the time, the Luftwaffe pilots struggled to combat its effectiveness. Roberts actions and leadership accounted…

TWISS, L Peter (#309)

Alan Pollock’s Rough Notes: A work in progress – the fuller biographies will emerge in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. Lt Cdr L Peter TWISS OBE DSC*…

WALTER, AE Mervyn (#232)

Alan Pollock’s Rough Notes: A work in progress – the fuller biographies will emerge in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. Brigadier A E Mervyn WALTER CBE of…

STRONG, Albert (#231)

Alan Pollock’s Rough Notes: A work in progress – the fuller biographies will emerge in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. T268373 Sgt T Albert STRONG MM for…

SUTTON, Thomas A (#308)

Alan Pollock’s Rough Notes: A work in progress – the fuller biographies will emerge in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. Lt Thomas A SUTTON RNVR for the…

WATKINS, Tasker (#256)

…had been hanged in 1953 after allegedly encouraging Christopher Craig to shoot PC Sydney Miles with the words “Let him have it, Chris” during an attempted burglary. Watkins retired from the bench, aged 75, in 1993; and that year he was voted in as the new president of the Welsh…

CUNNINGHAM, John (#50)

…to the de Havilland Board until 1958 when BOAC put Comet IV on to the London-New York route. When, during this period, de Havilland became a division of Hawker Siddeley, Cunningham, always ready to get on with the job in hand, was not fazed. Sir Geoffrey de Havilland noted that…

BEAMONT, Roland Prosper ‘Bee’ (#8)

…of No. 150 Wing, leaning against a Hawker Tempest Mark V of No. 3 Squadron RAF at Newchurch Advanced Landing Ground, Kent. © IWM HU 92120 ‘Wing Commander Roland ‘Bee’ BEAMONT’s dazzling wartime service as a fighter pilot and wing leader was followed by a long and sustained peacetime career…

ZURAKOWSKI, Stanislaw (#169)

Alan Pollock’s Rough Notes: A work in progress – the fuller biographies will emerge in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. Stanislaw ZURAKOWSKI KW (Krzyz Walecznych the Polish…

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