91 results found for: Concentration Camp (Special Medical Teams)

Search results for: Concentration Camp (Special Medical Teams)

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WILMOT, Allan C (#224)

‘They learned that you don’t mess with West Indians’ 16,000 volunteers came from the Caribbean in the Second World War, “bringing the fight to the enemy”. (See this sequence, from 53m45s, on an Antiques Roadshow Special Edition about ‘The Battle of Britain’ from Biggin Hill, with Mark Smith of Barbed…

CLEERE, Patrick (#236)

…7th QUEEN’s QWN HUSSARS in 1933 at 16, from County KILKENNY, serving in EGYPT from 1935 to promotion to SGT in 1939; a distinguished “C” SQUADRON TROOP LEADER in the CAMPAIGNS of WESTERN DESERT. His DISTINGUISHED CONDUCT MEDAL was awarded for conspicuous gallantry in action near TOBRUK on 22Jan41: “As…

EADON, Stuart (#248)

…well designed BRITISH ARMOURED DECKS coped with these attacks; like others in the crew, sang high praise for Cdr WHITFIELD’s role on the ship, the 60 days at sea with TWO DAYS in the COMBAT AREA and TWO DAYS out, and the special WELCOME & HOSPITALITY from the AUSTRALIAN PEOPLE….

BRYAN, Wendy (#6)

…1943 he joined the staff of the Engineer in Chief, London district, as liaison officer with Experimental Station 6, War Department, at Knebworth. This turned out to be part of Special Operations Executive’s organisation. He tested the efficiency of dropping containers by parachute from a high altitude, short-wave radio telephones,…

GIBBS, R Patrick M (#84)

Obituary courtesy of and published by the Telegraph. Wing Commander Pat Gibbs, who has died aged 92, was awarded a DSO, DFC and Bar during the Second World War, then served as The Daily Telegraph’s fiercely independent film critic for more than 25 years. Gibbs specialised in torpedo attacks against…

DODDS, Michael T (#257)

…important OILERS, and the role of TROOP TRANSPORT of literally millions of servicemen between theatres and the most important ATLANTIC TROOPING; he served on SS ATHELCROWN, ATHELPRINCE and SS MAURETANIA, and later the QUEEN MARY, the speed of which often allowed special safety but needed careful planning and naval security….

LAKIN, Barklie (#233)

…Adm Ben BRYANT CB DSO** DSC RN) the job then too included some interesting SPECIAL FORCES del veries and RAIDP, some into ITALY and others in an area between Marseilles and Genoa – somewhere SW of SAVONA they watched the railway all day and then closed in to 400 yards…

CURRAN, Lady (#183)

special POLISH verve and contribution in WW2. A Lancaster dropping chaff (the crescent-shaped white cloud on the left of the picture) over Essen during a thousand-bomber raid.   UNITED STATES ARMY AIR FORCES (USAAF) IN BRITAIN, 1942-1945: A Christmas lamp decorated with the insignia of the 55th Fighter Group, in…

POULSSON, Jens-Anton (#164)

…so vital in preventing atomic weapon progress of the German scientific team. Jens and his tiny team’s survival, so isolated through months of winter and near starvation, was an epic story in itself with only nine Norwegian Commandos, having to undertake successfully the Ryggan raid, after the tragic loss of…

ROSIER, Fred (#17)

…him as an “outstanding pilot and leader,” made special reference to one incident in late 1941 after Rosier had scrambled his air crews on a mission to support another unit under attack from a force of Me-109s. On breaking off the engagement, Rosier saw that one of his aircraft, an…

RICE, FC (#253)

…R Adm Ben BRYANT CB DSO** DSC RN) the job then too included some interesting SPECIAL FORCES del veries and RAIDP, some into ITALY and others in an area between Marseilles and Genoa – somewhere SW of SAVONA they watched the railway all day and then closed in to 400…

MANTLE, W Eric (#189)

…represents all CHAPLAINS of each service, with a fair number of mainly ARMY ones decorated for gallantry under fire. He served in ITALY with RAF, and later, after helping evacuate the DUTCH out of JAVA, played a special role in the 1945 (& the later Fiftieth Anniversary of) RECONCILIATION with…

MITCHELL, Raymond (#155)

…of the Marines. His own 7 Section Q Troop 41 Royal Marines Commando, originally 8 RM Bn then RM ‘B’ CDO, and noting the important service, courage and sacrifice of all Commandos, both Royal Marine and Army, in their Special Service Brigades, not forgetting the Engineer, Lcocu Obstacle Clearance and…


…no known ‘market value’. These were people who, among so many others, simply preferred to keep a quiet profile after the war. Jeannie Rousseau, Viscomtesse de Clarens, comes to mind in particular… Jeannie de Clarens with her husband, Henri. They both survived stays in concentration camps. ‘a masterpiece of intelligence…


…Sir John Hackett (q.v.) ARNHEM escape. DUTCH RESISTANCE with their high losses, some by betrayal & sent to CONCENTRATION CAMPS. #249 COASTWATCHER “COASTWATCHER” A Coastwatcher signs anonymously in memory of gallant left behind COASTWATCHERS, HELPERS radio INTELLIGENCE to US PACIFIC FORCES & (posthumous VC) Sefanala SUKANAIVALU VC & BOUGAINVILLE. #161…

Civilians and War Production

…Brusa signal-sharing agreement for UK. ALLIED CRYPTOGRAPHIC TEAMS, BLETCHLEY PARK Huts & ULTRA INTELLIGENCE. #98 Margaret Susan CHESHIRE Margaret Susan Cheshire (Lady SUE RYDER) Baroness of WARSAW, CMG OBE Volunteer for Special Operations Executive, and widow of [No. 31: Leonard CHESHIRE, q.v.] SOE’s (Gen. GUBBINS) ‘magnificent’ WOMEN’S TRANSPORT SERVICE of…

Royal Air Force and Commonwealth & Allied Airforces

…Later Wing Leader at HORNCHURCH & BIGGIN HILL, the Central Gunnery School & No.145 (FRENCH) WING, author of Nine Lives. Representing NEW ZEALAND #89 William D DISBREY Air Vice-Marshal William D DISBREY CB CBE AFC CEng F1MechE pre-war 3 Squadron pilot & ENGINEERING SPECIALIST. Representing the vitally important GROUND TECHNICIAN…

The Editions

…Edition Battle of Britain VC by Robert Taylor To mark the inauguration of this project, there will be an initial release consisting of just twelve fully autographed originals of Battle of Britain VC – The Battle of Britain 80 Edition. Six are being made available at a special price of…

Naval & Naval Air

…“We were blown to the surface upside down!” (JUTLAND father, sister WAAF PARACHUTES), Specialist TORPEDO & SUBMARINE UNBEATEN, SEALION, SURF, N556, H34, UNRULY, VIGOROUS. #112 VBG CHEESMAN Major VBG ‘Teddy’ CHEESMAN DSO MBE DSC ROYAL MARINES Fought against TIRPITZ, TASKFORCE 57 +US & PACIFIC;WALRUS amphibian + lost & rescued RN…

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