83 results found for: Anti-Tank

Search results for: Anti-Tank

Found 83 matches.

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DALTON-MORGAN, Thomas F (#306)

…painting, numerous barrage balloons are shown floating above the trees. Operated by RAF Balloon Command, barrage balloons were used to protect cities from air attack. They forced German aircraft to operate at higher altitudes, reducing the accuracy of their bombing and bringing them within range of anti-aircraft guns.” He quickly…

CURTIS, Lettice (#77)

…worked as a technician and flight test observer at the Aeroplane and Armament Experimental Establishment before becoming the senior flight development engineer with Fairey Aviation in 1953. She also flew as a test observer in the Royal Navy’s Gannet anti-submarine aircraft and regularly flew Fairey’s communication aircraft. Her love of…

CAREY, Frank R (#27)

…wounded by an explosive bullet, then another Me 110 damaged his rudder; but he managed to return to Tangmere only to be fired at by its anti-aircraft guns. That he managed to land was, he said, “a great tribute to the Hurricane.” He had been in combat up to six…


…In this painting, numerous barrage balloons are shown floating above the trees. Operated by RAF Balloon Command, barrage balloons were used to protect cities from air attack. They forced German aircraft to operate at higher altitudes, reducing the accuracy of their bombing and bringing them within range of anti-aircraft guns.”…

Royal Air Force and Commonwealth & Allied Airforces

…leading NIGHT FIGHTER crew, SQNs 1 ~ILTON41 Defiant, BEAUFIGHTER (141) MOSQUITO (157 & 488 NZ SQNS) bomber support, and later in the war protecting Coastal Command anti-submarine patrols, intruder patrols in support of Bomber Command combatting the German night fighters, and attacking the V1 flying bombs. Author of Night Flyer….

Battle of Britain VC

…hood over my cockpit and sent splinters into my left eye. One splinter I later discovered nearly severed my eyelid. I couldn’t see through that eye for blood. The second cannon shell struck my spare petrol tank and set it on fire. The third shell crashed into the cockpit and…


…PARTISANS killed and about 200,000 civilians dying. #159 Johannes van ERP Johannes (Jan) van ERP for DUTCH RESISTANCE spirit, HELMOND ‘Boy with the bicycle’ , replacing their dead comrade helped guard & guide exhausted BREN GUN ANTI-TANK CARRIER CREW, L/CPL Jack PRATT, Horace READ, Bill HOLDEN #173 Simon S WERTHEIMER…

Naval & Naval Air

…Battle of Jutland 1, one 1st torpedo sinking) 2 years: 230lb bomb (+ 2 pigeons), ANTI-SUBMARINE RECCE 406, 442 Flts (219 Sqn) [1899-2001] (101)1~ #42 Eric M BROWN Captain Eric ‘Winkle’ M BROWN CBE DSC AFC MA FRAeS RN World record number of aircraft types, including German, flown Representing NAVAL…


…War Cabinet, as Chindits, in Arctic Convoys, on Gliders, as guerrillas and resistance fighters; in jungles and as pathfinders, on the Kindertransport and in tanks; aboard Liberty ships and midget submarines, developing radar, and running VIP flights… almost all the elements of this global war are represented. From soldiers and…

Civilians and War Production

…ex-BofB OC 11 SQN Wing Commander PAT HANCOCK [? Wife MARY?] (~ALSO TIMES OBIT in search “Mary Hancock” nurse “Pat Hancock” “wing commander”]Peter MUDLE TANK & ARMOURED VEHICLE PRODUCTION in Guildford at Dennis Bros, & UK INDUSTRIAL performance & punch for the protection of our fighting troops in many overseas…

WW1 Signatories

…#250 Phillip BRISTOW Pilot (Seaplane) Lieutenant Conrad Phillip BRISTOW Joined RNAS in 1917 & left in 1919 as a Flight Lieutenant RAF. Flew SHORT 184 seaplanes over (936 made, in Battle of Jutland 1, one 1st torpedo sinking) 2 years: 230lb bomb (+ 2 pigeons), ANTI-SUBMARINE RECCE 406, 442 Flts…

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