145 results found for: Rapido River (Battle of)

Search results for: Rapido River (Battle of)

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GRANDY, John (#2)

“Marshal of the RAF Sir John Grandy, who died on Friday aged 90, was the only Chief of the Air Staff to have commanded a fighter squadron throughout the Battle of Britain. But as Chief, he was fated to preside over some of the most difficult transitions of the post-war…

TOWNSEND, Peter W (#12)

…regard for his own safety.” Townsend serving throughout the Battle of Britain as commanding officer of No. 85 Squadron of Hawker Hurricanes. In July he ditched his aircraft in the sea after forcing down a Dornier at Arras. His exploits continued until he was shot down over Tonbridge and although…

BRIDGE, John (#154)

…Nijmegen, 9/1944-12/1944: dealing with mines in River Scheldt; use of portable pulsers to detonate magnetic mines; flight from Antwerp to Nijmegen; meeting with General Brian Horrocks; German underwater attacks on Nijmegen bridges, 9/1944; his job in defusing German charges at Nijmegen. REEL 4 Continues: conditions for diving in River Waal;…

STRONG, Albert (#231)

…ALGIERS, BONE & BOUGIE for some time before his landing at SALERNO. This lightly built, cheerful and chirpy 5th LIGHT FIELD AMBULANCE DRIVER, then DRIVER Titch STRONG, rapidly became a mascot for the tall lst Bn SCOTS GUARDS soldiers who had come through ANZIO. Titch joined up with them after…

ELDER, Robert M (#299)

…“Black Panthers” equipped with Douglas Dauntless dive bombers, on carrier CV-3, the USS SARATOGA based in San Diego. For almost two years after Pearl Harbor, he flew numerous bombing missions firstly during the Battle of the CORAL SEA and later, during the Battle of MIDWAY with V13-3 flying off CV-5…


…pilot with 72 and 603 Sqdns, No 11 Group, Fighter Command, RAF in GB, 10/1940-12/1940 including Battle of Britain; served with 41 Sqdn, No 11 Group, Fighter Command, RAF in GB, 1/1941-8/1941; evaded capture in France and escaped to GB, 8/1941-12/1941; commanded 165 Sqdn, No 11 Group, Fighter Command, RAF…

BROADHURST, Harry (#22)

…the Battle of Britain he flew occasional operational sorties with No. 1 Squadron, thus qualifying for the Battle of Britain clasp. On 23rd December 1940 Broadhurst took command of RAF Hornchurch and apart from a few weeks in October/November 1941 he held this position until May 1942. On 25th February…

GIBSON, John AA (#197)

“One of the RAF’s highest scoring aces, who twice baled out of a blazing aircraft during the Battle of Britain” “SQUADRON Leader Johnny Gibson, who has died aged 83, twice baled out of a blazing Hurricane fighter during the Battle of Britain and survived to become one of the RAF’s…


…first Squadron, and Battle of Britain Day was born. We are also releasing the first of a series of small service-focussed Editions, a special “Battle of Britain 80 Edition” of 12 originals, to honour, commemorate, and pay tribute on the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Britain Memorial Day, 15th…

GUERITZ, Edward Finlay (#212)

…RN: joined as a ROYAL NAVY Cadet for the first year 1937, on to Midshipman for two years from 1938, learning his trade on HMS NEWCASTLE, a Cruiser, MASHONA, a Tribal Class Destroyer, then the Cruiser, CUMBERLAND, which he was to see visibly reinforce CDRE HARWOOD’s RIVER PLATE Force, after…

KAGAN, Jack (#311)

…was one of 200 who fled the camp, but as he crossed a frozen river the ice broke and his boots were drenched with frozen water. Although he was eventually able to get out, he missed his rendezvous with the partisans. Jack came across a small farm house, but the…

ERCOLANI, Lucian (#215)

…1941 to join No 214 Squadron. In October the next year Ercolani left for India, joining No 99 Squadron near Calcutta. The squadron was one of two Wellington long-range bomber units used to attack enemy airfields and river, road and rail supply routes. Ercolani led many of these missions over…

BALFOUR, Harold (#13)

…at 10,000 Feet by Richard Carline (1896–1980) Imperial War Museum London The River Scarpe (at 1 o’clock, above) is recalled fondly in the Canadian Canon Frederick George Scott’s The Great War As I Saw It: 100th Anniversary Edition (Illustrated) Kindle Edition, who also gives a droll account of his first…

GIBBS, R Patrick M (#84)

…dedicated to the airborne torpedo as a weapon against shipping. Assigned to a headquarters staff job in Cairo, he fought an uphill battle against the powers that be to convince them of his beliefs. In due course, he not only changed tactics but also influenced strategic policy for attacks against…

KENNEALLY, John Patrick (#275)

…its use. He continued to fight throughout the remainder of the day. His deeds proved a turning point in a desperate battle between veteran Afrika Korps troops and the Irish Guards, an action in which the latter took nearly 90 per cent casualties. His citation recorded that he had “influenced…

ELLIOTT, George M (#222)

…the loss of ARK ROYAL & the severe damage to Queen Elizabeth and Valiant. 1941 year end was the low point of the RN’s war in the Eastern MEDITERRANEAN; BARHAM had been built in 1913-15, the 5th Battle Squadron leader at JUTLAND,, survived torpedo from U-30 28Dec39, in the BATTLE

MANDER, d’Arcy (#225)

…and thousands of other escapers, at appalling risk to their lives and property”; 24 Bns of the GREEN HOWARDS were raised in WW1 (56 Battle Honours. 7,500 KILLED & almost 24,000 wounded) and 1-2 Bns were raised in WW2,, awarded 25 BATTLE HONOURS,, 3 VCs, 19 DS0s, 50 MCs, 16…

7 September, 1940

…– were up there, engaged in a ferocious and lethally vicious dogfight, in the blue skies above Southern England. They made contrails so beautiful that artists like Paul Nash couldn’t resist painting them: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Britain_(painting)… I’m ‘live’ (or is it death?) tweeting this at @TheyWereThere1 on Twitter (but not at They…

HANCOCK, Margaret (#277)

…she was posted out to Japan at Iwakuni and Miho near Hiroshima, where she would meet and marry Sqn Ldr N W Pat Hancock DFC, then OC 11 Squadron with Spitfire FR18s at Miho. Pat started on the Fairey Battles of 266 Squadron, then with No.1(F) Sqn Hurricanes in France…

ROWLAND, John N (#243)

…DFC twice in three days in 1943; later, on completion of 50 bombing operations, he received the DSO. Rowland joined No 12 Squadron in June 1943 at the height of what became known as the Battle of the Ruhr – a sustained campaign against the huge industrial complexes in the…


…logged “a hell of a dogfight”. In a 25-minute battle, they destroyed one German aircraft – an Me 110 fighter – and drove off another. In March 1944, Gregory, by now highly experienced, joined the night operations staff at No 2 Group, 2nd Tactical Air Force (2nd TAF) headquarters, where…

BEAMONT, Roland Prosper ‘Bee’ (#8)

…opening his account with a Dornier 17 bomber in May 1940, as France fell, Beamont remained with 87 squadron and fought throughout the Battle of Britain. On August 15 he shot down two Me 110 fighters over Lyme Regis. Battle of Britain by Paul Nash (1941) He recalled: “I was…

COX, John W (#298)

…Cpl. John Sutherland of San Antonio, Texas, emerged as the Ace of the Marianas with 5 confirmed kills. The crew was awarded the Air Medal with three Oak Leaf Clusters, the Distinguished Flying Cross and three battle stars. In addition to the adventures of the “Mary Ann” his book chronicles…

CHESHIRE, Geoffrey Leonard (#31)

…he has maintained a record of outstanding personal achievement, placing himself invariably in the forefront of the battle….the careful planning, brilliant execution and contempt for danger has established for Wing Commander Cheshire a reputation second to none in Bomber Command.” In 1925, Leonard’s headmaster wrote on his school report that…

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