145 results found for: ‘Shetland Bus’ Service

Search results for: ‘Shetland Bus’ Service

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CASPERS, Loek NC (#162)

…(From the foreword, by Sir John Hackett – Signatory 47 – to her book, written as ‘Elsa’, To Save a Life.) Helped Jewish Families. Arnhem escape. Representing the Dutch Resistance with their high losses, some by betrayal & sent to Concentration Camps. ‘Born in 1924, she represents the service and…

DeLONG, Phillip C (#292)

…further 125 combat missions and added two more victories against Yak-9 aircraft to his total. For his service, he received a Silver Star, a Legion of Merit, DFC with 6 gold stars, an Air Medal with 16 gold stars and a Navy Commendation Medal. He retired from the Marine Corps…

GALBRAITH, William P (#297)

…known friends who did not survive, indirectly symbolizes their service also at BASTOGNE and in the Battle of the BULGE. Trained at Camp Toccoa in Georgia and via the Tower at Fort Benning with five successful aircraft jumps to qualify for the paratrooper’s wings, In June, 1943 their unit became…

AKHMETOV, Adil (#296)

…four brothers and it was he who helped bring him up, all four having been in the Soviet infantry. One uncle, wounded and weakened from his war service, would die on the return journey to his home and another relative, his much older cousin, would be killed as a pilot….

ALLINSON, Lawrence (#244)

…14.75′, 311 gun, 8 21″ Torpedoes carried, 11/9kts) and the Trident class (1,09011,575 tons, 53 complement, 275′ x 26.5′ x 12’, 4″ gun and 10 21″ torpedoes, 1519 kts) TALLYHO, with its farewell hunting horn resounding merrily along the yard, as it went off to sea trials and war service

DRAKE, Billy (#168)

…family; early education and interest in aviation; character of education at schools in Switzerland; hobbies; flight with Alan Cobham’s Flying Circus. Recollections of enlistment and pilot training with RAF in GB, 1936-1937: parent’s attitude to his joining RAF; selection interview; training with Avro Cadet with Air Service Training at Hamble…

DAUNCEY, Michael DK (#110)

…He was recommended for the Victoria Cross, but this was downgraded to a Distinguished Service Order by Field Marshal Montgomery. The citation for the award stated that during the action from September 20 to 25, his position was overrun three times by superior forces of enemy tanks and infantry. Despite…

DAVIES, Jeff (#213)

…of No. 39 SQN BLENHEIMS and MARYLANDS, before special training to join the newly formed No.3232 SERVICING COMMANDO UNIT in the MIDDLE EAST, MALTA SICILY & ITALY, where, as first SCU in, they landed at REGGIO 4 Sep 1943 at 0715hrs, soon to service SPITFIRES & USAAF WARHAWKS at SALERNO…

DONNET, Michel GL (#157)

…that they were near Clacton in Essex. Among those who met them at the local police station was the immigration officer from Harwich. Like Donnet, the vintage aircraft was pressed into RAF service for the duration of the war.” (Daily Telegraph Obituary of Mike Donnet) ‘Representing the Belgian Air Force,…

GILLARD, George (#274)

…1956-63, Director and later Managing Director, Radio 1963-70. After retirement from the BBC in late 1969 as Managing Director Radio, for some years he helped contribute to both American and Australian public service broadcasting. In 1971, he helped to ensure an oral history archive for the future was undertaken to…

HEGLUND, Svein (#166)

…the war, with over 15 victories, mostly with 331 Norwegian Squadron Spitfires Vb and IXs, and three Bf-110s destroyed with No.85 Mosquito Sqn. ‘Major General Svein Heglund DSO DPC* RNoAF received many high Norwegian honours and awards for his wartime service and also, well after the war, became a Commander…

KINCADE, Paul B (#240)

…James” – lost many friends but the event turned out well for him in a strange situation, caused by the mix of civilian and service loyalties in dangerous waters) & was commissioned after his Survivors Leave, a slightly different Cadet at Yale with his Campaign ribbons!), before the costly late…

RICE, FC (#253)

…a German U-Boat, for which the drill was to fire everything they had, which was then six torpedoes – after the timed seconds there was a reassuring explosion and its stern sank and the bows went high out of the water (award of DSO). Appointed to the BRITISH INFORMATION SERVICES…

SQUANCE, Sidney J (#247)

…at 40 degrees). His long service 1940 to Dec44 celebrates MANY GUN ACTIONS of HMS RODNEY; Sidney, as most, found her a happy, lucky & successful SHIP, despite its missing her 1941 due refit & had a high reputation HMS RODNEY(1925): 33,900, full load 38,000 ton displacement BATTLESHIP, with a…

MACLENNAN, Ian R (#128)

…Spitfires landed at Ta Kali airfield; within minutes, they were airborne with Malta-based pilots to repel a large raid by Luftwaffe bombers. Before arriving in Malta, MacLennan had not fired his guns in anger – but he had figured out the grim business of shooting down the enemy: “I’d shot…

CURTIS, Lettice (#77)

…Gower of the Women’s Air Transport Auxiliary Women’s Work in the War (Other than the Services) – Six lithographs by Ethel Leontine Gabain (1941) Two members of the women’s branch of the Air Transport Auxiliary, the organisation which is responsible for flying aircraft between factories and Royal Air Force Stations,…


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…Canadian named Ross. Braham was soon noting Gregory’s “cheerfulness”, and rating him “far above average in the AI business”. When Ross was rested, Gregory began to partner Braham regularly. Their first combat took place in early July 1941. Flying in a twin-engine Bristol Beaufighter of No 29 Squadron over a…

ROWLAND, John N (#243)

…opening, remembering it as “a field with a long runway and marquees for passengers and customs clearance”. After a number of years, he left to join the family hotel business. He always claimed that leaving BOAC was his greatest regret. In the post-war years, Rowland befriended a number of former…

Royal Air Force and Commonwealth & Allied Airforces

…Fighter Pilot Ace. 29, 616, 312, OC 306 & 615 Sqns & 146 Wg Ldr & Hurricane flakship buster, with fastest enemy a/c victory on take-off from Speke (Ju88); Typhoons & 2TAF #2 John GRANDY Marshal of the Royal Air Force Sir John GRANDY GCB GCVO KBE DSO RAF 54…

BETHGE, Dietrich (#290)

…as he concluded his final Sunday service and asked an English prisoner Payne Best to remember him to Bishop George Bell of Chichester if he should ever reach his home: “This is the end — for me the beginning of life.” Gallery of 20th Century Martyrs at Westminster Abbey. From…

GREENFIELD, Edith (#283)

…Place in Cranleigh, Surrey. There is a simple brass plaque in Cranleigh’s village church commemorating the service and sacrifice of these three brothers, Harry, Albert Frank and Percy, all three of whom served with the Queen’s Regiment, Their casualty details listed elsewhere are recorded here. Lance Corporal HARRY GREENFIELD MM…

NEIL, Thomas F (#102)

…the Battle of Britain Memorial Trust. He regularly attended the annual Battle of Britain service held at Westminster Abbey. To mark the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain in 2015, he once again flew in a Spitfire, an aircraft he described as “like flying a Bugatti”. The memory of…

ELLIOTT, George M (#222)

…the 5th Battle Squadron leader at JUTLAND,, survived torpedo from U-30 28Dec39, in the BATTLE of CAPE MATAPAN 28Mar41; bombed off Crete (2 x 5001b) she had needed repairs in Durban; George had later wartime service with 601 FLOTILLA, COMBINED OPERATIONS, mainly with LANDING CRAFT provision and subsequent repair procedures….

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