146 results found for: River Plate (Battle of)

Search results for: River Plate (Battle of)

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ATKINSON, Robert (#214)

Obituary Courtesy of the Telegraph Sir Robert Atkinson, who died aged 98, won three DSCs commanding corvettes in the Battle of the Atlantic. A highly rated marine engineer and businessman, he chaired British Shipbuilders in the bleak early 1980s, making one last effort to keep the industry competitive. Atkinson arrived…

DeSTEFANO, Anthony (#238)

…of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. USAAC Crew Chief Engines B-17 F/E FLYING FORTRESS 92nd BOMBARDMENT GROUP GROUNDCREW Bovingdon, Alconbury, Podington inc. SCHWEINFURT-REGENSBURG MISSION & in memory of ARTILLERY brother Sam, KIA, BATTLE of LUZON air drop….

OULTON, Wilfrid E (#70)

…course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. (2 U Boats destroyed) Obituary in The Independent MiD*** Representing pre-War and WW2’s COASTAL COMMAND’s long RAF/RN ANTI-U BOAT JOINT BATTLE of ATLANTIC…

WEST, Ferdinand (#28)

…Wynne, 1889-1946 Banking at 4000 Feet, from Building Aircraft. The Great War: Britain’s Efforts and Ideals (LG. 23) lithograph, 1917, a good impression, signed, dated and numbered 22 in pencil, from the edition of 200, trimmed to plate impression at all but lower margins, mounted on board, top right corner…

WOOLLETT, John C (#245)

…tanks & factories, plus important, explosives ingredients. With ROYAL ENGINEER experience in the MIDDLE and FAR EAST, his signature recalls here the vital BRIDGE BUILDING and ASSAULT ENGINEERS, in providing BAILEY & PONTOON BRIDGES & surmounting the big RIVER CROSSINGS, SEINE & RHINE, often working under fire to tight deadlines,…

AIDAN of SPROT (#205)

…Gen. Sir Bernard FREYBERG VC(1916 with HOOD Bn RND) KCB KBE DSO take ITALIANS prisoner under his muzzle!); back to EUROPE as the Regimental Honours at HILL 112, CAEN & FALAISE, winning his MC at the River ALLER crossing; had an end war race to the Baltic to forestall (by…

BOWMAN, J Edwin (#198)

…of 11th HUSSARS, on to Blida & Algiers. On 24Feb44 they relieved 71st FIELD at the River GARIGLIANO seeing plenty of action, before his last near lethal stonk on 9Apr44 meant returning by HOSPITAL SHIP to arrive in Liverpool on D-Day, beginning a slow recovery & being fitted with an…

BRITTON, Arthur W (#305)

…the airlifting of entire divisions, aerial re-supply, landings by glider, casualty evacuation from small jungle airstrips and the deployment of landing craft in support of sea borne invasions and river patrols. The country and its climate were the enemy of both sides. Disease and infection could and did decimate armies…

JOYCE, Austin P (#190)

…Major during Korean War, an Irish son brought up in Yorkshire & eldest of 9, for the wide, weighty service of the Guards Regiments in general and here, the Welsh Guards in particular, throughout so many campaigns and hard-won battle honours in both world wars. Bob earned a Pacific Star…

GALBRAITH, William P (#297)

…known friends who did not survive, indirectly symbolizes their service also at BASTOGNE and in the Battle of the BULGE. Trained at Camp Toccoa in Georgia and via the Tower at Fort Benning with five successful aircraft jumps to qualify for the paratrooper’s wings, In June, 1943 their unit became…

SWETT, James Elms (#302)

…demolitions, single handedly destroyed the entire hostile strong point and its defending garrison. Consistently daring and aggressive as he fought his way over the battle-torn beach and up the sloping, gun-studded terraces toward Airfield Number 1, he repeatedly exposed himself to the blasting fury of exploding shells and later in…

ALDRIDGE, James (#200)

…DIVISION and its fine record in TWO WORLD WARS, here the NORTH AFRICAN DESERT CAMPAIGN after El Alamein, into SICILY (at times with 5th HAMPSHIRE REGT) and SALERNO (35 went into the CATANIA battle with him and only 5 came back) then to UK for NORTH WEST EUROPE, landing D+1…

LEIGHTON-PORTER, Chrystabel (#150)

…television series starring Glynis Barber, and with the 40th anniversary of the Battle of Britain soon afterwards, Christabel Leighton-Porter was once more in demand for interviews. Reporters found a lively, glamorous blonde who had kept her looks, and subsequently she appeared at many wartime reunions and functions at the Imperial…

de CLARENS, Vicomtesse (#161)

…filed a stunningly accurate report on the German missile order of battle. When captured by the Gestapo in 1944, Madame de Clarens had both the mettle and heart to warn her companions, who successfully escaped. With her place in history secure and having spent the last year of the war…

LAMA, Ganju (#146)

…his life. After training the 7th Gurkhas were posted to Imphal in Burma in 1943 where they took part in operations against the Japanese. Soldiers at the Battle of Imphal Ganju won his first major decoration, the Military Medal, after his unit surprised a Japanese formation on the Tiddim road…

STORK, J Royden (#301)

…War Hutchinson 1987). Without the Tokyo Raiders, would the Imperial Japanese Navy have embarked on what led to the Battles of Coral Sea and Midway? Col James Doolittle won a Medal of Honor for the Raid, the USS Hornet CV-8 would be sunk in the Battle of Santa Cruz, receiving…

MACLENNAN, Ian R (#128)

“Ian Maclennan is one of those men who make Canada tick” Photo by Chris Sant Fournier (Times of Malta) “Flight Lieutenant Ian MacLennan…was one of the last surviving fighter “aces” who engaged in fierce air battles during the Siege of Malta to secure the island’s survival. Malta George Cross by…

BETHGE, Dietrich (#290)

…his views, even among friends, and that “it was about time to go for a while into the desert”, but Barth regarded this as running away from the real battle. He sharply rebuked Bonhoeffer that “I can only reply to all the reasons and excuses which you put forward: ‘And…

BRISTOW, Conrad Phillip (#250)

…the Battle of Jutland (Flt Lt RUTLAND & Asst Paymaster TREWIN Observer praised highly by BEATTY, May16) and in the Dardanelles Campaign had been. the first aircraft ever to sink an enemy ship bv using a torpedo; Philip during WW2 was in FACTORY PRODUCTION & SENIOR AIR RAID & CIVIL…

BROWN, Richard (#295)

…2 engines at Halton. Beyond on his first two weeks at MANSTON he was under attack before being posted up to join 43(F) Squadron HURRICANES at Wick in Spring 1940 ahead of.its return to TANGMERE on 31st May to experience that intensive Battle of Britain period of those many attacks…

CURRAN, Samuel (#182)

…greatly enhanced the effectiveness of British anti-aircraft defences. Sam Curran (right) with Bruno Touschek. (Credit: The Touschek Family) Subsequently, be worked on developing short-wave (centimentric) radar, which was crucial to night-fighter interception of bombers and to location by aircraft of German submarines during the Battle of the Atlantic. In 1944….

FOSTER, Bill (#265)

…the Turks in the Middle East in Dec 1916. His war service though does not just incorporate here the role of his unit during the BATTLE of BRITAIN in 1940 and the BLITZ of 1940-1941 but their subsequent move out to join the Desert EIGHTH ARMY right through to SALERNO….

HARGREAVES, Arnold (#287)

…far reaching consequences to help ensure that the tide of losses in the Battle of the Atlantic would gradually be reversed at a most critical time for Britain’s very survival, with her reliance on the transatlantic supply artery for food and munitions. This epic achievement occurred a full seven months…

MASLEN-JONES, Edward (#285)

…five AUSTERS – A and C Flights were in the ARAKAN and the ADMIN BOX battle in February 1943, B Flight were at KOHIMA in March 1943 later joined by Sqn HQ and C Flt. The advance down the TIDDIM road, the advance to and crossing of the IRRAWADDY and…

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