87 results found for: Norway (Campaign, Resistance)

Search results for: Norway (Campaign, Resistance)

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BURN, Michael C (#86)

…Queen, and when war was declared in September, joined his Territorial battalion and took part in guerrilla actions in German-occupied Norway before joining the St Nazaire raid. In the 1950s Burn published five volumes of poetry and two further novels. In the 1960s he ran on communist principles a mussel-farming…

CALVERT, J Michael (#152)

…in Norway, 1945: military situation; role and activities. Alan Pollock’s notes Brigadier Mike Calvert (1945) by David Rowlands (Oil on Canvas). Owner: Warrant Officers & Sergeants Mess, 22 SAS “Calvert frequently led attacks from the front, earning him the nickname ‘Mad Mike’ from men in his command. Participated in both…

SHEEN, Desmond FB (#88)

…Denmark and Norway, a Luftwaffe force of more than 60 bombers with a 34-strong fighter escort was making for the RAF’s fighter bases in north-east England. With two other Spitfire squadrons, No 72 raced to intercept them. In the ensuing action, beyond the Farne Islands, Sheen accounted for two Me…

TAIT, James B (#66)

…moved to northern Norway, and out of range of RAF bombers operating from British airfields. Carrier-borne Fleet Air Arm aircraft made a number of daring attacks as the battleship was moored in Kaa Fjord, but no decisive damage was inflicted. In September 1944 an ambitious plan for a force of…


…fellow pilots took off from Argus and landed at Vaenga. Additional Hurricanes were shipped in crates and assembled on arrival in Russia. The primary role of the Hurricane pilots was to escort Soviet bombers on raids over Finnmark in north-eastern Norway and also to defend the Russian airfields. On October…

CURTIS, Lawrence (#260)

…to an airfield near Murmansk to position for an attack against the German battleship Tirpitz, which was sheltering in a fjord in the north of Norway. The attack was thwarted by the ship’s smoke screen. Two months later, when the ship (labelled “The Beast” by Churchill) had moved further south,…

ROBINSON, Albert (#261)

…for TORCH (Bizerta & Philippeville), minelaying with TEVIOT BANK from MALTA Apr-Aug44, SARDINIA. MOTOR TORPEDO BOATS until HMS VALIANT Sep44-Jun46 (VENGEANCE, CHAPLET, CHEVRON & MALTA DOCKYARD 1951-53 postwar)WW2 PENELOPE Rattle Honours; NORWAY 1940, MALTA CONVOYS 1941-42. MEDITERRANEAN 1941-42-43, BATTLE of SIRTE 1942, SICILY, SALERNO and AEGEAN 1943 and ANZIO 1944…

OKOLOW-ZUBKOWSKI, Konstanty (#178)

…service at sea included active service in NARVIK, NORWAY and then GUNNERY with the crew of battleship HMS “KING GEORGE V” (one of four 1936 programme battleships, inc. Duke of York, Anson & Howe, reverting to 14 inch guns (ten) and the new 5.25″ high angle/low angle AA guns in…

KAGAN, Jack (#311)

…thought of selling Jewish lives to the Germans for a sack of potatoes”. He rejected an accusation that the Bielski detachment was involved in a massacre of Polish anti-Nazi resistance fighters by pro-Soviet partisans at Naliboki forest in eastern Poland on May 8, 1943, claiming that the Bielskis were stationed…

CURTIS, Lettice (#77)

…of the women’s section of the ATA. The idea of women flying planes had met with great resistance, best exemplified by the following quote: “The menace,” the editor of the Aeroplane, CG Grey, had written, “is the woman who thinks she ought to be flying a high-speed bomber when she…

MOLINARI, Mario (#217)

…he had been trained in demolition & been with the Engineers. His wife’s ZUCCOLINI family also helped in the RESISTANCE, being formally thanked for SHELTERING escaped ALLIED PRISONERS and acting in support of US 5th & BRITISH 8th ARMIES ;as from other witnesses, it was the less urban, often poor,…

MAX, Roy (#289)

…was eventually withdrawn from long-range bombing operations, and Max and his crews flew mining sorties and parachute drops to resistance groups. After converting to the Lancaster and flying a few more operations in support of the impending D-Day landings, his tour ended in May 1944, when he was awarded the…


…– in what he sometimes calls ‘slow time’ – over severaldecades. Building on a core of Battle of Britain legends and flying aces – including five of the seven British advisors to the 1969 film ‘Battle of Britain’ – he worked hard to find similar Army, Navy, Civilian and Resistance

Naval & Naval Air

…in 16Feb40 night attack, Captain Philip VIAN HMS Cossack, on Graf Spee supply ship ALTMARK in NORWAY. “The Navy’s here” rescue of 299 British merchant mariners #234 R Michael CROSLEY Commander R Michael CROSLEY DSC* RNVR, RN Fleet Air Arm ace and later a test pilot. FAA fighters & MALTA…

PETRIE, Frederick J (#263)

…and the Battle of GEILENKIRCHEN (first , where SAPPERS were also used as Infantry, himself at HOVEN; also recalled is the first British ASSAULT CROSSING of the SEINE at VERNQN/VERNQNNEJ1 and the earlier work in Normandy, particularly the bitter fighting for HILL112 (5 DCLI and costliest Battalion action of Campaign)…

JOYCE, Austin P (#190)

…hard-fought contribution to the campaign in North-West Europe, in which he was advanced to Company Sergeant-Major and won his M.M. He returned to the U.K. in late March 1945 and was embarked for Palestine at the year’s end, where he served until April 1948 (Medal & clasp). Having then been…

BRISTOW, Conrad Phillip (#250)

…the Battle of Jutland (Flt Lt RUTLAND & Asst Paymaster TREWIN Observer praised highly by BEATTY, May16) and in the Dardanelles Campaign had been. the first aircraft ever to sink an enemy ship bv using a torpedo; Philip during WW2 was in FACTORY PRODUCTION & SENIOR AIR RAID & CIVIL…

BROWN, Richard (#295)

…on the fine contribution of Maj Gen “Pete” Quesada and AM Broadhurst in further developing tactical air-ground warfare during the European campaign with microwave early warning radar (MEW) direction of ‘cab rank’ fighter bombers already airborne and close by, and placing pilots as forward air controllers inside tanks equipped with…

DALTON-MORGAN, Thomas F (#306)

…attack operations in support of the campaign in Normandy, then moved to the mainland with his organisation after the invasion. Years after, his CO at the time (later Air Marshal Sir Fred Rosier [Signatory 17]) commented: “It would be impossible to overstate Tom D-M’s importance and influence on the conduct…

GIBSON, John AA (#197)

…‘Johnny’ A E GIBSON DSO DFC* RAF & RNZAF for NEW ZEALAND, here his wide campaign experience and FIGHTER SUCCESS (destroyed about 14 & damaged l2) in the BATTLES of FRANCE and BRITAIN (501SQN HURRICANES) No.53 OTU, then the PACIFIC in 1942 with 15 RNZAF SQN P-40 WARHAWKS to TONGA…

LOTT, C George (#11)

…of the Battle of Britain was designated as the 11th July 1940 Lott unjustly was denied the BOB campaign clasp. Many of the ‘Few’ themselves believed the Battle actually commenced on July 1st, 1940. Under Lott’s command several pilots became aces: Peter Townsend [Signatory #12], Frank Carey [Signatory #27], Jim…

LOATS, Norman (#300)

…I was assigned to USS Paget Sound CVE-113 in the spring of 1945.” Dr Norman Loats’ Decorations and Honours Combat Action, Presidential Unit Citation with Gold Star, Good Conduct Medal, American Campaign Medal, Asiatic-Pacific Medal with Silver Star and 3 Bronze Stars, Victory Medal, WWII Occupation Medal and Philippine Liberation…

DUDGEON, AG (#187)

Air Vice-Marshal Tony Dudgeon played a key role in a little-known, but crucial, air campaign that prevented the Germans gaining access to the Iraqi oil fields and a possible offensive from the east against the undefended Suez Canal. When the rabidly anti-British and pro-Axis Rashid Ali el Ghailani seized power…

LLOYD-OWEN, David (#273)

…– of his new comrades, but he quickly began to blend in. In September 1942, he was severely wounded in an air raid on Kufra, the LRDG’s base, but recovered in time for the final stages of the North African campaign. In May 1943 the LRDG was sent to Lebanon,…

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