108 results found for: Combined Bomber offensive

Search results for: Combined Bomber offensive

Found 108 matches.

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GRAYSTON, Raymond E (#133)

…Assuree [Victory of the Allies is Assured] (Shows Lancasters on a night raid) © Art.IWM PST 15041 Grayston and his young Australian pilot, Les Knight, had teamed up to fly Manchester bombers with No 50 Squadron, and remained together when they joined No 617 Squadron in March 1943. The flight…


…with No.13 Sqn (including a diversionary attack during the first 1,000 BOMBER RAID) until June, 1942. He was then posted as “B” Flt Cdr to No. 26(AC) Squadron at GATWICK on TOMAHAWKS and the first MUSTANGS, mainly on FIGHTER RECONNAISSANCE and attacks on rail and road traffic in Northern France,…

HEGLUND, Svein (#166)

…Montreal and 45 Atlantic Transport Group for six months, delivering three Mosquitos, two Bostons and a Mitchell to UK via Labrador, Greenland and Iceland. With help from Signatory 50, John “Cat’s Eyes” Cunningham, Svein was able to join No.85 Sqn’s long range Mosquito Night Fighter on deep Bomber Escort operations…

ROBERTS, David (#207)

…employed on the PAC unit on the Station’s northern boundary. 3 Dornier bombers headed towards his position and when they came into range he launched a line of 9 rockets. A new anti-aircraft weapon at the time, the Luftwaffe pilots struggled to combat its effectiveness. Roberts actions and leadership accounted…

OLDS, Robin (#97)

…more. Promoted to major when he was 22, he took command of the 434th nine months after being the junior pilot. On April 7 he was escorting bombers deep over Germany when he shot down another Bf 109, his last success of the war. During 107 combat sorties, Olds was…

DONNET, Michel GL (#157)

…fighter sweeps, bomber escorts (often Bostons but then training up USAAF B-17 Fortresses) and Rhubarbs. Later 64 after a rest became the first Sqn to re-equip with the Mk IX required for FW190s and giving Mike his first kill against them in July just before Dieppe; more escorts and promotion…

Naval & Naval Air

…Hamp & 3 Val dive bombers. #257 Michael T DODDS Captain Michael T DODDS SS ATHELCROWN, ATHELPRINCE, MAURETANIA & QUEEN MARY Representing ROYAL FLEET AUXILIARY (vital OILERS, TROOP TRANSPORT millions across ATLANTIC) #175 Joseph DRISCOLL Commander Joseph DRISCOLL US NAVY joined 13Dec42 with steam, oil & nuclear experience for MARINE…

British Army and Commonwealth & Allied Armies

…AFRICA, KRRC, 3 DIV and 1 DIV TO AUSTRIA #140 MRD FOOT Major M R D FOOT MiD (2) Croix de Guerre CBE TD RA Military historian, and official historian of the Special Operations Executive. Commissioned into a Royal Engineers searchlight battalion, units transferred to Royal Artillery. Served at Combined


…feet, many hands, and many intelligences” Aristotle, A Treatise on Government, Book III, Chapter XI This website was conceived, built, designed, and populated (up to a point; we’ve barely scratched the surface) in thirty-three (33) days. Only the combined operations, far beyond the call of duty, of the ‘Welsh wizard’…

Alan Pollock

…Tower Bridge, realized it made a deliciously attractive target to fly through, the act of which became legendary.’ Alan Pollock recalls ‘the Tower Bridge Incident’ for the BBC’s World Service Tower Bridge by David Bomberg (c. 1946) Born in 1936, Alan Pollock grew up inspired by the pilots and planes…

Battle of Britain

…83 Gp, C-in-C 2nd TAF, Bomber Cd & Cdr AFCE #6 Wendy BRYAN Mrs Wendy BRYAN+ (née HULL) Wife of COMMANDO Captain Gerald BRYAN CMG CVO OBE MC (BATTLE of LITANI RIVER). In memory of her two RHODESIA & SOUTH AFRICA brothers killed, Robin (ARMY) & Squadron Leader Caesar HULL…

SCARMAN, Leslie (#241)

Leslie Scarman, Baron SCARMAN PC OBE RAF 1940-45, BOMBER COMMAND and Squadron Leader ‘TORCH’, IKE-MONTY Liaison, Nov42-May45 PSO AM TEDDER Desert & to Europe SURRENDERS…

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