145 results found for: ‘Shetland Bus’ Service

Search results for: ‘Shetland Bus’ Service

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MORLEY, Sam (#278)

service on the destroyer HMS VERDUN, one of 68 V & W destroyers built between 1915 and 1925, we recall the return on VERDUN of the UNKNOWN WARRIOR from Flanders after WW I. When he was ‘buried among the kings’ in Westminster Abbey on Remembrance Day, 11th November 1920, there…

PAVILLARD, Stanley S (#171)

…of lives, even though 17,000 Allied servicemen out of 70,000 would perish and 100,000 Asian lives were lost. Guided for his blind signature, this represents not only the FAR EAST PRISONERS of WAR but also, through his many years at St DUNSTAN’s, all those other BLINDED SERVICE MEN and WOMEN….

McDOWELL, L Patricia T (#167)

…all the Nursing Services. She spoke of how important for morale were the close local links with the British people, particularly in the run up to the savage fighting on and beyond D-Day, when speedy Casualty Evacuation was another unsung story of service and care for the forward troops.’ [ARP]…

GOUGH, Herbert G (#229)

…NAVAL FORTS off PORTSMOUTH, as part of defences against enemy E-Boats or Destroyers, also 45 FORTRESS Coy at Southampton; embarked on AQUITANIA, he went to PORT SAID, Kantara and first active service was in PALESTINE, then TUNISIA, the BATTLE of CRETE, NORTH AFRICA, EIGHTH ARMY’s MARETH LINE & the BATTLES…

DAUNT, Ivan Decourcey (#251)

…His father, THOMAS, was a R.E. Sapper and Diver in WW1, one elder brother, FREDERICK, was a RAOC driver, another, WILLIAM, with the KENT AUXILIARY FIRE service, while a third, HARRY, had also been a Sapper in the 1930s in Palestine and Egypt, escaping up into Siam when Singapore fell….

STORK, J Royden (#301)

…Arnold’s Trucking Company we called it, the transport side, we were flying C-54 aircraft all the time, that was great. I ended up (my service) at Fairfield Sasson in San Francisco. After that a job offer came and I got a good boost from a cousin of a kid I…

HEARN, Avis J (#75)

…Medal. ‘She received the medal from George VI himself, at Buckingham Palace. She was just 24 years old. Avis J Hearn’s Recommendation for a Military Medal ‘A former Girl Guide Acting Corporal Avis Joan Hearn, joined the Auxiliary Territorial Service in 1939. She was selected for the Women’s Auxiliary Air…

VERITY, Hugh (#87)

…Legion d’Honneur in 1946. Hugh Beresford Verity was born in Jamaica on April 6 1918, and educated at Cheltenham and at Queen’s College, Oxford. After a brief period teaching at a prep school in Northern Ireland, he was granted a short service commission in the RAF. In September 1940, he…

SHEEN, Desmond FB (#88)

…in 1937 sailed for Britain, where he was granted a short service commission in the RAF and was posted to No 72 Squadron. His first real taste of action came on October 21 1939, when he shot down two of some dozen Heinkel 115 floatplanes that were attacking a North…

ASHMORE, Edward (#268)

…GCB DSC RN was born in December, 1919 and his career is well covered in his book “The Battle and the Breeze”. He and his younger brother, Sir Peter, were sons of Vice Admiral L C Ashmore CB DSO. His war service on BIRMINGHAM, JUPITER and MIDDLETON developed into a…

KELLETT, Ronald G (#29)

…at Mildenhall, Cambridgeshire. He earned a Distinguished Service Order for his leadership at this time. The citation reads: Squadron Leader Kellett as commander of his squadron has built up and trained his personnel to such a fine fighting pitch that no fewer than 113 enemy aircraft have been destroyed in…

BRIDGE, John (#154)

…laid by German frogmen in the Waal, allowing the difficult west Scheldt Estuary bridgehead to be sustained. The wide, dangerous service and courage of 100,000 or so Allied specialists of all arms is saluted within John Bridge’s signed tribute to his colleagues, so many of whom had to pay with…


…Wing consisting of 181,182, 247 and 137 Squadrons, his DSO reflected his leadership on “tank busting” operations including the FALAISE pocket and invaluable close air support right up to the RHINE CROSSING.. Near Wesel he was shot down by flak but force-landed on an island, where he was captured but…

LEIGHTON-PORTER, Arthur (#151)

…– had to be a contractual national ‘secret’ during the war, signing here for the effective (but so costly in young lives) service of the Typhoon Squadrons in the liberation of North West Europe, in the much appreciated support of the forward troops – in particular against enemy armour and…

HODGES, Lewis (#34)

…club’s fortunes were dramatically improved. Hodges’s portrait hangs in a prominent place in the club. His experiences as an evader, and his contacts with the SOE and the French Resistance during his wartime service, left Hodges with a deep respect for those who risked so much and for the many…

DUNN, Patrick Hunter (#15)

…at Glasgow on December 31 1912. He was educated at Loretto and Glasgow University before joining the RAF on a short service commission in 1933. After training in Scotland he attended the flying-boat and general reconnaissance course at Calshot and was posted to No 201. He went to the Central…

DAVID, W Dennis (#18)

…John Lovey, a wholesale clothing and footwear business run by an uncle. As war loomed, he trained with the RAFVR, flying a Blackburn B.2 biplane trainer at the London Air Park. After the fall of France, 87 Squadron re-formed at Church Fenton, near Leeds. In July 1940, it moved to…

MASEFIELD, Peter (#219)

…pre-war FAIREY DESIGN, helped form pre-war “HEARKERS”. as TECHNICAL EDITOR of “AEROPLANE”, stressed necessity of AIRCRAFT RECOGNITION TRAINING and later helped ROYAL OBSERVER CORPS & OTHER FORCES, becoming EDITOR of “Aeroplane Spotter” & “Inter-Services Journal on AIRCRAFT RECOGNITION”; Personal ADVISER Lord BEAVERBROOK and Secretary WAR CABINET COMMITTEE on AIR TRANSPORT….

MASLEN-JONES, Edward (#285)

…to RANGOON was reliant on their 6,712 sorties in 5,170 flying hours flown between October 1944 and May 1945 with important ARTILLERY DIRECTION and this not always in the easiest of weather for flying and difficult conditions on the ground to service and supply the aircraft. Ted had originally been…

LEWIS, Gwilym (#30)

…1947, after more than 25 years’ service, they decided to continue without him. Lewis then joined Arbon Langrish and on the death of the senior partner became chairman. He successfully built up the American side of the business before selling out to Clarkeson in 1965. However he maintained a lifelong…


…more than 250 years…if the Lord wills.” Renowned cellist. German wartime opposition & Nazi resistance. #162 Loek NC CASPERS Dr Loek NC ‘Elsa’ CASPERS King’s Medal for Service in cause of Freedom “Caspers used her bike to transport everything from hand grenades to transmitters for calling in allied bombing raids…

The Editions

…Facsimile Edition, again with at least half of all proceeds going to service-related charities, but this may not be available for a couple of months: if interested, please sign up to the Newsletter (at the bottom of this page), where we’ll report progress. (The image below is not a very…

Civilians and War Production

…Brusa signal-sharing agreement for UK. ALLIED CRYPTOGRAPHIC TEAMS, BLETCHLEY PARK Huts & ULTRA INTELLIGENCE. #98 Margaret Susan CHESHIRE Margaret Susan Cheshire (Lady SUE RYDER) Baroness of WARSAW, CMG OBE Volunteer for Special Operations Executive, and widow of [No. 31: Leonard CHESHIRE, q.v.] SOE’s (Gen. GUBBINS) ‘magnificent’ WOMEN’S TRANSPORT SERVICE of…

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