204 results found for: Formosa (Air Battle)

Search results for: Formosa (Air Battle)

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TOWNSEND, Peter W (#12)

…July 1940 By early 1941 Townsend had shot down at least 11 enemy aircraft, became an acting Wing Commander and was awarded the DSO for his “outstanding powers of leadership and organisation… and skill in air combat”. “Fighter Affiliation : Halifax and Hurricane aircraft co-operating in action” by Walter Thomas…

ELDER, Robert M (#299)

…Navy, a highly decorated Douglas SBD DAUNTLESS (“Slow But Deadly”) combat pilot in most of the Pacific’s naval aircraft carrier engagements including the Battles of the CORAL SEA and MIDWAY, GUADALCANAL, the SOLOMON and MARSHALL ISLANDS campaigns, represents the success of US Naval air power against the Japanese Fleet. Born…

MACLENNAN, Ian R (#128)

“Ian Maclennan is one of those men who make Canada tick” Photo by Chris Sant Fournier (Times of Malta) “Flight Lieutenant Ian MacLennan…was one of the last surviving fighter “aces” who engaged in fierce air battles during the Siege of Malta to secure the island’s survival. Malta George Cross by…

ROBERTS, David (#207)

Destroyed an enemy aircraft from the ground during one of the hardest days of the Battle of Britain Attack on Kenley by Barry Weekley (With thanks to and copyright of Barry Weekley, whose website is here) “During an air raid on RAF Kenley 18 Aug 1940, Aircraftman 2nd Class Roberts…

COX, John W (#298)

…Cpl. John Sutherland of San Antonio, Texas, emerged as the Ace of the Marianas with 5 confirmed kills. The crew was awarded the Air Medal with three Oak Leaf Clusters, the Distinguished Flying Cross and three battle stars. In addition to the adventures of the “Mary Ann” his book chronicles…

SUTCLIFFE, Douglas H (#235)

…FORCE WIRELESS AIR GUNNER and AIR GUNNERY INSTRUCTOR, for INDIA & BURMA & flew 756 OPERATIONAL HOURS in three years & six months with 139 and 62 SQUADRONS, BOMBING & as one of the first LOADMASTERS ever, dispatchers on vital LANDING in or AIR DROPPING of SUPPLIES to XIVth ARMY…

PETRIE, Frederick J (#263)

…signs for the splendid fighting service of 43rd WESSEX DIVISION, mainly TERRITORIAL ARMY,with its Wyvern symbol flying on Wessex battle standards going back to well before the Battle of Hastings, which under Manor General G Ivor THOMAS (a WW1 Artillery officer) and Brig EASAMEr played asignificant role within 2nd ARMY…

BRYAN, Wendy (#6)

…have already been written about Caesar,” Beedle wrote. “Caesar Barrand Hull, of the crinkly hair and the croaky voice, the laughing warrior whose idea of a lark was to change seats in the air…who had a phobia about worms or slugs, who would look under the bed ‘in case there…

BLYTH, Margaret (#64)

…Auxiliary Territorial Service. Margaret Blyth’s brother was Air Marshall Sir John Humphrey Edwardes-Jones, KCB, CBE, DFC, AFC, a senior Royal Air Force commander who conducted early testing of the Spitfire and during The Battle of Britain was a squadron commander. It was through his work as Aide-de-Camp to Sir John…

BRISTOW, Conrad Phillip (#250)

…the Battle of Jutland (Flt Lt RUTLAND & Asst Paymaster TREWIN Observer praised highly by BEATTY, May16) and in the Dardanelles Campaign had been. the first aircraft ever to sink an enemy ship bv using a torpedo; Philip during WW2 was in FACTORY PRODUCTION & SENIOR AIR RAID & CIVIL…

STEVENS, Steve (#193)

…BERLIN AIRLIFT, here signing for the wider operations of the SOUTH AFRICAN AIR FORCE, its armed forces and strategic base facilities: post-war he became an early air missionary in Africa, the beginning of the Mission Air Fellowship, now with over 200 aircraft being flown in more than 25 countries worldwide….

GIBBS, R Patrick M (#84)

…dedicated to the airborne torpedo as a weapon against shipping. Assigned to a headquarters staff job in Cairo, he fought an uphill battle against the powers that be to convince them of his beliefs. In due course, he not only changed tactics but also influenced strategic policy for attacks against…

DAUNCEY, Michael DK (#110)

“That summer, he returned to Fairford to inquire after the six subaltern friends with whom he had shared a Nissen hut for a year before he became a prisoner. He was the only one still alive.” “Brigadier Mike Dauncey, who has died aged 97, won a DSO at the Battle

CLEERE, Patrick (#236)

…TANK BATTLES in such different terrains, often when not in ideal tanks, nor understood the strains, losses and shell shock of battle so well, and advancing into ITALIAN, GERMAN, JAPANESE (here fighting retreat from, too) and other INFANTRY; just four days after ITALY’s declaration of war on Britain, the 7th…

BROWN, Richard (#295)

…testing flights on WELLINGTON, WARWICK, LUSANDER and a range of other aircraft, sometimes on drogue gunnery training for air gunners, and also frequently detached to close by and other OTU airfields. With preparation for D-Day he was at 11 OTU working on TEMPESTS and TYPHOONS before moving to his specialist…

MASEFIELD, Peter (#219)

…pre-war FAIREY DESIGN, helped form pre-war “HEARKERS”. as TECHNICAL EDITOR of “AEROPLANE”, stressed necessity of AIRCRAFT RECOGNITION TRAINING and later helped ROYAL OBSERVER CORPS & OTHER FORCES, becoming EDITOR of “Aeroplane Spotter” & “Inter-Services Journal on AIRCRAFT RECOGNITION”; Personal ADVISER Lord BEAVERBROOK and Secretary WAR CABINET COMMITTEE on AIR TRANSPORT….

TAIT, James B (#66)

…moved to northern Norway, and out of range of RAF bombers operating from British airfields. Carrier-borne Fleet Air Arm aircraft made a number of daring attacks as the battleship was moored in Kaa Fjord, but no decisive damage was inflicted. In September 1944 an ambitious plan for a force of…

VERITY, Hugh (#87)

…operations staff of Fighter Command’s No 11 Group and also at Fighter Command headquarters. After his exploits flying into France, he became an SOE air operations manager organising drops and agent landings in Western Europe and Scandinavia. In the autumn of 1944 Verity supervised clandestine air operations in South East…


…campaign. REEL 2 Continues: Recollections of operations as pilot with 7 Sqdn, Pathfinders Force in GB, 8/1942-2/1943: state of Bomber Command when Air Marshal Arthur Harris took over, 2/1942; frustrations amongst experienced aircrew; decision to launch first 1000 bomber raid, 5/1942; growth of Bomber Command, 1942-1945; start of Pathfinder Force;…

NEILSON, Ian G (#211)

…and Navigators. He was an avid golfer – proud of his hole-in-one at Wentworth – and a fearless sailor; he sang with the Epsom Choral Society and the Marlborough College Choral Society. He wrote about his experiences in his book, Air OP – Action Remembered (The Air Observation Post 1940…


…first Squadron, and Battle of Britain Day was born. We are also releasing the first of a series of small service-focussed Editions, a special “Battle of Britain 80 Edition” of 12 originals, to honour, commemorate, and pay tribute on the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Britain Memorial Day, 15th…

LIANG, Piao-Chang (#192)

…Oct 1917, went to NANKING Central Military ACADEMY at 18 for 3 years, later specialising in AIR SIGNALS & INT STAFF after 14 SQN 1939 CHENGTU + RUSSIANS 2 yrs & 3 SQN KUNMING: signs IN CHINESE for vital but underrated contribution of the IMPERIAL CHINESE ARMY and AIR FORCE,…

KINCADE, Paul B (#240)

…ULITHI, the Tender USS Dixie and, as many other sailors then of half a dozen nationalities, enjoying 5 splendid days of LEAVE in SYDNEY UNITED STATES NAVY: built mid40-Jun45 82,000 LANDING CRAFT, 80,000 NAVAL AIRCRAFT (half lost), 10 BATTLESHIPS, 18 FLEET CARRIERS,. 45 heavy & light CRUISERS, 338 DESTROYERS &…

BROWN, William (#156)

…story of FEPOWs who “were prisoners on the Thai/Burma railway, the Sumatra railway, the Sandakan Death Marches, in copper mines in Formosa, steel factories in Japan, building roads in Burma, air strips on Ambon, Haruka, Java, Rabaul, New Guinea and the Solomons. Also, thousands died battened down in holds on…

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