71 results found for: Peenemunde (Raid)

Search results for: Peenemunde (Raid)

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CROSLEY, R Michael (#234)

…and his RN Service started on 21 Course at HMS ST VINCENT on the actual day of the TARANTO RAID, 11Nov40… Taranto, Italy. 1940-11. Aerial view showing aftermath of action against the Italian Fleet in Taranto harbour. Note the two damaged cruisers in the inner harbour. …then 24 EFTS at…

DEERE, Alan C (#49)

…Battle of Britain, 1940: convoy patrols; German tactics and increasing intensity of air raids; importance of preservation of RAF reserve and radar; German Air Force raid on RAF Hornchurch, 31/7/1940; shortage of and inexperienced pilots; tactics employed by squadron; sight of large German Air Force formations; estimates of Messerschmitt Me…

BRISTOW, Conrad Phillip (#250)

…the Battle of Jutland (Flt Lt RUTLAND & Asst Paymaster TREWIN Observer praised highly by BEATTY, May16) and in the Dardanelles Campaign had been. the first aircraft ever to sink an enemy ship bv using a torpedo; Philip during WW2 was in FACTORY PRODUCTION & SENIOR AIR RAID & CIVIL…

GILLARD, George (#274)

…talks. In October 1941 he joined the BBC staff at Bristol, first as a talks assistant and then became a war correspondent with the Army’s Southern Command. He was the only BBC correspondent to cover the Dieppe Raid. When he went out to the Middle East as one of the…

JOICE, Mary (#190)

…in the Ju-87 raid on the airfield in the Battle of Britain 16 Aug 1940 – his German widow was so impressed with her welcome to Britain and tranquillity of this ancient Saxon church and cemetery, with German Luftwaffe and RAF aircrew lying peacefully so close to each other, that,…

WALTER, AE Mervyn (#232)

…for the WESTERN DESERT RAILWAY – his arrival via the HUMP into KUNMING AIRFIELD had to be by 1030hrs so that everyone could, as he had to, go underground for the daily JAPANESE AIR RAID at 1100hrs. Then, after negotiations, he went on by night flights to HONG KONG; returning…

DONNET, Michel GL (#157)

…flew over their native Brussels next day in a flypast salute and dropping a Belgian tricolour over their capital.’ In March 1945, he also flew the escort for Operation Carthage, the Copenhagen Gestapo Raid (c.f. Signatory 10, Bridie Murphy).’ [ARP] Stampe aircraft in which Donnet & Divoy made their escape….

DAVIES, Jeff (#213)

…then LECCE, onwards via BARI, where he saw, 2 Dec 1943 at 1935hrs, the German Raid on BARI HARBOUR & AMMO SHIPS, first SS John L Motley, going up, then John Harvey & its mustard gas, the worst devastation he ever saw, although bombed & V-bombed later; 3232 embarked TARANTO…

CURRAN, Lady (#183)

…special POLISH verve and contribution in WW2. A Lancaster dropping chaff (the crescent-shaped white cloud on the left of the picture) over Essen during a thousand-bomber raid.   UNITED STATES ARMY AIR FORCES (USAAF) IN BRITAIN, 1942-1945: A Christmas lamp decorated with the insignia of the 55th Fighter Group, in…

VRACIU, Alexander (#303)

…fighting in combat yourself that may have saved your life.” Vraciu learned well with O’Hare’s Fighting Squadron 6. Finally making it into combat at the end of August 1943 as part of a strafing raid on a Japanese base on Marcus Island, Vraciu earned his first aerial victory by shooting…

ROBINSON, Albert (#261)

…& US towns and villages -4×4 inch, 2 x 0.5 inch and ‘2 x 21 inch tripled torpedo tubes but armament had to be changed – CAMPBELTOWN of ST NAZAIRE RAID was of this type) , the 1,060 ton HMS NEWPORT, one of the 50 US destroyers). Naval Party 645…


…with No.13 Sqn (including a diversionary attack during the first 1,000 BOMBER RAID) until June, 1942. He was then posted as “B” Flt Cdr to No. 26(AC) Squadron at GATWICK on TOMAHAWKS and the first MUSTANGS, mainly on FIGHTER RECONNAISSANCE and attacks on rail and road traffic in Northern France,…

ROBERTS, David (#207)

Destroyed an enemy aircraft from the ground during one of the hardest days of the Battle of Britain Attack on Kenley by Barry Weekley (With thanks to and copyright of Barry Weekley, whose website is here) “During an air raid on RAF Kenley 18 Aug 1940, Aircraftman 2nd Class Roberts…

HEARN, Avis J (#75)

…the display itself. The later systems combined this into a single cabinet.” (Wikipedia)   ‘Hearn’s award came for her bravery during an air raid attack on Poling on August 18, 1940. Hearns later said: “We were bombed there. About 30 planes dropped about 90 bombs on us.” The building she…

COX, John W (#298)

…Commander for the B-29 SUPERFORTRESS Bombing RAIDS on TOKYO and Japan from TINIAN and his fellow crew members Chester Marshall, pilot, Jim O’Donnel, navigator, Herbert Feldman, bombardier, and John Huckins, flight engineer, who in turn pay great tribute to the US Marines and their epic struggle to take Saipan and…

Civilians and War Production


British Army and Commonwealth & Allied Armies

…NORTHUMBERLAND FUSILIERS for their service and sacrifice and for ALL other FAR EAST PRISONERS OF WAR, their dead BURMESE RAILWAY COMRADES and the CIVILIAN VICTIMS. #86 Michael C BURN Captain Michael ‘Micky’ C BURN MC (Alan’s elder brother) Indep Coy NORWAY & NO.2 COMMANDO OP. CHARIOT ST NAZAIRE RAID 28MAR42…


…resistance, are equally distinguished. Along the way, Alan made sure to add the less glamorous – but equally important – players in the extraordinary and historic drama of the Second World War: the Shadwell fireman, a WW1 veteran policeman and Air Raid Warden, widows, ground crew… Unsung heroes whose service,…

Alan Pollock

…V1 raids; Anderson and Morrison shelters; education; VE Day, 8/5/1945; Victory parades, 1946; question of re-establishing relationship with father and visit to him in Germany, 1946; parents’ strained marriage. REEL 2 Continues: education at St Paul’s School, West Kensington, 1947-1953; boxing activities; training with Combined Cadet Force and Air Cadets;…


…more than 250 years…if the Lord wills.” Renowned cellist. German wartime opposition & Nazi resistance. #162 Loek NC CASPERS Dr Loek NC ‘Elsa’ CASPERS King’s Medal for Service in cause of Freedom “Caspers used her bike to transport everything from hand grenades to transmitters for calling in allied bombing raids…

Battle of Britain

…Broadhurst ~ #109 Irving S SMITH Group Captain Irving S ‘Black’ SMITH CBE DFC* RNZAF 151& 487 Sqns, HURRICANE & DEFIANT (8+ e/a) led 487 Sqn MOSQUITO raid on AMIENS Gestapo Prison 18Feb44 (OPERATION JERICHO) and on Vincey #12 Peter W TOWNSEND Group Captain Peter W TOWNSEND CVO DSO DFC*…

War Widows & Family Losses

…Officer Ronald G DAWSON [KIA 21Mar45] on COPENHAGEN GESTAPO HQ RAID #1 Muriel NICOLSON Mrs Muriel NICOLSON++ WAR WIDOW of Wing Commander James NICOLSON VC DFC (the only RAF Fighter VC: 72 & 249 Squadrons, TURBINLITE, OC 27 Squadron BEAUFIGHTER operations over BURMA, (killed 2May45) ditched 355 Sqn Liberator. Representing…

Naval & Naval Air

…Cdr FRIGATES Representing RN RESERVE & CONVOY PROTECTION #280 David C BAGLEY Cdr David C BAGLEY DFC USNR Took park in key RAIDS on RABAUL JAP NEW GUINEA base near JAPANESE NAVY’s TRUK until 17Feb44, on to Guam, Saipan, Palau, Iwo Jima to bomb Japan. Representing PACIFIC US NAVAL WAR…

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