76 results found for: Night Intrusion

Search results for: Night Intrusion

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LAKIN, Barklie (#233)

…at night to fire at and hit a locomotive, which then set fire to a long area from the 5,000 volt system – the excellent group photograph, with Lts LAKIN and DEVLIN among the SAFARI CREW, arriving home at TROON, after 4 more operational patrols in the dangerous waters of…

BEAMONT, Roland Prosper ‘Bee’ (#8)

…West Riding Auxiliary Air Force squadron. Arriving at 609 as a flight commander, Beamont began to lead the “Tiffies” on low-level day and night intruder and ground attack operations across the Channel. It was largely due to Beamont’s inventive employment of the Typhoon as a fighter-bomber that he gained steadily…

BIRD-WILSON, Harold A C ‘Birdie’ (#32)

…friends had gone.” “I had no qualms about admitting to nightmares. Sleeping at dispersal near my Hurricane I would often wake from a very frightening dream of flying at night. I would be sitting up in bed and sweating like a pig.” Harold Arthur Cooper Bird-Wilson was born on November…

ANNAND, Richard W (#44)

…the south side of the River Dyle, east of Brussels, with battalion headquarters established in the ominously named village of La Tombe. The German assault began shortly after dawn. Annand’s platoon, in position astride a blown bridge, had beaten off a strong attack the previous night and was now facing…

BABINGTON-SMITH, Constance (#180)

…wartime experiences, a book about test pilots, several volumes of letters by her cousin Dame Rose Macaulay, and a clutch of well received biographies. Target for Tonight (1941), in which Constance makes a charming if uncredited appearance. Constance Babington Smith was born on October 15 1912, one of the five…

FENNESSY, Edward (#54)

…– and the planning of a network of early-warning coastal “Chain Home” stations which were to play a crucial role in the Battle of Britain. On September 29 1938, when war was thought to be imminent, Fennessy had driven through the night from Bawdsey to HQ Fighter Command at Bentley…

JOHNSON, James E (#21)

…Spitfire; difficulties of night flying. Recollections of operations as pilot with 616 Sqdn, No 11 Group, Fighter Command, RAF in GB, 9/1940-6/1942: joining squadron at RAF Kenley, 5/9/1940; squadron morale; first aerial action with Pilot Officer Hugh Dundas over North Sea, 1/1941; duties protecting east coast convoys, 1/1941; move to…


…as a pilot officer and moving to Spitfire training on September 7th 1940. He said the Spitfire was ‘not too difficult to fly… but a devil to land at night’. Despite his training being incomplete, he was posted to 72 Squadron at Biggin Hill in October of that year to…

CLEERE, Patrick (#236)

…HUSSARS captured FORT CAPUZZO on 14Jun40 and a couple of hundred POWs, but the Infantry could not hold it; re-taken by the ITALIANS 15-28Jun40, he took part in three further day and one night attacks, unsuccessful because of mines and artillery fire; he was in, to name just a few,…

CARTER, Reginald A (#227)

…of 4 tanks, then 4 troops of 3 tanks, important acclimatisation and disciplines, plus the AHMADNAGAR Cdr courses at the Fighting Vehicle School; main move forward,, shortly after a big draft from 26th HUSSARS Oct43,to ASSAM & Milestone119 were at night, where possible, for security in 1944, on 15 March…

CURTIS, Lawrence (#260)

…intact. Throughout that winter No 617 attacked precision targets, including the V-1 flying bomb sites in the Pas de Calais. On the night of February 12 1944 Curtis took off on his twelfth sortie with Martin. The target was the Antheor viaduct on the vital coastal rail link between Italy…

ROSIER, Fred (#17)

…Copyright: © IWM TR 816 After waiting until nightfall they set off again, navigating their way by the stars. For four days they crossed the desert, dodging columns of German armor, until they heard the (for once) welcome crash of gunfire. Running towards it, they stumbled with relief into a…

VRACIU, Alexander (#303)

…down a Zero in October during a mission against Wake Island. Vraciu’s feud with his opponents in the air had become much more personal when he learned that his mentor, O’Hare, had been killed in combat on November 26, 1943, apparently by a Japanese Betty bomber during a confused night

HANCOCK, Margaret (#277)

…Mary had a full year in Edinburgh on midwifery and then returned to London. On night duties they would do three months on the trot with one day off every month and the pay was £18 compared with eight nights off for every seven for nurses in the mid 1990s….

HERFORD, Martin EM (#246)

…over for further MEDICAL SUPPLIES to help the OOSTERBEEK garrison – however the Germans did allow a safe passage back for the remainder left on the bank, although Captain Percy LOUIS, a PARA medical officer, was somehow killed that night or later, without ever being found – Col H.ERFORD stayed…

FRASER, Ian E (#67)

…diver Leading Seaman “Mick” Magennis — transferred from Stygian on July 30 to relieve XE3’s passage crew . That night, at 11 pm, the midget sub slipped its tow at the eastern end of the Singapore Channel. By J. Brooks (1945): A diver is shown cutting through an anti-submarine net…

MacLENNAN, Roddie (#184)

…completely abandoned the vessel. Roddie’s lifeboat, with 4 long oars and two men on each oar, could still see the blazing vessel to windward. In the middle of the night they were so nearly run down that they were almost swamped, an oar was touched and they could feel the…

PANTER, Frank H T (#216)

…scuttled to avoid being sunk (17 Dec3 199). 11 Aug 1940 -4 Oct 1942, Frank was appointed to HMS GLENGYLE, the FIRST real British COMMANDO ASSAULT SHIP (later also wereGlen Roy 4 Glenearn) Apr41 landing No.7 CDO at BARDIA & SIDI BARRANI, then GRAZIANI, TOBRUK & many other desolate night

RICE, FC (#253)

…yards at night to fire at and hit a locomotive, which then set fire to a long area from the 5,000 volt system – the excellent group photograph, with Lts LAKIN and DEVLIN among the SAFARI CREW arriving home at TROON, after 4 more operational patrols in the dangerous waters…

WATKINS, Tasker (#256)

…to chambers at No 1 Crown Office Row in the Temple, where to begin with he would often spend the night on a camp bed. An economical and persuasive advocate, Watkins was deputy counsel to the Attorney-General, Sir Elwyn Jones, at the Aberfan Disaster Inquiry in 1966. In his closing…

WALTER, AE Mervyn (#232)

…most hectic days and nights, which would later be the direct reason for his appointment (and rapid promotion as Brigadier) to take over MULBERRY – Admiral RAMSAY had taken him and his wife to lunch to thank him for his contribution, after together at the Palace they received awards from…

Battle of Britain

…and Japanese victories in BATTLE OF BRITAIN and the Far East #114 Edward D CREW Air Vice-Marshal Edward D CREW CB DSO* DFC* MA (12+ e/a & 21 V-1s) NIGHT-FIGHTER ace. Civil Air Guard & CAMBRIDGE UAS, RAFVR 604, 85, 96 (& 1950 Malaya 1945) Sqns BEAUFIGHTERS & MOSQUITO; e/a…

Naval & Naval Air

…in 16Feb40 night attack, Captain Philip VIAN HMS Cossack, on Graf Spee supply ship ALTMARK in NORWAY. “The Navy’s here” rescue of 299 British merchant mariners #234 R Michael CROSLEY Commander R Michael CROSLEY DSC* RNVR, RN Fleet Air Arm ace and later a test pilot. FAA fighters & MALTA…

War Widows & Family Losses

…(d. 7Sep40) #20 Vee DARLINGTON Mrs Vee DARLINGTON+ In memory of her Czech father Flight Lieutenant Karel ‘Kut’ Kuttelwascher DFC* (18-20 e/a) 1 (F) & 23 Squadrons and Hurricane Night Intruder Ace Squadron Leader James MacLachlan DSO DFC** (16.5 e/a) 88, 73, 145, 261 OC 1 & 132 Squadrons &…

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