224 results found for: Army/Air Operations (Joint)

Search results for: Army/Air Operations (Joint)

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SUTTON, Thomas A (#308)

…tests except for a hearing test problem from an inflammation possibly tricky if exposed to rapid air pressure changes. Receiving call up papers for the Army he was not too keen after hearing Dunkirk stories of long marches, so volunteered for the expanding Royal Navy, with the usual three months…

DROBINSKI, Boleslaw H (#19)

…Britain London Monument Polish Fly Boys in The Battle of Britain (Polscy lotnicy w Bitwie o Anglie) Old Sarum Airfield, where Drobonski was trained and assessed, now houses the Boscombe Down Aviation Collection. Boscombe Down Aviation Collection housed at Old Sarum Airfield Polish War Memorial, Northolt, London Spoczywaj w pokoju…

HANBURY BROWN, Robert (#196)

…took a BSc in Engineering in 1935. As one of the brightest young engineers of the time, he was invited to join the original team working with Sir Robert Watson-Watt on radar development at the Air Ministry research station at Bawdsey Manor (1936-42). Here he helped develop the first airborne…

BURN, Michael C (#86)

…timing, performance, soundtrack, exultation, and climax. It was almost aimed at the sexual parts of one’s consciousness.” But such enthusiasm for the Nazis turned to disenchantment after a day trip to Dachau, the first of the concentration camps. Burn joined the Army as a part-timer in 1937 and, when war…


…In this painting, numerous barrage balloons are shown floating above the trees. Operated by RAF Balloon Command, barrage balloons were used to protect cities from air attack. They forced German aircraft to operate at higher altitudes, reducing the accuracy of their bombing and bringing them within range of anti-aircraft guns.”…

BROWN, Richard (#295)

…testing flights on WELLINGTON, WARWICK, LUSANDER and a range of other aircraft, sometimes on drogue gunnery training for air gunners, and also frequently detached to close by and other OTU airfields. With preparation for D-Day he was at 11 OTU working on TEMPESTS and TYPHOONS before moving to his specialist…

PEARSON, Alastair S (#113)

…you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. ‘One of the most highly regarded soldiers of the Parachute Regiment and British Army’. For: TERRITORIALS, 6Bn HIGHLAND Lt Infy, 1st ARMY, 1PARA & PARA BDE Ops in North Africa TORCH 1942-3, the SICILY & NORMANDY Invasions…

PENTIN, Yuri (#119)

…up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. Lieutenant from PERM in Urals. Fought, aged 17 to 19, with Anti-Aircraft ARTILLERY & 9th ARMY. For: SOVIET ARMY, USSR’s courage & sacrifice of 20 MILLION….

RHODES JAMES, Richard (#138)

…know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. Author (e.g. Chindit, 1980), historian & teacher. Headquarters, 111th Brigade in India, Second Chindit Expedition to Burma. Short IWM oral history CHINDITS and INDIAN ARMY’s South East ASIA CD, INTELL1GENCE, SIGNALS & Orde WINGATE’s air-supported, long range penetration….

MIXON, Charles H (#78)

…Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. In memory of his crews, and representing ALL CREWS, of the ‘MIGHTY EIGHTH’ US 8th ARMY AIR FORCE – especially his B-17 FLYING FORTRESSES & their high combat LOSSES….

HILL, David (#100)

…extraordinary signatories. American fighter pilot and ‘triple ace’, 12¼ e/a as Sqn Ldr on FLYING TIGER and 6 e/a as US Army Air Corps officer: flew with the 23rd FIGHTER GROUP In 1942-44, also flew P-51s (retired as Brigadier General). Representing AMERICAN VOLUNTEER GROUP of CHENAULT’s ‘FLYING TIGERS’ over CHINA…

POCOCK, Donald A (#108)

…the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. Served Western Desert, Middle East and Balkans, founder member ROYAL AIR FORCE REGIMENT (formed 8 Jan and 12 Feb 1942). Representing ROYAL AIR FORCE REGIMENT / Tactical GROUND DEFENCE of RAF AIRFIELDS…

LOCKWOOD, Geoffrey (#194)

…ROYAL AIR FORCE’s MARINE CRAFT and AIR SEA RESCUE SERVICE which saved many Allied lives during its wartime service including D-Day, the morale effect of SAVING DITCHED AIRCREW returning from raids was considerable; to quote two of Geoffrey’s many sea rescues:- he saved Co-Pilot, 2nd Lt T H DAVIS &…

CALDER, Benjamin J (#176)

Alan Pollock’s Rough Notes: A work in progress – the fuller biographies will emerge in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done appropriate justice to the American heroes among our signatories. Sergeant Benjamin J CALDER US ARMY

MANTLE, W Eric (#189)

…represents all CHAPLAINS of each service, with a fair number of mainly ARMY ones decorated for gallantry under fire. He served in ITALY with RAF, and later, after helping evacuate the DUTCH out of JAVA, played a special role in the 1945 (& the later Fiftieth Anniversary of) RECONCILIATION with…

HAMILTON, John AL (#272)

…of the 81st WEST AFRICAN DIVISION, served with and commanded soldiers of both the GAMBIA and GOLD COAST REGIMENTS, the “Forgotten Formations” in the “Forgotten Campaign” in the KALADAN of the “Forgotten Army” and recalls the achievements of the expansion of peacetime’s ROYAL WEST AFRICAN, FRONTIER FORCE and the soldiers…

McDOWELL, L Patricia T (#167)

Army, she cared for the most severely wounded and dying soldiers who were evacuated from the invading beaches of Normandy to England in the summer of 1944. She later said that what made the biggest impression on her was the strong unity between the young Norwegian boys in exile. Pat…

HERFORD, Martin EM (#246)

…with the Germans, realising quickly they too had a great casualty problem; he now renegotiated with a startling proposal, which they then accepted to relieve their own overstretched resources – an “AIRBORNE HOSPITAL” was opened at the DUTCH ARMY barracks at APELDOORN where all the 250 or so medical staff…

ZURAKOWSKI, Stanislaw (#169)

…Military Cross) signs not only for the POLISH ARMY’S fighting prowess at the Battle of CASSINO and in so many other theatres of war but for his father, Stanislaw Ludwik ZURAKOWSKI, Mayor of OSTROG in 1938, and all those 4,000 POLISH military officers and leaders executed in the KATYN MASSACRE…

MUNRO, John (#201)

…wartime TELEGRAPHIST AIR GUNNER of 816 & 845 SQNs to represent all the RN “TAGs”, especially those flying in the primitive but remarkably effective Swordfish “Stringbags”, the (only British pre-war operational aircraft to finish WW2 still operational & the same aircraft), here on convoy protection & anti E-boats; also for…

COOPER, JM (#220)

…DCM & 3 MiDs of SCOTS GUARDS 8 GUARDS COMMANDO, original L Detachmant SPECIAL AIR SERVICE (later 1 SAS, 21 SAS, 22 SAS & GREEN HOWARDS), as desert driver/navigator with Lt to Lt Col David STIRLING on first SMALL SCALE raids, parallel with Paddy MAYNE’S 15 minute destruction of 20…

RASMUSSEN, Philip M (#293)

…sleeping quarters when, out of his window, he saw a group of Japanese airplanes dropping bombs on the field. He strapped his .45 pistol to the outside of his pajamas and ran to get an airplane. Most aircraft were destroyed but Lt. Rasmussen found an unscathed P-36 Hawk and taxied…

Civilians and War Production

#244 Lawrence ALLINSON Mr Lawrence ALLINSON MACHINE CAULKER as father VICKERS ARMSTRONG BARROW 51 years, BUILT WARSHIPS, CARRIERS, LINERS, SUBMARINES as UPHOLDER for Lieutenant Commander Alastair Mars DSO, DSC* #64 Margaret BLYTH Mrs Margaret ‘Maggie’ BLYTH (née EDWARDES-JONES) Cryptographer, and sister of Air Marshall Sir Humphrey ‘EJ’ Edwardes-Jones, first SPITFIRE…

JOYCE, Austin P (#190)

…awarded the B.E.M. for his valuable services in Japan – in support of the operations in Korea – in the period September 1950 to June 1952, he served in Germany in the following year, with command of the ‘Old Guard’ to Rudolf Hess at Spandau Prison. Active service resumed with…

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