224 results found for: Army/Air Operations (Joint)

Search results for: Army/Air Operations (Joint)

Found 224 matches.

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GUERITZ, Edward Finlay (#212)

…he signs for all COMBINED OPERATIONS & the Sth-& all DESTROYER FLOTILLAS; post-war he was active again (OBE Near East Operations for SUEZ 1956) and his last two naval appointments were as Admiral President of the ROYAL NAVAL College 1968-70, then finally as Commandant of the JOINT WARFARE Establishment 1970-72….

Tea and biscuits

…his station below.’ Copyright: © IWM A 2124 Original Source: http://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/205185177 Army biscuit, British (Huntley and Palmers Army No 4) (EPH 2012) British Army issue ration biscuit, ‘Huntley & Palmers Army No 4’, made under government contract by the famous biscuit manufacturers Huntley and Palmers. This thick specimen (10cm square)…

ELLISON, Lorna (#174)

…pride.” (Credit: Daily Mirror) Lorna Ellison (later Coombs) with her daughter Diana Hilson (source: Daily Mirror) Jozef Gabčík Jozef Gabčík (Source: Wikipedia) Extract from Wikipedia: “Jozef Gabčík and Jan Kubiš were airlifted along with seven soldiers from Czechoslovak army-in-exile in the United Kingdom and two other groups named Silver A…

LIANG, Piao-Chang (#192)

…CHINESE ARMY and AIR FORCE, and RESISTANCE of CHINA itself. China never went Vichy so the Japanese became inextricably involved, tying down massive forces on Chinese mainland to allow AMERICAN island hopping STRATEGY; a Chinese book states 1.3M ARMY dead, 4,321 AIR FORCE & that no NAVY statistics are held….

LOATS, Norman (#300)

…the 10th Army at Matsuyama and Nagoya. Thence tactical training took her to the Philippines, Hong Kong, and the Marianas. Loading surplus aircraft in Apra Harbor, Guam, she put to sea on 6 January 1946 en route to Pearl Harbor, where she offloaded the surplus aircraft. At San Diego on…

SUTCLIFFE, Douglas H (#235)

…FORCE WIRELESS AIR GUNNER and AIR GUNNERY INSTRUCTOR, for INDIA & BURMA & flew 756 OPERATIONAL HOURS in three years & six months with 139 and 62 SQUADRONS, BOMBING & as one of the first LOADMASTERS ever, dispatchers on vital LANDING in or AIR DROPPING of SUPPLIES to XIVth ARMY

PALLOT, Peter (#304)

…represents the necessary expansion of Royal Naval MINESWEEPING Operations, which were so important not just during the war but well beyond into ‘peacetime’ dangerous operations to safeguard shipping in national and international waters. About one in five minesweepers were lost and Peter served on 11 of them, witnessing at close…


…Wing consisting of 181,182, 247 and 137 Squadrons, his DSO reflected his leadership on “tank busting” operations including the FALAISE pocket and invaluable close air support right up to the RHINE CROSSING.. Near Wesel he was shot down by flak but force-landed on an island, where he was captured but…

WIREMU, Hemi (#210)

…NZ Division in the Pacific, in New Zealand-based army units and in the Home Guard. Others served with the Air Force, Navy and Merchant Navy. Some Māori women served in the Army Nursing Service and the women’s army, air force and navy auxiliaries. Between 1939 and 1945 almost 16,000 Māori…

MITCHELL, Thomas (#172)

…MInstStE RE for the ROYAL ENGINEERS contribution to the air war worldwide and the key importance in WW2 building of the rapid provision of forward airstrips in NORMANDY and elsewhere for the universal requirement of air power. Normandy’s 100 miles distance from UK airfields, partly its strategic surprise to the…

CURTIS, Lawrence (#260)

…searchlights coned his aircraft, the pilot was forced to dive to low level. The aircraft was hit by flak, and the damaged bomber returned at low level to land at the nearest airfield with just five minutes’ fuel remaining. After 30 operations Curtis was rested, and spent time as an…

TWISS, L Peter (#309)

…squadron converted on Supermarine SEAFIRES. His bar to his DSC was for his work on OPERATION TORCH, the landings in Tunisia and Algeria Peter Twiss was posted to the Naval Air Station at Ford, England to fly long-range intruder operations over Germany in Mosquito aircraft and destroyed at least three…

STEVENS, Steve (#193)

…BERLIN AIRLIFT, here signing for the wider operations of the SOUTH AFRICAN AIR FORCE, its armed forces and strategic base facilities: post-war he became an early air missionary in Africa, the beginning of the Mission Air Fellowship, now with over 200 aircraft being flown in more than 25 countries worldwide….

MACLENNAN, Ian R (#128)

…Spitfires landed at Ta Kali airfield; within minutes, they were airborne with Malta-based pilots to repel a large raid by Luftwaffe bombers. Before arriving in Malta, MacLennan had not fired his guns in anger – but he had figured out the grim business of shooting down the enemy: “I’d shot…

HEARN, Avis J (#75)

“About 30 planes dropped about 90 bombs on us.” ‘Aircraftwoman Avis Hearn was one of only six Women’s Auxiliary Air Force to be honoured with the Military Medal in World War Two. She was called “4’11” of courage.” A CH (CHAIN HOME) RADAR STATION ON THE EAST COAST’ (1946) by…

BRANDON, Lewis (#270)

…Mosquito aircraft at Swannington with Ben Benson again on Bomber Support operations they would destroy mostly Ju-88 nightfighters over Germany, increasing their score to about ten enemy aircraft. Lewis Brandon’s book ‘Night Flyer’ in 1961 describes the difficult techniques involved in nightfighter operations and their joint careers on wartime flying….

DAUNCEY, Michael DK (#110)

…the lunatic asylum, who came out wearing nightshirts and shouting: “Hello Tommy!” ‘Parachutes open overhead as waves of paratroops land in Holland during operations by the 1st Allied Airborne Army. September 1944 On arrival at Oosterbeek, they came under fire from enemy 88 mm anti-tank guns. Dauncey led a fighting…

WATKINS, Tasker (#256)

…address he observed with force and accuracy that the subject of tip stability had received less consideration than any other aspect of coal mining. He also prosecuted in a number of cases involving Welsh extremists, including the Free Wales Army trial in 1969, which followed the discovery of a plot…

CHRISTIE, Werner Hosewinckel (#165)

aircraft, mostly FW190s. Signed in memory of his Pathfinder brother Squadron Leader Johann CHRISTIE DSO DFC who served in Bomber Command, and representing Norway’s Aircrew and 332 Sqn. ‘Born in Vang, with a Scots great grandfather, Werner studied in Berlin 1936-38 before joining the Norwegian Army Air Force. In 1940,…

MASEFIELD, Peter (#219)

…Was also AIR and WAR CORRESPONDENT on “Sunday Times 1940-43, FLYING and with personal & SERVICE links played an important early LIAISON WORK with UNITED STATES ARMY AIR FORCE Commanders and on early USAAF Raids; at war’s end for two years he was British CIVIL AIR ATTACHE in WASHINGTON, USA…

Battle of Britain

…of the first women pilots to join the British Air Transport Auxiliary, she flew continuously throughout the war, later flight test engineer & air racing pilot: her book The Forgotten Pilots illustrates country’s debt to Lords Beaverbrook & (No. 13: Lord Balfour), and AIR TRANSPORT AUXILIARY. Also wrote her autobiography….

Alan Pollock

…at No 233 Operational Conversion Unit, RAF, Pembrey, 10/1956-2/1957: training in battle formations in Vampire FBU; firing at air drogues including ‘tail chasing’, deflection shooting and gun sights. Alan Pollock’s current Commanding Officer, Patricia Pollock, served in the Women’s Royal Air Force. REEL 8 Continues: approach to airfield; nature of…

WILMOT, Allan C (#224)

…Wire Tours. “Allan was born in Jamaica in 1925. After leaving college in 1941, he volunteered to join the Royal Navy, serving on a patrolling ship, escorting mine sweepers, and picking up survivors in the West Indies. In 1944 he volunteered for Royal Air Force service, and joined the air

SHEEN, Desmond FB (#88)

…dropping in rank from wing commander to flight lieutenant, he rejoined with a permanent commission. From 1950 to 1952, he commanded No 502, a Royal Auxiliary Air Force fighter squadron equipped with Spitfires, and later with Vampire jets. In 1954, he was posted to the Central Flying Establishment’s air fighting…

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