126 results found for: Torpedo (Operations)

Search results for: Torpedo (Operations)

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GREENFIELD, Edith (#283)

…any set of sustained military operations, including British losses of over 420,000 killed in this largely fruitless attempt to advance less than five miles to support our French Allies. Harry, oldest of the three brothers, and decorated with the Military Medal, was killed on the very first day and his…

STEVENS, Steve (#193)

…flying INSTRUCTOR in South Africa flew BEAUFIGHTERS in 19 SQUADRON SAA under Lt Col DON TILLEY in the ANTI-SHIPPING and STRIKE roles from ITALY and over ADRIATIC, as part of the BALKAN AIR FORCE. Post-war he flew in the BERLIN AIRLIFT, here signing for the wider operations of the SOUTH…

NEILSON, Ian G (#211)

…the citation recognising that “most of the initial reconnaissance and preparation had fallen on his willing shoulders and as the success of subsequent operations showed, had been well carried out”. Ian Godfrey Neilson was born in Glasgow on December 4 1918 and attended Glasgow Academy before studying Law and Forensic…

KELLETT, Ronald G (#29)

…Airman lying on a bed is Flying Officer Eugeniusz Horbaczewski. Note the board with names of fliers assigned to specific Squadron flights and aircraft. Copyright: © IWM. Original Source: http://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/205235068 He was rested from operations at the end of 1942. With a tally of kills for the war at 5…

WALTER, AE Mervyn (#232)

…the Port Facility (b) To discharge ships over GOLD, JUNO and SWORD BEACHES (c) To repair and operate the PORTS of OUISTREHAM and PORT-en-BESSIN, and, if possible, the OUISTREHAM 1 CAEN CANAL” *Chief of Combined Operations Born in 1907 out in Taungoo, BURMA, where his Father was seconded to the…

MAYBANK, John W (#242)

…NOWRA (near JERVIS BAY, New South Wales) flying on to HMS ILLUSTRIOUS on 9Feb45 to prepare for the intensive strikes of 26Mar-l5Apr45 at SAKISHIMA Gunto, including two days of strafing ISHIGAKI, then FORMOSA, in TASK FORCE 57. The Command chain went up through Rear-Adm Sir Philip VIAN i/c Carrier Operations


…own loaned 2nd Pilot) then 277 and 279 SQUADRONS & OTU ALNESS; in particular records the CONTRIBUTION of crews’ long arduous 12 hour COASTAL COMMAND PATROLS, with no autopilots & non-existent navigation aids, frequently as a deterrent presence with intangible results, and for the OPERATIONS of wartime SUNDERLAND FLYING BOATS….

COX, John W (#298)

…appreciated. Though designed for high-altitude day bombing, in practice the B29 flew more low-altitude night incendiary bombing missions for the fire-bombing campaign. Their importance in mining operations of Japanese harbours, mostly at night, also had considerable strategic effect in limiting Japanese food supplies. Hiroshima and Nagasaki.were destroyed by the B-29…

AIDAN of SPROT (#205)

…muzzle!); back to EUROPE as the Regimental Honours at HILL 112, CAEN & FALAISE, winning his MC at the River ALLER crossing; had an end war race to the Baltic to forestall (by 8 hrs) Soviet Forces entering DENMARK; his main role was RECONNAISSANCE operations, in fast, light HONEY TANKS…

British Army and Commonwealth & Allied Armies

Operations Headquarters before joining SAS as intelligence officer. Prisoner of war severely injured trying to escape. SPECIAL OPERATIONS EXECUTIVE, & Cols Airey NEAVE & James LANGLEY, MI9 ESCAPE & EVASION & + father SEARCHLIGHT & A/A DEFENCE. #43 Macleod FORSYTH Company Sergeant Major Macleod FORSYTH MM Order of the Red…

WEST, Ferdinand (#28)

…ART 4637 West soon decided he wanted to be a pilot, and volunteered at any opportunity for sorties in order to accumulate an impressive total of flying hours as an observer, before applying for pilot training. By July 1917, he had flown over 100 hours in operations, and duly requested…

WEBB, Robert Walter (#252)

…and excellent record on DESTROYERS, a CORVETTE and a FRIGATE, in gunnery and as a HIGHER SUBMARINE DETECTOR,’ he signs for these ships’ defensive and offensive roles, specifically .for the development/ training and OPERATIONS of all NAVAL ASDIC OPERATORS. An extract from the Admiralty Honours & Awards letter 145/43 to…

MANTLE, W Eric (#189)

…B-29 Stratofortress, which destroyed two thirds of NAGASAKI, as well as being later reinforced by Signatories 182 (Manhattan project), 298 (Tinian B-29 operations) and 284 the bridging Japanese Canadian Christian, Father John Motoki SHOZAWA, to ‘sign anonymously’ for the JAPANESE by inscribing HIROSHIMA in vertical Japanese writing on each print….

CUNNINGHAM, John (#50)

…returned to operations early in 1943, when he received command of No 85, a Mosquito night fighter squadron. After adding several more kills to his score – including four fast FW 190 fighter bombers – Cunningham joined Fighter Command’s No 11 Group headquarters as a group captain aged 26, still…

OLDS, Robin (#97)

…duty in Vietnam, Olds was promoted to brigadier general and became the commandant of cadets at the US Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs. In February 1971 he became the Director of Aerospace Safety, but was soon restless to return to flying operations. He offered to drop a rank to…


…Wing consisting of 181,182, 247 and 137 Squadrons, his DSO reflected his leadership on “tank busting” operations including the FALAISE pocket and invaluable close air support right up to the RHINE CROSSING.. Near Wesel he was shot down by flak but force-landed on an island, where he was captured but…

MUNRO, John (#201)

…AVENGER OPERATIONS (at times with pilot, later Vice-Adm Gus Halliday DSC) flying over HOME WATERS & the ATLANTIC (then often with Lt later Rear-Adm David KIRKE CB CBE RN), and later with the EAST INDIES FLEET for the important raids on the Songei Gerong PALEMBANG OIL REFINERY installations 29 Jan…

DONNET, Michel GL (#157)

…and their officer training at Evere. After invasion, air operations in a chaotic environment, an attempted escape (his friend Lt Didier made thirteen!) and 6 months of incarceration, and a Jan41 release return to near Brussels, their plot was hatched in April and, not without many adventures, mishaps, setbacks and…

CHRISTIE, Werner Hosewinckel (#165)

…Plans at 11 Group, he commanded 234 Sqn’s Mustangs on Bomber Escort operations, and became Wg Ldr 150 Mustang Wing in Feb45 and the Hunsdon Wing in Mar45, and later became a POW for a few days having baled out over Germany after destroying a FW190 NE of Berlin on…

CHOWDRI, Abdul Bashir (#228)


ROBERTS, David (#207)

…postings in Cyprus and Amman, from where he launched clandestine operations all over northern Syria. He returned to Britain in 1944, taking over command of the RAF Regiment depot at Belton Park. In 1946, he was sent to the Far East to establish the RAF Regiment (Malaya) force of British…


…late November, the Soviet Air Force took over the planes. During five weeks of operations, 151 Wing claimed 16 victories, four probably destroyed and seven aircraft damaged, for the loss of one RAF pilot. Four pilots were awarded the Soviet Union’s highest decoration, the Order of Lenin. In 2014, the…


…She passed away last week, at age 98. Rousseau stole key secrets from the Nazis, including details of weapons like the V1 and V2 rockets. Her operations are still considered a “masterpiece of intelligence work.” At a CIA awards ceremony in 1993, the agency’s then director, James Woolsey, said the…

Battle of Britain VC

…VC (1917-1945) by Frank Thatcher; Royal Air Force Museum Just hours later, and three score miles away, Winston Churchill left RAF Uxbridge, where he’d been visiting the No 11 Group Operations Room, to monitor The Battle of Britain. No 11 Fighter Group’s Operations Room, Uxbridge by Charles Ernest Cundall (1943)…

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